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Categorie archives: Afghanistan

  • Monday July 12, 2021

    Good morning folks. Politics are not my cup of tea and I am not
    trying to make a statement. However, lately I must admit I am
    concerned about the situation in Afghanistan. Since international
    forces are pulling out, this once so promising land is doomed to
    fall back in oppression again. As a lover of this ancient culture
    and collector of Afghan antiques it touches me to see the good
    people struggle. In february 2018 I already posted volume 1,
    today we find the second volume of ‘Folk Music
    of Afghanistan’. Enjoy listening ..

    Goeiemorgen muziek vrienden. Politiek is niet iets waar ik me
    veel mee bezig houd. De laatste tijd echter maak ik me wel
    zorgen over de situatie in Afghanistan. Sinds de internationale
    gemeenschap de troepen terug trekt uit dit eens zo veelbelovende
    land, dreigt het wederom te vervallen in onderdrukking. Als liefhebber
    van de oude cultuur en verzamelaar van Afghaanse antiquiteiten gaat
    het me aan het hart de bevolking hiermee te zien stoeien. In februari
    2018 postte ik reeds volume 1 van ‘Folk Music of Afghanistan’.
    Vandaag vinden we het tweede volume. Luister met plezier ..

    Folk Music of Afghanistan vol. 1 1971
    Discogs, vol. 1
    Discogs, vol. 2

    01 – Ghulam Haidar – Hazara song (Dai Kundi district)
    02 – Safdar – Hazara char bayti (Dai Kundi district)
    03 – Amir Hamza, Nur Mohammad – Song from nuristan (Kamdesh)
    04 – Yar Mohammad – Baluch song (Sharband)
    05 – Mohammad Reza – Nay (Qala-i Fat)
    06 – Yar Mohammad – Baluch liku (Sharband)
    07 – Chari, Isham Qoi, Azizullah – Uzbek ensemble (Sheberghan)
    08 – Zulaikha and Assistents – Belarzik (Andkhoi)
    09 – Abdul Ghafur Khan – Uzbek song (Andkhoi)
    10 – Sayid Abdul Shukur – Turkoman song (Sheberghan)
    11 – Turdi Qoi – Tuyduk (Sheberghan)
    12 – Mohammad Unis Kazakh – Kazakh song (Herat)
    13 – Boran Gui – Chang (Herat)


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:05 AM
  • Thursday February 22, 2018


    tracks ;

    01 – Pashtu Landay – Dambura and voice
    02 – Pashtu Ghazal – Voice with robab
    03 – Pashtu Ensemble – Harmonium, robab, tabla, zerbaghali
    04 – Babulala – Dambura and voices
    05 – Song from Nangarhar – Robab, tabla, harmonium and voice
    06 – Sorna and Dhol
    07 – Char Bayti – Voice
    08 – Herat Ensemble – Dotar, zerbaghali, tasak and voice
    09 – Olang Olang – Dayra and voice
    10 – Song from Northern Herat – Dotar and voice
    11 – Tula – Instrumental
    12 – Ghichak and Zerbaghali – Instrumental
    13 – Ensemble of Northern Afghanistan – Dambura, voice, tasak and zerbaghali


    Posted by Moos
    at 12:32 PM