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  • Sunday January 17, 2021

    It was in may 2014 I made this compilation especially for the GG.
    I just discovered it has mysteriously disappeared however. Why
    and how ? .. you tell me, I have no idea. The compilation contains
    6 of my favourite 12″ singles from the eighties, six singles with
    tracks I used to play a lot in those days. Over the years more of
    my precious posts have vanished strangely, if you remember
    one that is gone too, please remind me so I can Re-Post it.
    A pure coincidence I find out on a sunday by the way.
    Also pure coincidental is the presence of track # 13,
    Nothing to do with the fact that
    tomorrow is Blue Monday,
    better take # 6 ..

    Het moet in de maand mei van 2014 geweest zijn dat ik ‘m heb
    gepost. Ik kwam er echter zojuist achter dat ook deze post op
    mysterieuze wijze van de GG is verdwenen. De compilatie bevat
    zes van mijn favoriete 12″ singles, zes singels die ik in die tijd veel
    plachtte te draaien. Zo door de jaren zijn er meerdere posts op
    vreemde wijze verdwenen. Mocht jij je er een herrinneren die
    weg is, als je het me meldt plaats ik ‘m direkt opnieuw.
    Puur toeval dat ik dit op zondag ontdek overigens.
    Ook puur toeval is de aanwezigheid van track # 13,
    niets te maken met het feit dat het
    morgen blue monday is,
    beter is # 6 ..

    01 – Malcolm McLaren – Soweto
    02 – Malcolm McLaren – Zulu’s on a Timebomb
    03 – Malcolm McLaren – D’ya like scratchin’
    04 – Frank Zappa – I don’t wanna get drafted
    05 – Frank Zappa – Ancient armaments
    06 – The The – Perfect
    07 – The The – The nature of virtue, version 2
    08 – John Cale – Chicken shit
    09 – John Cale – Memphis
    10 – John Cale – Hedda Gabbler
    11 – Dept.S – I want
    12 – Dept.S – Monte Carlo or bust
    13 – Dept.S – Put all the crosses in the right boxes
    14 – Mark Stewart & Mafia – Jerusalem, High ideals + Crazy dreams
    15 – Mark Stewart & Mafia – Liberty City


    Posted by Moos
    at 1:53 PM
  • Tuesday December 15, 2020

    The day before yesterday we had ‘Hot Violins’, today another
    of them Classic Years in Digital Stereo cd’s the BBC launched
    during the eighties. Its title says it all, Silly Songs. Going into
    a hard lockdown today we can certainly use a little sillyness.
    When you’re working at home or just being bored, listen to
    these songs and cheer up a bit, enjoy doing so ..

    Eergisteren hadden we ‘Hot Violins’, vandaag nog zo’n uitgave
    in de Classic Years in Digital Stereo serie die de BBC in de jaren
    tachtig uitbracht. Z’n titel zegt alles, Silly Songs. Vanaf vandaag
    geldt er in ons land een harde lockdown dus we kunnen wel
    wat grappenmakerij gebruiken. Of je nu thuis werkt of je
    gewoon wat verveelt, luister naar deze nummers en
    knap weer wat op. Plezier daarbij dus ..


    01 – Jack Hodges – Everything Is Fresh Today
    02 – Waring’s Pennsylvanians – I Scream, You Scream, We All Screem For Ice Cream
    03 – Dick Robertson – Crazy Words, Crazy Tune
    04 – Billy Cotton – Shut The Door (They’re Comin’ Through The Window)
    05 – Frank Crumit – Song Of The Prune
    06 – Debroy Somers – My Canary Has Circles Under His Eyes
    07 – Salt & Pepper – Roll ‘Em Girls
    08 – Jack Hylton – Egyptian Ella
    09 – Noel Coward – Mad Dogs And Englishmen
    10 – Tessie O’Shea – Thirty Thirsty Throats
    11 – Ross & Sargent – Nellie The Nudist Queen
    12 – George Van Dusen – The Yodelling Chinaman
    13 – Durium Dance Band – Let’s All Be Fairies
    14 – Six Jumping Jacks – I Do Not Choose To Run
    15 – The Yacht Club Boys – How Could Red Riding Hood
    16 – Billy Jones – When It’s Night Time In Italy, It’s Wednesday Over Here


