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Categorie archives: Real life story

  • Saturday July 26, 2008

    Puerto Candelaria, front

    Last wednesday I had a tremendous night, my friend Kai invited me
    to see Puerto Candelaria at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam.
    It was a surprising gig, very original and entertaining.
    I had a great time seeing their guest of the night, Edmar Castaneda,
    a harpplayer from Colombia too, whom they had never met before.
    It was a spontaneous meeting, that worked out very nice, Edmar
    plays that electric harp like no other, what a skillfulness.
    After playing their concert, the group joined the crowd in the bar.
    My friends brother dj Jairzinho, was playing some nice cumbia’s.
    I had the opportunity to meet the band’s members and we had a nice
    conversation about Colombian music, Medellin, where they’re from etc.
    Thanks so much Juan Diego, for inviting me to visit you in Medellin.
    If I’m lucky and find the time, I’ll be there later this year.
    It was great talking to you and Juan Guillermo Aguilar, you can
    expect my call.

    Check the Website of Puerto_Candelaria

    That same evening, during the break of the concert, I met some
    other very interesting people, Doctor Salsa ( Ira Goldwasser ) and
    his lovely wife Harriett Broekman, who used to be dancers at the
    New York Palladium in the 50’s.
    I had a very nice chat with mrs. Salsa about the Ansonia label and
    Latin music in general. Amazing to hear how she tells about all the
    famous artists, of who she knows so many. Thank you Harriett for
    the fantastic tips you gave me, and for the DVD and CD that you sent
    me the day after.
    I hope to meet you soon again.

    About the music;

    The first 2 songs are from ‘Puerto Candelaria’s’ CD, ‘Llegó la Banda’.
    I didn’t give you the whole CD because it is available in the
    musicstore, go buy you one.
    track No. 3 is by ‘Doctor Salsa’ as you can see.
    track 4 and 5 are two tracks from the new group of two members of
    Puerto Candelaria, Juan Diego Valencia and Juan Guillermo Aguilar.
    Another thank you goes out to Johan Leestemaker, Who spent a
    great part of his life in Medellin, thanks Johan for being of
    big help.

    Long story, Great evening, Super Networking, thank you all so much.


    1 Puerto Candelaria – Para el Doctor
    2 Puerto Candelaria – Llegó la banda
    3 Doctor Salsa – Doctor Salsa
    4 Banda la República – Automático
    5 Banda la República – Pa’que no me molesten


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:37 AM