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Categorie archives: Merecumbe
- Sunday October 3, 2021
These mainly instrumental cumbia’s are from way back
around 1966 or so, after over half a century they are still
a joy to listen to .. According to Discogs the title of this album
is Cositas Colombianas, like mentioned on the back sleeve.
The front sleeve speaks of Cumbia Bonita after the tenth
song. Discogs is probably right since other records are titled
Cositas Colombianas vol 2, 3 etcetera. I reckon this is
a fine piece of easy going music for your easy
sunday afternoon, a little free
background noise is added ;-)Deze voornamelijk instrumentale cumbia’s komen uit de
mid zestiger jaren, mooi dat de muziek na zo’n 55 jaar
nog zo goed te beluisteren is .. Volgens Discogs is de titel
van deze plaat Cositas Colombianas, zoals op de achterkant
vermeld. Voorkant spreekt van Cumbia Bonita naar het tiende
nummer. Discogs zal wel gelijk hebben, andere van hun albums
heten Cositas Colombianas vol. 2,3 etcetera. I gok dat je deze
sound wel kunt waarderen op je luie zondag middag.
..wat gratis achtergrond ruis wordt bijgeleverd ;-)01 – Claudia
02 – Cumbia endominante
03 – Currucuteando
04 – Wilson
05 – Para probar
06 – La flecha
07 – Marisabel
08 – Cumbia que te vas de ronda
09 – Dejame que me vaya
10 – Cumbia bonita
11 – La hebra
12 – VanidosaPosted by Moosat 7:54 AMCategories
- Thursday November 19, 2020
This is DCM-407 on the Discomoda label from Medellin, Colombia.
It first appeared in 1967. Tanta Ropa, (so many cloths) seems to be
a joke. The girl on the frontcover was naked at first. In a later sta-
dium they have drawn a little bikini over the picture. Still not en-
tirely comfortable, as if ‘Me Too’ already existed, Discomoda then
re-released the album under the title of the first song, ‘Ambiente
de Guaracha’, with another sleeve. (small pic) Luis Gonzalez, or Lucho,
was the frontman of the group. The record has some background noise,
the salsa however is still quite enjoyable. Get it, spread it and listen ..Dit is DCM-407 op het Discomoda label uit Medellin, Colombia. De
plaat verscheen oorspronkelijk in 1967. Tanta Ropa (zoveel kleding)
lijkt een spottende titlel te zijn. het meisje op de hoes was oorspronkelijk
naakt maar in een later stadium is er een klein bikini’tje overheen getekend.
Nog niet helemaal comfortabel, alsof ‘Me Too’ reeds bestond, bracht Disco-
moda de plaat opnieuw uit. Nu met de titel van het eerste nummer, ‘Am-
biente de Guaracha’, en met een andere hoes. (zie kleine foto) Luis Gonzales
ofwel ‘Lucho’ was de leider van de band. Het album heeft wat achtergrond
geluid maar de salsa is nog steeds lekker. Down, deel en luister weer ..01 – Ambiente de guaracha
02 – Tanta ropa
03 – Hoy vuelvo a ser mia
04 – Barco camaronero
05 – Me voy al amanecer
06 – Mis tres novios
07 – Cocktail no.13, salud, dinero y amor
08 – Ya no
09 – La ceiba para
10 – El tumbaleque
11 – Gitana colombiana
12 – Sin trabajoPosted by Moosat 10:14 AMCategories
- Friday November 1, 2019
Prende la vela
Discogstracks ;
01 – El tuqui tuqui
02 – El coco de mi comadre
03 – La vieja mayo
04 – Cascaritiando
05 – Solamente a ti te quiero
06 – Tumbame
07 – El tuqui tuqui candeloso
08 – Tus lindos ojos
09 – Me gustan tus cosas
10 – Venteando
11 – Dame la mandarina
12 – Besame negraPosted by Moosat 8:06 AMCategories
- Thursday November 20, 2014
Albums like this are hard to find over here
in the Netherlands ? We are so lucky to have the
guys in our network that bring home these rare lp’s from
Colombia. Rufo Garrido and José Pianeta Pitalua are the
guys that lead this Orquesta. It remains a mystery why
Colombians keep using these B-models at the sleeves
of wonderful albums like this one.
I found some footage to help you get an other
impression, watch & listen..tracks;
1 El colombo americano
2 Agárrate
3 Muchacho galán
4 Dos ma
5 Gózalo mi amor
6 Timba y tambó
7 Yo no quiero perra
8 Catana
9 Brincando el carro
10 Que toque rufoPosted by Moosat 10:10 AMCategories
- Sunday October 20, 2013
You know you’re all such lucky bastards, this music is
almost impossible to find. The main man here is my buddy
Sanjay. He travells to Colombia and finds these killer lp’s.
Thank you again Sanjay, the album we have here is just
breathtaking. I love the stirring rhythms and wild sound
of the porros and guarachas. Sonora Curro with Crecencio
Camacho and Romansito are here with their swell
names and grooves to make you drift off, close
y’r eyes and you’re in a different world..
Get it & Spread it !I’m sorry the lp has some hisss.. and stuff…
..on the other hand..with such a sleeve..tracks;
1 Compadrito
2 Calavera
3 Matimbá
4 Barrejobo
5 Aurorita
6 Don pascual
7 Empuje la aguja
8 La picazon
9 Jujule
10 musungo
11 La vecinita
12 La descaradaPosted by Moosat 6:13 PMCategories
- Sunday November 25, 2012
Good evening, the groove of today is going to be a Colombian
one. On Discos Curro we have us an album with songs by three
groups. Orquesta Melodia, La Sonora Curro and Super Combo
de Curramba. It is not exactly clear what band plays which song.
The cover does not give that information nor does the label of the
record. How ever they organised it, I don’t really care. The music is
so hot, it makes one forget such futilities. So get it and spread it,
it is one of the hottest Colombian sounds I ever heard, enjoy..tracks;
1 Palenquerita
2 Arroz con coco
3 Jalaito moreno
4 Avivata
5 El tigre pampanilla
6 Pon tu mano en mi corazón
7 Que toque rufo
8 Ah… como no sabia
9 Taki taki
10 La carestía
11 Moncho emiliani
12 No fumoPosted by Moosat 5:37 PMCategories
Cumbia Bonita, Fonogramas FM, LP 178, 1966