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:26 AM
  • Sunday December 13, 2020


    01 – Joe Venuti – The Wild Cat
    02 – Eddie South – Mama Mockingbird
    03 – Clifford Hayes – Boodle-AM Shake
    04 – Joe Venuti – My Syncopated Melody Man
    05 – Venuti, Malneck & Dieterie – Manhattan Rag
    06 – Eddie South – Nagasaki
    07 – Stephane Grappelli – Ain’t Misbehavin’
    08 – Laurie Bookin – Limehouse Blues
    09 – Hugo Rignold – Calling All Keys
    10 – Joe Venuti – Nothing But Notes
    11 – Emilio Caceres – I Got Rhythm
    12 – Stuff Smith – Onyx Club Spree
    13 – Stephane Grappelli – Bill Street Blues
    14 – Michel Warlop – Serenade For A Wealthy Widow
    15 – Eric Siday & Reg Leopold – Honeysuckle Rose
    16 – South And Grappelli – Fiddle Blues


    Posted by Moos
    at 6:53 PM
  • Sunday July 15, 2018


    Normally I don’t post a lot of popmusic. September the 6th, Pink
    Floyd’s drummer Nick mason is coming to Amsterdam with his
    supergroup and they are going to play a number of songs featured
    on this old collector. Since I’ve bought tickets, I couldn’t resist ripping
    this album to be able playing it digitally. Of course you can join me
    doing so, enjoy this piece of nostalgic popmusic with me.
    Songs from 1967, 1968 and 1969..

    Normaal gesproken plaats ik nauwelijk pop muziek hier. Deze uitzondering
    moest echter gemaakt worden. Pink Floyd’s drummer Nick Mason komt op
    6 september a.s. naar Amsterdam en zal dan een aantal van de nummers
    komen spelen die op ‘Relics’ staan. Ik kon de verleiding niet weerstaan deze
    te digitaliseren om hem onderweg te kunnen beluisteren. Vanzelf laat ik jou
    hier ook van meegenieten. Nummers uit 1967, 1968 en 1969..

    tracks ;

    01 – Arnold layne
    02 – Interstellar overdrive
    03 – See emily play
    04 – remember a day
    05 – Paintbox
    06 – Julia dream
    07 – Careful with that axe, Eugene
    08 – Cirrus minor
    09 – The nile song
    10 – Biding my time
    11 – Bike

    Bonus tracks;

    12 – One of these days
    13 – Seamus


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:50 AM
  • Friday January 12, 2018



    Zestien maal wordt op deze schijf de lijdensweg van diverse
    Jamaicanen tentoon gespreid. De plaat maakte eind jaren
    tachtig deel uit van de Producers serie die door Trojan werd
    uitgebracht. Ik heb reeds eerder delen geplaatst waaronder
    Joe Gibbs and Friends en Clement Coxsone Dodd. Zoek ze met
    gebruik van onze zoekbalk links. Indrukwekkende verzameling
    songs allemaal. Mis ook deze beter niet, luister snel..

    Sixteen times we hear songs about suffering on this record which
    was part of the late eighties Producers Series brought by Trojan.
    I have posted some of them in an earlier stage among which
    Joe Gibbs and Friends and Clement Coxsone Dodd. Find them
    using our search-bar at your left hand side. Impressive collection
    of songs all together, a must have for every reggae lover..

    tracks ;

