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Categorie archives: Trabalengua
- Wednesday March 27, 2019
Sinds enige tijd maak ik met regelmaat een rijtje van zeven
dagen in één bepaalde stijl of uit één bepaald land, een zo-
genaamde thema week. Het ene thema zal je aanspreken,
het andere misschien wat minder. Ik maak ze in elk geval
met veel plezier. De meeste van onze bezoekers komen
uit de Verenigde Staten en op de tweede plaats uit Colombia.
Qua aantallen downloads wint Colombiaanse muziek het van
alle anderen. Deze week staat daarom eens in het teken van
de Vallenato. We beginnen met Adolfo Echeverria, op deze
plaat met Guest Star Don Abundio, hij doet volgens mij de
heerlijke vokalen op deze elpee. Alleen #5 wordt gezongen
door ‘El Mapurito’.. luister ..Lately I’ve been making these theme weeks on a regular basis.
Seven days of music in a certain style or from a certain country.
You probably will not like every theme, one is more to your liking
than the other, in any case, I make’m with lots of pleasure. Most
of our visitors are from the USA and in second place come the
people of Colombia. If we look at amounts of downloads, the
music from Colombia is more or less the most wanted. This
week therefore we focus on Vallenato, one of my favourite
styles. We start with Adolfo Echeverria & Don Abundio.
I think the Don does the vocal parts here, part from track #5
which is sung by ‘El Mapurito’.. listen ..tracks ;
01 – Me robaron el sombrero
02 – Llamame
03 – Estebana
04 – Yo nunca corro
05 – El mapurito
06 – La danza de los cabezones
07 – San gregorio
08 – Asi son las vecinas
09 – El piriri
10 – La matraca
11 – La cotorra y el lorito
12 – El rey de las mujeresPosted by Moosat 11:25 AMCategories
- Friday October 10, 2014
Los Corraleros de Majagual is a group in which many
talents passed by over the years. Guys like Lisandro
Meza, Calixto Ochoa, Alfredo Gutierrez and even Fruko.
They had a string of hits and released quite a bunch of
swell records. We had this one, and they appear
on almost all my Colombian compilations. Just check
the search option on the left. This 1976 album contains
10 songs that we haven’t heard yet, part from the pieces
on the mosaico perhaps. If you like the lp, I have a pile
of their albums waiting to find their way to you, just yell.
G e t i t & s p r e a d i t . . .tracks;
1 La bisuaca
2 El cañamilero
3 El titiritero
4 El caballito querebe
5 Pelo liso, pelo duro
6 Mosaico
7 13 mujeres
8 Dulce lamento
9 La bella rinconada
10 El golpe que dan los hombresPosted by Moosat 9:04 AMCategories
- Sunday June 8, 2008
Now here is something very special, I need to make something clear.
Since this fine music is unavailable in most parts of the world, I am
making a big exeption, normally I would not post a CD which might
still be in the stores, Global Groove doesn’t want to hurt anybody’s
business. Come on Fuentes, spread this material around ! Europe,
Asia and other parts o.t.w. want this too ! Super nice compilation
of rare Colombian recordings, Discos Fuentes’
vaults contain fantastic stuff.tracks;
1 La Sonora Cordobesa – El pajaro picon ( Paseaito )
2 Carlos Roman y su Sonora Vallenata – Very very well ( R&R )
3 Los Corraleros de Majagual – El molinillo ( Paseaito )
4 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – La negra caliente ( Gaita )
5 La Sonora del Caribe – Noche de estrellas ( Cumbia )
6 Los Corraleros de Majagual – Cigarron colorado ( Paseaito )
7 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – La boquillera ( Gaita )
8 Los Corraleros de Majagual – Festival en Guarare ( Guarare )
9 Climaco Sarmiento y su orquesta – La cigarra ( Gaita )
10 Los Corraleros de Majagual – Del tingo al tango 9 ( Trabalengua )
11 Lucho Bermudez y su orquesta – Hombre al agua ( Fandango )
12 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – La compatible ( Gaita )
13 Los Corraleros de Majagual – La adivinanza ( Paseaito )
14 Los Hermanos Marquez – Yo conozco a Claudia ( Merengue )Posted by Moosat 1:31 PMCategories
Adolfo Echeverria y su Estilo Vallenato
“Me Robaron el Sombrero” con “Don Abundio”
Caliente 1977