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Categorie archives: Gabon
- Sunday June 7, 2020Posted by Moosat 4:28 PM
- Monday April 16, 2012
Sparkling guitars on this splendid album from Gabon.
The weekend’s fair in Utrecht brought us some
goodies among which this ultra danceable
slice of black shiny vinyl. I can’t tell you
anything useful about them,
just listen.tracks;
1 Oyem 78
2 Gamba ntce yami
3 Diane ley
4 Emeno n’isindina
5 BoutsianePosted by Moosat 7:55 PM - Saturday July 16, 2011
First time we have us some music from Gabon. From
it’s capital Libreville. It’s the sound of Hilarion Nguema
and his Orchestre ‘Afro Succès’. Rumba based West
African chillin’ groove and something different for your
saturday night. The album looks mint but b-side sounds
quite unclear at moments, older recordings, it’s sad.
more info, check.tracks;
1 Espoir
2 Libreville
3 Je demande divorce
4 Décision approuvée
5 Ce n’est pas difficile
6 Tawole messam
7 Makokou
8 J’ai dormi la porte ouvertePosted by Moosat 5:55 PMCategories
- Monday September 20, 2010
On september 9, I posted ‘l’Afrique Danse 360.111, do you recall ?
With Orchestres Kiam and Lipua-Lipua. The first track, played by
Orchestre Kiam, called ‘Exode’ was from the hand of Mack Joss.
I do not know if he was a member of Orchestre Kiam, do you ?
Now here we have an album by Mack Joss and ‘le Negro Tropical’.
It’s from 1978 on the Sonafric label and in perfect condition. I found it
with a load of other treasures on the Mega Platen en CD Beurs, Europe’s
biggest recordfair, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The weekend of 20 and 21
of november we’ll have the next edition, I can hardly wait. If you are in the
neighbourhood don’t let it pass by. Listen to Mack Joss & le Negro Tropical.tracks;
1 Voyage
2 Bati mboka
3 Colette okei elaka te
4 Tribalisme
5 Bassa mulongue
6 Joli cahier
7 Nzaou
8 Ta te dianguePosted by Moosat 8:17 PM
Orchestre N’Goss Brothers – Self Titled
N’Goss Production GB88/1001