    01 – The Kingstonians – Sufferer
    02 – The Ethiopians – Condition bad a yard
    03 – Bob Marley and the Wailers – Trenchtown rock
    04 – Bongo herman and bunny – Know far I
    05 – Lloyd Jones – Rome
    06 – Billy Dice – Take warning
    07 – U-Roy – Way down in south
    08 – Bob Marley and the Wailers – Redder than red
    09 – Cornell Campbell – Jah jah me no born yah
    10 – Alton Ellis – Deliver us to africa
    11 – The Abbyssinians – Yim mas gan
    12 – The Now Generation Band – Crank shaft version
    13 – Johnny Osbourne – Niah man
    14 – The versatiles – Warricka hill
    15 – Dennis Brown – The song my mother used to sing
    16 – Bob Marley and the Wailers – Nice time


    Posted by Moos
    at 12:00 AM
  • Sunday November 12, 2017



    Zo aan het eind van het jaar maken we altijd wat uitstapjes naar
    muziek die je hier niet zo vaak tegenkomt. Even los van de tropische
    stijlen. Verandering van smaak doet vaak goed en daarom vandaag iets
    van vroeger. Dit is een plaat die ik zeer veel heb gedraaid eind jaren 70
    en ook later in de 80er jaren. Ik was in de veronderstelling dat ik Solid
    Air van John Martyn al eens geplaatst had maar ik vergis me daar. Die
    komt zeker nog eens. Nu deze live registratie, opgenomen in Leeds in
    1975 aan de Universiteit en origineel uitgebracht in 1976. Dit is de her-
    uitgave uit 1987. Ga er eens goed voor zitten, je zweeft er volledig
    op weg, super sfeervolle plaat die je niet wil missen..

    Towards the end of the year we often take you in directions you’re
    not used to here at the Global Groove. Away from the tropical styles
    we normally post, variation is the spice of life they say so today some-
    thing completely different. This is an album I played very much at the
    end of the seventies and through the eighties as well. I thought I posted
    Solid Air by John Martyn already but appearantly I am mistaking. That
    one will certainly come one fine day. Today a live registration, recorded
    at Leeds University in 1975 and originally released in 1976. This is the
    re-release from 1987. Sit down and let it happen to you, the music
    floats away, very atmospheric experience you don’t want to miss..

    tracks ;

    01 – Inside out
    02 – Solid air
    03 – Make no mistake / Bless the weather
    04 – Man in the station
    05 – I’d rather be the devil


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:33 AM
  • Thursday February 4, 2016

    African Head Charge, voorkant

    African Head Charge, achterkant detail

    Houd je van lekker vreemd instrumentaal getrommel
    en geblieb ? De meester op dit terrein was begin jaren
    tachtig zonder twijfel Adrian Sherwood. Hier hebben we
    nog zo’n sterk staaltje bizarre geluiden, congas, bongos,
    friction drums, fish, cabassa, keukenpannen, basgitaren,
    keyboards, chinese luit, elektrische percussie etcetera..

    Do you like some nice and weird instrumental drumming
    and blieping ? Absolute master in this territory was early
    eighties without doubt Adrian Sherwood. Here we have
    another fine example of bizar sounds, congas, bongos,
    friction drums, fish, cabassa, kitchenpans, bass guitars,
    keyboards, chinese lute, electric percussion etcetera..

    titels ;

    01 – Timbuktu express
    02 – I want water
    03 – Bazaar
    04 – African hedge hog
    05 – Depth charge
    06 – Fruit market
    07 – Snake in the hole
    08 – Many generations


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:31 AM
  • Monday January 11, 2016

    David Bowie, voorkant

    David Bowie, achterkant

    Een van m’n jeugdhelden overleed gisteren.
    Dit is denk ik de plaat die ik het meest gedraaid heb.

    A childhood heroe passed away yesterday.
    One of my most precious albums is this one.

    R.I.P. David..

    titels ;

    01 – Changes
    02 – Oh! you pretty things
    03 – Eight line poem
    04 – Life on mars?
    05 – Kooks
    06 – Quicksand
    07 – Fill your heart
    08 – Andy Warhol
    09 – Song for bob dylan
    10 – Queen bitch
    11 – The bewlay brothers


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:23 AM
  • Monday February 9, 2015

    Merger, front

    Merger, inside

    Not long ago I was watching a documentary on Youtube about the
    developement of reggae in the UK. I really liked it, the birth of two-tone
    for instance, wonderful video which I added below. It’s a great piece of
    history I enjoyed a lot. There is one group however of which I would
    have loved to find some footage in the documentary. This lp by Merger
    was a personal favourite in the early days and I think the group deserves
    a place in that story. One way or the other, it’s never too late to give
    them the attention deserved so here is 77 which is obviously their
    1977 lp. It brings back memories, were you there..?
    Get it & spread it..


