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Categorie archives: Samba Batucada
- Wednesday October 30, 2024
A well known phenomena in Brazillian music is that artists
tend to cover each other’s songs. Almost without exception
and without scruples. This group is a pure cover band, they
don’t have their own songs but play tunes of others in a
decent way. We had a couple of their records before.
Samba / batucada, nice rhythmic stuff, get & spread ..Een bekend fenomeen in de Braziliaanse muziek is dat artiesten,
bijna zonder uitzondering, elkaars nummers spelen. Zonder enige
scrupule, men vindt dit 100 % acceptabel. Deze groep is een cover
band, ze spelen uitsluitend nummers van anderen, maar doen dit
op een zeer degelijke manier. We hadden al eerder enkele van
hun platen. Samba / batucada, down en deel ..O Couro Come 1974
Mete Bronca Batuqueiro 197201 – Deus tem mais pra dar
02 – Idioma esquisito
03 – É ouro só
04 – Canto pra esquecer
05 – Os meninos da mangueira
06 – O surdo
07 – Pra você é festa (o circo)
08 – Wilma de tal
09 – Exumaré
10 – Mineira
11 – Você não passa de uma mulher
12 – Fechei a porta
—- Implorar
—- Atire a primeira pedra
—- Leva meu samba
—- Ai! que saudade de amelia
—- Fechei a portaPosted by Moosat 11:42 AM
Self Titled
RCA Camden 1976