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- Sunday December 17, 20238 comments on Blog has some problems !
Dear visitor,
as you may have noticed some problems occur here at the GG.
During the past week two posts, the ones with Shina Peters had disappeared.
I re-posted them but all the comments are gone, I’m very sorry for that.The left side column is back fortunately,
some minor things to solve ..Posted by Moosat 9:28 AM - Wednesday November 1, 2023
Dear visitors,
I received a message that some posts had disappeared.
Strangely so I found out that the two albums,
Hitour Ia Moussongo, self titled
and Julio de la Ossa, Yo Se Que Te Va a Gustar
indeed were gone,
No idea how because nobody can enter my server but me.
One way or the other, you may find both albums below after
I just re-posted them.
If you notice something like this, a shout is very much appreciated.
Thank you Denno ..Posted by Moosat 7:49 AM - Friday March 31, 2023
Hello music blogworld,
Today is a sad day for all who used to visit
the great music blog of our dear colleague Jillem.
Zippyshare is closing down after today and all of
Jillem’s hard work from over the years will be lost.
Sadly we can’t leave any comments at Holland Tunnel Dive
for I am sure his mailbox would explode with Thank You’s.
So, to create a portal, you can leave your comments here for
the occasion. I’d say check the Ziipyshare files once more
and assure you’ve got everything you want. I sure hope
you’ll find some way to get back Jillem,
thanks a million for what you did .. !Posted by Moosat 7:29 AM - Sunday October 25, 2020
Om de zoveel tijd bereikt mij het verzoek eens de meest
neergeladen plaatjes van de Global Groef te etaleren. Nu,
hier zijn ze dan weer eens. Je begrijpt dat door de jaren de
volgorde wel eens verandert. Ayinla Omowura staat echter
zo ferm voor op de anderen dat deze niet snel van z’n troon
zal worden gestoten. Ook Arsenio Rodriguez’ primitivo is
zo’n winnaar al is deze dus reeds een tijdje terug van
één naar twee verdreven. Loop er nog eens langs ..Every once in so much time people request to see the list of
Global Groove’s most downloaded records. Well here they are
once again. You will understand the list changes every once in a
while, however, Ayinla Omowura sits on the throne so firmly, it
is not likely he’ll fall off soon. Another sheer winner is Arsenio
Rodriguez’ Primitivo although he went from the number One to
Two quite some time ago now. Give them another shot ..1 – Ayinla Omowura – Ire Wole De
2 – Arsenio Rodriguez – Primitivo
3 – Alton Ellis – Sunday Coming
4 – King Tubby’s Meets Rockers Uptown
5 – Los Corraleros – Ritmo de Colombia
6 – Scientist – Heavy Weight Dub Champion
7 – Freddy McGregor – Big Ship
8 – Los Ases del Ritmo – Costa Brava vol. 1
9 – Robert Johnson – King of The Delta Blues Singers (slower version)
10 – Quatres Etoiles – Quatres Vedettes
11 – King Floyd – Groove Me
12 – Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé – Verckys à Paris
13 – Various Artists – Cumbias Solo Cumbias vol. 1
14 – The Latin Brothers – Te Encontre
15 – Baobab à Paris vol. 2
16 – Lacksley Castell – Morning Glory
17 – Jackie Mittoo – Macka Fat
18 – John Chibadura – Kurera
19 – Peregoyo – Mi Buenaventura
20 – Various Artists – Cumbias de ColombiaPosted by Moosat 9:38 AM - Saturday July 18, 2020
Pedro Lima post at Holland Tunnel Dive
download Pedro LimaDear visitors, As some of you may have noticed, Jillem
from Holland Tunnel Dive and I point in each other’s
direction on a regular basis. Thank you for doing so
Jillem. I have tried to find a way to contact HTD
several times but have not found it so far. I don’t
know Jillem but maybe we can create a portal here at
the Global Groove to let him know how grateful we are
for all the incredible work he has been doing. So folks,
you can leave a message to Jillem here and Jillem, you
can respond here too. I’m sure you have a good reason
not to allow comments on your wonderful blog but you
must understand people like to leave you a note once
in a while. I for instance want to thank you for the
numerous super nice albums you post. This is one I
really love a lot, Pedro Lima rocks like no other !!Give him a shout folks, Guepa Jé .. hooray .. !
Posted by Moosat 8:11 AM - Thursday June 4, 2020
Dear visitors,
I am still witing for answers. My engineer tells me
we should not start posting yet. host/server people
should come with answers first. My hands are itching
to start re-posting and continue but if I do and the
past four months should be retrieved, things will get
confusing. So, hang on, be patient,
we’ll get there ..Posted by Moosat 7:13 AM - Friday December 6, 2019
Some people keep walking against this from time to time.
