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Categorie archives: Llanera
- Monday January 6, 2020
Today we find vol. 7 of the Ramito, el Cantor de la Montaña series.
His jibaro is always christal clear and very strong sounding. Songs
about his love for Puerto Rico and live Borincano. I am a fan since
the very first notes I heard. There is no escaping
from el Gran Ramito ..Parrandeando 1981
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 5
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 6
el Cantor de la Montaña SALP 1296
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 4
Amor y Patria 1980
78 Pueblos Borincanos 1979
el Cantor de la Montaña SALP 1277
Un Aguinaldo Para Ti
El Favorito de Puerto Rico
Ecos del Pasado, Las Raíces de Ramito
el Cantor de la Montaña ALP 1237
Wikipediatracks ;
01 – David y goliat
02 – Sin remedio
03 – Vendo unos ojos verdes
04 – El amor y el tiempo
05 – En cada pueblo un amor
06 – Camino del cielo
07 – Moises el profeto
08 – Lo tuyo
09 – Virgen maria
10 – El desafio
11 – No me llores
12 – Gallina con sabor a polloPosted by Moosat 10:43 PMCategories
- Sunday August 3, 2014
From the moment I first laid my ears on it, I was sold.
Jíbaro from Puerto Rico is a style of music impossible
to ignore, we had a bunch of lp’s already. Ramito, Chuito
and one by German Rosario too. This one was waiting
for a while to find it’s place and today it finally comes
through to you. Hope you like it,
No need to rush however,
it is here to stay.tracks;
1 Todo lo tenia postizo
2 A puerto rico
3 Dime quien tiene tu amor
4 A solas con mi dolor
5 Huerfano en la vida
6 Las chicharroneras
7 Esdrujula
8 Celo matrimonial
9 Con la cruz a cuestas
10 Anoche mientras dormia
11 Castigo
12 Que delito me cometido ?Posted by Moosat 10:01 AMCategories
- Thursday December 17, 2009
If I understood correctly, Ramito’s music is very popular
with Christmas in Puerto Rico. On this album, Ramito is once
more accompanied by Conjunto, Toñito Ferrer y sus Jibaros Modernos.
The rhythms have beautiful names like, Aguinaldo, Mapayé
and Ritmo Boricua among others, enjoy them.tracks;
1 Rosas del campo
2 Triste y solitario
3 Verdades amargas
4 Nuestras mujeres
5 Siempre amor
6 Enseñame el lunar
7 Recuerdos del nene
8 Lo que tu no sabes
9 Echa pa’ lante
10 El preso y el que esta muerto
11 La copa rota
12 AdivinamePosted by Moosat 9:31 PMCategories
- Saturday December 12, 2009
Today we’ve got another Flor Morales Ramos, Ramito in short.
Backsleeve notes claim that his most famous tracks appear on
ALP 1237. I wanted to link you to it but the page that hosts it
is only for invited visitors, listenwithmyears.blogspot.com.
I know at least one happy visitor with this LP, it’s for you Joe.tracks;
1 Parranda Borinqueña
2 Adios y dame un beso
3 Buena en cantidad
4 Plegaria a la madre
5 Candela
6 Sin razon
7 La tierra mia
8 No eres guapo na’
9 Poema de amor
10 Por la que se fue
11 Cualquiera de pena llora
12 El guapo JalaoPosted by Moosat 11:54 AMCategories
Ansonia ALP 1412