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Categorie archives: New Orleans Soul
- Thursday August 4, 2022
Let’s listen to something different today. One of the leading
figures in the New orleans soul field was without doubt the
late and great Allen Toussaint. As musician, songwriter,
arranger and record producer he made a permanent
name. Read his Wiki-page and learn. By the way,
don’t you just love that cover ?Laten we vandaag eens luisteren naar iets heel anders. Eén van
de meest invloedrijke figuren in de soul scene van New Orleans
was zonder twijfel Allen Toussaint. Als muzikant, song schrijver,
arranger en Producer vestigde hij zich en maakte een onuitwisbare
naam voor zichzelf. Lees zijn Wiki-pagina en leer. Overigens,
is die hoes niet onweerstaanbaar mooi ?Tagrijn Compi
the Meters, Fire on the Bayou
some Dr. John01 – Last train
02 – Worldwide
03 – Back in baby’s arms
04 – Country john
05 – Basic lady
06 – Southern nights
07 – You will not lose
08 – What do you want the girl to do ?
09 – When the party’s over
10 – Cruel way to go downPosted by Moosat 8:19 AMCategories
- Sunday July 6, 2008
Dear Global Groover,
Until now we have been posting only Tropical Musicstyles at
‘Global Groove’, and ofcourse we shall continue to do so.
The blog’s title, however, indicates that we shall also start
to blend in some genres, looking from a broader perspective.
Black Music, in general, always had my first attention, and from
today I’ll post some other black styles too, like New Orleans Soul.
This album has always been one of my favourites, listen !tracks;
1 Working in the coalmine
2 Can you hear me
3 The greatest love
4 A mellow goodtime
5 Mexico
6 Get out of my life, woman
7 Ride your pony
8 Confusion
9 Holy cow
10 Don’t you ever ( leave me )
11 Neighbour’s daughter
12 A little dab a do yaPosted by Moosat 3:18 PM
Southern Nights
Reprise Records 1975