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Categorie archives: Mariandá
- Thursday July 15, 2021
Back in 2008, when I only just got started with the GG,
I found this wonderful record at a fellow blog called La
Caja de Pandora. It doesn’t exist anymore unfortunately.
I was thrilled to discover Jibaro from Puerto Rico and over
the years found quite some records myself. Check our
categories list on jibaro. It is such a long time ago and since
La Caja de Pandora has vanished from the web, I feel free
to re-post this special and thrilling album. Listen ..Toen ik nog maar net met de GG was begonnen in 2008,
vond ik deze plaat bij een ander blog, La Caja de Pandora.
Ze bestaan helaas niet meer. Ik was ondersteboven van deze
geweldig mooie muziek uit Puerto Rico en door de jaren heb ik
zelf meerdere albums gevonden. Kijk in onze categorie lijst op
jibaro. Het is al lang geleden en omdat dit blog verdwenen is
voel ik me nu vrij hem zelf te ‘re-posten’. Luister ..01 – Odilio Gonzalez – Ayer deja mi borinquen
02 – Ramito – Enseñame el lunar
03 – Chuito – Lamento jibaro
04 – Odilio Gonzalez – De borinquen flores
05 – Odilio Gonzalez – Que mala suerte la mia
06 – German Rosario – Celo matrimonial
07 – Baltazar Carrero – Siempre peleando
08 – Chuito Y Natalia – Te casas o no te casas
09 – Toñin Romero – Mi bohio de matojos
10 – Ramito – Huerfanito de madre
11 – Orquesta de Cuatros de P.R. – Seis chorreao
12 – Ramito – El derecho de nacer
13 – Chuito – Vamonos pal campo
14 – Ramito – Regalando rosas
15 – Ramito – No hay cama pa tanta gentePosted by Moosat 2:05 PMCategories
- Sunday August 3, 2014
From the moment I first laid my ears on it, I was sold.
Jíbaro from Puerto Rico is a style of music impossible
to ignore, we had a bunch of lp’s already. Ramito, Chuito
and one by German Rosario too. This one was waiting
for a while to find it’s place and today it finally comes
through to you. Hope you like it,
No need to rush however,
it is here to stay.tracks;
1 Todo lo tenia postizo
2 A puerto rico
3 Dime quien tiene tu amor
4 A solas con mi dolor
5 Huerfano en la vida
6 Las chicharroneras
7 Esdrujula
8 Celo matrimonial
9 Con la cruz a cuestas
10 Anoche mientras dormia
11 Castigo
12 Que delito me cometido ?Posted by Moosat 10:01 AMCategories
- Saturday August 28, 2010
Flor Morales Ramos or in short Ramito is one of the
interpreters of traditional style Jibaro. El Cantor de la Montaña
is back at the GG with a sweet album. Aguinaldo, Seis,
Plena, Mariandá, Mapayé are typical Puerto Rican music styles,
that the great Ramito brought us like no other, check it yourself.
P.S., B-side gets a bit false towards the end due to lurching grooves.tracks;
1 Desde mi tumba
2 El dinero no es la vida
3 Filomena
4 El hijo desobediente
5 Preso por tu amor
6 Soy un desventurado
7 La mujer boricua
8 Queja y consejo
9 Poco sitia para dos
10 San Juan bautista
11 Tristeza campesina
12 No te vistas que no vasPosted by Moosat 5:53 PMCategories
- Sunday May 10, 2009
Here’s another Ramito on Ansonia, I found several Ramito’s and a
couple of them are without title. Let’s just call them by their
Ansonia number. This is SALP 1277 and it doubles two tracks of the
previous Ramito I posted. Juana de Arcos and El ultimo adios a mi
madre. The other tracks were not yet posted here. Fans of Ramito are
very lucky, we still got a few to come in the near future.tracks;
1 Romances y flores
2 Huerfano de madre
3 Juana de Arcos
4 Puerto Rico y yo
5 Mujer traidora
6 Estampas Puertorriqueñas
7 El ultimo adios a mi madre
8 La venganza del muerto
9 El Borinqueño ausente
10 La paloma
11 El precio de un beso
12 De tan alto a tan bajoPosted by Moosat 10:04 AMCategories
Various Artists
Ansonia CDA 613051