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Categorie archives: Aguinaldo de Trulla

  • Thursday July 15, 2021

    Back in 2008, when I only just got started with the GG,
    I found this wonderful record at a fellow blog called La
    Caja de Pandora. It doesn’t exist anymore unfortunately.
    I was thrilled to discover Jibaro from Puerto Rico and over
    the years found quite some records myself. Check our
    categories list on jibaro. It is such a long time ago and since
    La Caja de Pandora has vanished from the web, I feel free
    to re-post this special and thrilling album. Listen ..

    Toen ik nog maar net met de GG was begonnen in 2008,
    vond ik deze plaat bij een ander blog, La Caja de Pandora.
    Ze bestaan helaas niet meer. Ik was ondersteboven van deze
    geweldig mooie muziek uit Puerto Rico en door de jaren heb ik
    zelf meerdere albums gevonden. Kijk in onze categorie lijst op
    jibaro. Het is al lang geleden en omdat dit blog verdwenen is
    voel ik me nu vrij hem zelf te ‘re-posten’. Luister ..

    01 – Odilio Gonzalez – Ayer deja mi borinquen
    02 – Ramito – Enseñame el lunar
    03 – Chuito – Lamento jibaro
    04 – Odilio Gonzalez – De borinquen flores
    05 – Odilio Gonzalez – Que mala suerte la mia
    06 – German Rosario – Celo matrimonial
    07 – Baltazar Carrero – Siempre peleando
    08 – Chuito Y Natalia – Te casas o no te casas
    09 – Toñin Romero – Mi bohio de matojos
    10 – Ramito – Huerfanito de madre
    11 – Orquesta de Cuatros de P.R. – Seis chorreao
    12 – Ramito – El derecho de nacer
    13 – Chuito – Vamonos pal campo
    14 – Ramito – Regalando rosas
    15 – Ramito – No hay cama pa tanta gente


    Posted by Moos
    at 2:05 PM
  • Saturday December 18, 2010

    Chuito, front

    One of Puerto Rico’s greatest was ‘Chuito, el de Bayamon’.
    Chuito was one of the last musicians to play traditional
    Jibaro, a few others are, Ramito, German Rosario and
    Odilio Gonzalez. Use our search-bar to find them. Perfect
    stuff to play during your newyears eve, adios año viejo.


    1 Adios a mis amigos
    2 Soy un caramelo
    3 Quien manda en la casa
    4 Mi truyita
    5 Ni hablar del peluquin
    6 Tiempos que se fueron
    7 Adios año viejo
    8 Desde mi Batey
    9 Que vas hacer con 80 años
    10 Parrandeando con Santiago Grevi
    11 Soy quien canto
    12 Canto a Bayamon


    Posted by Moos
    at 2:23 PM