    01 – 77
    02 – Ghetto child
    03 – Life song
    04 – Exiles ina babylon
    05 – Understanding
    06 – African lady
    07 – Have you heard ?
    08 – Waterfalls
    09 – Massa gana


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:40 AM
  • Friday October 24, 2014

    Jukebox Rebel - Un Tour du Monde

    Last week I received a mail by one of our loyal visitors from Glasgow,
    Scotland. He made a wonderful tribute to the great John Peel as a
    contribution to our page. It is nice to pass the mic for a change,
    ladies and gentlemen, I give the word to
    William, the Jukebox Rebel..

    Hello groovers, warm greetings from Glasgow where
    there are many music nuts just like Moos.

    I say THANK YOU to my host for helping to keep all these wonderful
    global grooves alive over the years – and for giving me a chance
    to share my mix-tape with you today. It’s a special tenth anniversary
    commemoration for the incomparable DJ of the World, John Peel.

    Of all the Peel eulogies since 2004, Billy Bragg said it best when he
    astutely surmised: “Throughout his career, John Peel defined independent
    music. Although he became an institution at the BBC, he was, in effect,
    running his own pirate radio station from within the Corporation,
    introducing us to music that could not be heard on any other radio show.”
    I listened to his nightly shows regularly from 1983 until his untimely
    death from a heart-attack on 25th October 2004, taping highlights and
    then following them up by purchasing the LP or CD whenever possible.

    During the course of his shows, John Peel brought the Planet closer
    together, with a weird and wonderful mix of all that was musically
    interesting – there were no borderlines in his musical world.

    He imbued me with a passion for musical adventure and opened my eyes
    and ears to the richness of the artists from all around our planet –
    and I could safely say that he is the main reason that I’ve ended up
    following the crazy Dutchman on this website.

    Most of the selections on this compile were actually featured in the
    John Peel show at some stage – and I feel sure that the few exceptions
    would also have done so, were they to have landed on his doorstep or
    in his time zone.

    I hope you can join me for this ’round the world celebration.
    Long live John Peel – the original, independent global groover!

    Peace out,
    The Jukebox Rebel

    p.s. don’t miss the text document where I’ll tell you
    a bit about the artists and their songs ;-)


    1. Mieskuoro Huutajat – Kalinka (Finland)
    2. King Short Shirt – Tourist Leggo (Antigua and Barbuda)
    3. Banda Bajera de San Pelayo – Descarga En Cumbia (Colombia)
    4. Huun-Huur-Tu – Aa-Shuu Dekei-Oo (Russia)
    5. Boris Karlov – Daichovo Horo (Bulgaria)
    6. Thomas Mapfumo and The Blacks Unlimited – Chitima Cherusununguko (Zimbabwe)
    7. Les Grammacks – En Quimber On Soucougnan (Dominica)
    8. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan – Taa Deem (Pakistan)
    9. Clotaire K – Maqam (France)
    10. Manny Corchado and his Orchestra – Pow-Wow (Puerto Rico)
    11. Admiral Bailey – No Way No Better Than Yard (Jamaica)
    12. Rod Dennis Mento Band – No Body’s Business (Jamaica)
    13. Esso Trinidad Steel Band – I Want You Back (Trinidad and Tobago)
    14. Selda – Maden Dağı (Deloy, Deloy) (Turkey)
    15. The DeZurik Sisters – The Arizona Yodeler (the USA)
    16. Vanuatu Women’s Water Music – Rim Rim Siag (Vanuatu)


    Also don’t miss this post at electric jive

    Posted by Moos
    at 12:29 AM