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Categorie archives: Waka

  • Friday December 25, 2020

    Merry Christmas to all of you visitors.
    For the occasion we’ve found you this Nigerian waka X-mas
    album with Alhaja Adijat Kubura Alaragbo and her Waka Group.
    Have a nice day with your families and friends, don’t overeat
    and listen to some nice music. This record is for all lovers
    of apala, fuji and waka, for all fellow bloggers, Henk, Gerrit,
    Jillem, Matthew, John, dj Daudi, Peter, Reservatory,
    Groovemonzter, Dial Africa and all others ..
    to all visitors, Anon, Rik, Mouhamadou, Juanito, el Profe, Ian, Carl,
    Dennis, Willy, Harris, Lawrence, Pete, Patrick, Richard, Antonio,
    Ngoni, Paolo, David, Julian, Carlos, Christophe, Doreen, Philip,
    Good to Go, Graziano, Maren, Lenormand, Ians, Kwabena,
    Nick, Deixaeudormir, Neeko, José, Bert, Willem, Frits, DiJit,
    Steven, Rob, Prince Arjen, Allen, Hans, Patraoo, Adebayo,
    Gill, Veteau, Jahson, C-record, jean-Luc, Tim, Stephane,
    Zesty, Anthony, Fanta, Ron, Kwame, Peacenik, Max,
    Paulo, Kwesik, Barron, Beeden, etc. etc. etc..
    Listen with pleasure.

    Self Titled

    01 – Ori ota kore
    —- Okiki ki posu
    —- Oje je iyawo
    —- Aiye e pon wa le
    02 – Emi ase waka yi lowo
    —- Egbe amuludun (omi adio)
    —- Alhaji m.k.o. abiola
    —- Talabi dara ile


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:55 AM