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Categorie archives: Folklore
- Monday July 12, 2021
Good morning folks. Politics are not my cup of tea and I am not
trying to make a statement. However, lately I must admit I am
concerned about the situation in Afghanistan. Since international
forces are pulling out, this once so promising land is doomed to
fall back in oppression again. As a lover of this ancient culture
and collector of Afghan antiques it touches me to see the good
people struggle. In february 2018 I already posted volume 1,
today we find the second volume of ‘Folk Music
of Afghanistan’. Enjoy listening ..Goeiemorgen muziek vrienden. Politiek is niet iets waar ik me
veel mee bezig houd. De laatste tijd echter maak ik me wel
zorgen over de situatie in Afghanistan. Sinds de internationale
gemeenschap de troepen terug trekt uit dit eens zo veelbelovende
land, dreigt het wederom te vervallen in onderdrukking. Als liefhebber
van de oude cultuur en verzamelaar van Afghaanse antiquiteiten gaat
het me aan het hart de bevolking hiermee te zien stoeien. In februari
2018 postte ik reeds volume 1 van ‘Folk Music of Afghanistan’.
Vandaag vinden we het tweede volume. Luister met plezier ..Folk Music of Afghanistan vol. 1 1971
Discogs, vol. 1
Discogs, vol. 201 – Ghulam Haidar – Hazara song (Dai Kundi district)
02 – Safdar – Hazara char bayti (Dai Kundi district)
03 – Amir Hamza, Nur Mohammad – Song from nuristan (Kamdesh)
04 – Yar Mohammad – Baluch song (Sharband)
05 – Mohammad Reza – Nay (Qala-i Fat)
06 – Yar Mohammad – Baluch liku (Sharband)
07 – Chari, Isham Qoi, Azizullah – Uzbek ensemble (Sheberghan)
08 – Zulaikha and Assistents – Belarzik (Andkhoi)
09 – Abdul Ghafur Khan – Uzbek song (Andkhoi)
10 – Sayid Abdul Shukur – Turkoman song (Sheberghan)
11 – Turdi Qoi – Tuyduk (Sheberghan)
12 – Mohammad Unis Kazakh – Kazakh song (Herat)
13 – Boran Gui – Chang (Herat)Posted by Moosat 8:05 AMCategories
- Wednesday May 12, 2021
From Martinique today this oldie with Groupe Folklorique
Martinais, under the lead of Loulou Boislaville. Celini Disques
brings a record on which some folklore like Biguine, Valse
and Mazurka. No year of release is known ..Discogs, Groupe Folklorique Martiniquais
Discogs, Loulou Boislaville01 – Grand mais grand
02 – Bête à fé
03 – Martinique trop belle
04 – La calanda
05 – Ti valse nou a
06 – Missié michel
07 – Trois valses
08 – Mazurka classique
09 – Serpent maigre
10 – Trois promenadesPosted by Moosat 7:45 AMCategories
- Sunday October 4, 2020
Gertrudis Bonilla is here once more with this album of which we
don’t know a year of release. The main style performed is Currulao
but it also contains Son, Guaracha, Folklore and Parranda. Finally we
find some marimba, this will please our blogfriend Alexsam. Sound-
quality could have been better, get and spread anyhow ..I’ve added a video which contains some fake footage,
you hear trumpet and see clarinet, anyway, nice to see
Gertrudis Bonilla perform ..Gertrudis Bonilla is hier nogmaals met deze plaat waarvan we helaas
geen jaartal van uitgifte vinden. We horen voornamelijk Currulao maar
ook Son, Guaracha, Folklore en Parranda. Eindelijk eens een paar nummers
met marimba, dit zal blog vriend Alexsam een plezier doen. De geluids kwa-
liteit had beter gekund. Down, deel, luister en beoordeel zelf ..Ik heb een video toegevoegd waarin enkele fake beelden,
je hoort trompet maar ziet clarinet, toch leuk om Gertrudis
Bonilla te zien zingen ..Mejor Que Nunca 1982
Wiki on the Music of Colombia
Discogs01 – Buenaventura en puja
02 – José maria en el platanal
03 – Palo y cuzuca
04 – Soy el currulao
05 – Parranda a lo trasnochao
06 – Por comelon de tapao
07 – La canoa ranchara
08 – DesdenPosted by Moosat 8:36 AMCategories
- Wednesday September 11, 2019
“The incredible succes obtained in the Carribean by first 2 volumes
entitled ‘Immortal West Indian Songs’ appealed DebS Recordings
to undertake issue of a third volume.Alike the previous ones, this 33 R.P.M., is a real tribute to fun; most
of its works take their main sources in the dusty files of old days.
Several songs will remind our grandmothers of their love affairs…The best among the west indian production of artists, Paul Blamar,
who is performing a tremendous come-back. Henri Debs, Guy Alcin-
dor are highly supported by Emilien Antile, Alain Jean-Marie, they
are strolling across our islands looking for souvenirs left by our
ancestors.Our artists take good fun in returning some of the inheritance they
received, through their works they sing happiness of life on those
islands , where magnificence is found each step and where
inhabitants make your conquest with their courtesy.As a matter of fact, it is true that emotion, fun and enthusiasm give
to this ‘Musical Monument’ its real dimension.We may without misleading, predict to this record, tender and
sensual album, exuberant and wheedling, a tremendous succes
everywhere it will be listened to, and we imagine joy and pride
it will cause in Guadeloupe and Martinique, those beloved lands
to which one thing was missing: this original sound evocation.”
(liner notes)Henri Debs, discography
An Island Story: Biguine, Afro Latin & Musique Antillaise 1960-1972tracks ;
01 – Ban moin on ti bo
02 – Eulalie
03 – Marie clemence
04 – Ah! mi roro
05 – Z’afe co ida
06 – Ninin
07 – Man balico
08 – Sa belle sa belle
09 – Venn’ mat’las la
10 – Mode la river en pays laPosted by Moosat 10:27 AMCategories
- Wednesday May 15, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Emir of hadeija
—–Emir of bauchi
—–Bello galadima of katagun
—–Emir of daura alhaji mamman bashar
02 – Habibu fari elema
—–Wili dan tijani
—–Shehu kasimu sarkin mararaba
—–Malam shuaibu gadan gayan
—–B.b. faruku ba allahPosted by Moosat 9:49 AMCategories
Lyrichord 1971 ?