If the numbers you fill in to download keep coming back,
do not despair. If you try again on a later moment, it
will probably work as meant. We can’t seem to find out
why this occurs, it just does. Hang on, stay tuned and
eventually your patience will be rewarded ..Lately I am experiencing a new problem, The moment I try
to launch a new post, the whole left column of the blog vanishes.
It is very annoying and I have several people looking at it.
It seems we’ll need to make some severe changes on the set up.
For the time being I can’t make any new posts without losing
the left part of the page, so hang on and some day in the near
future I’ll be back with new uploads. Thank you for understanding ..Moos
Posted by Moosat 7:29 AM - Monday June 3, 2019
Last week one of our loyal visitors pointed me to see that Amazon is
making available loads of records taken from my beloved Global Groove.
Not only complete albums but also my Global Samplers as well as other
of my compilations. A firm called Kipepeo just downloads the files from
my website and sells them using the Amazon web shop. It is astonishing
to see how they even use my artwork without taking the trouble designing
something new. In some cases they also make new artwork for my compi-
lations and make new compilations with my rips. Also amazing to see,
albums with worn out and damaged covers are being sold without
repairing or searching for the sleeves online for example. It is a
shameles exercise all together. I am not sure if Amazon is aware
of this piracy. One way or the other, I am not going to make a big
fuzz about it. The rights of the music don’t lay with me so what
can I do about it. It is painful though, people pay their good money
for music I made available without charge. The whole idea behind
the Global Groove is sharing my collection with the world. I buy
the records, travell to find them and invest time and money,
it was meant to preserve almost lost and forgotten music.
Nothing else. I hope this message reaches many and
prevents people from spending money on stuff they
can just download for free ..Vorige week kreeg ik bericht van een van onze trouwe bezoekers dat
Amazon een berg platen en compilaties van mijn geliefde Global Groove
te koop aanbiedt in hun webshop. Niet alleen complete albums maar zelfs
mijn compilaties zoals de Global Sampler serie en andere comps. Een firma
met de naam Kipepeo download mijn content en biedt deze te koop aan via
Amazon. Het is verbijsterend te zien hoe deze club zelfs mijn artwork over-
neemt zonder zelfs maar de moeite te nemen iets nieuws te ontwerpen.
In sommige gevallen worden er ook wel nieuwe hoesjes gemaakt en maken
ze ook nieuwe compilaties met mijn rips. Ook is het verbazingwekkend te zien
hoe platen met beschadigde of beschreven hoezen gewoon als zodanig worden
aan geboden zonder bijvoorbeeld online naar een nette afbeelding te zoeken.
Het is een schaamteloze vertoning alles tezamen. Ik weet niet of Amazon zich
bewust is van deze piraterij, hoe dan ook, ik ga er geen groot probleem van
maken, ten slotte zijn de rechten van deze muziek ook niet mijn eigendom.
Het is echter pijnlijk te zien hoe mensen dus hun zuurverdiende centjes
uitgeven aan muziek die ik kosteloos ter beschikking stel. Het hele idee
achter de Global Groove is het bewaren en delen van bijna verloren en
vegeten muziek. I reis naar verre oorden en investeer tijd en geld met
een nobel doel. Jammer. Ik hoop dat dit bericht velen zal bereiken
en dat het voorkomt dat men geld uitgeeft aan muziek die
hier nog steeds gratis is ..some examples / enkele voorbeelden;
Global Sampler vol. 62
Global Sampler vol. 57
Global Sampler vol. 63
Global Sampler vol. 11
Etsakor Supreme Voices
General Boliviia Osigbemhe, Afeghe
Honourable Vincent Ugabi Dance Band
Professor Adomagbo Irene and his Weppa-Wanno Dance Band
Epoca de oro de Armando Boza
Lanrewaju Adepoju
Om Kalsoum
Ali Chuks
Kyeremateng Atwedee & the Kyeremateng Stars
Kyeremateng Atwedee & the Kyeremateng Stars
Kumapim Royals
Global Sampler vol. 1
Kike Subia
Congo, Tours de Force vol. 6
Congo, Tours de Force vol. 8
Celi Bittsu
Philo Kola
Kyeremateng Stars
Kenya Partout vol. 4
Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey
Kongo Retro Band
Kenyan Sound 1977
African Brothers
African Brothers
Macario Prudencia
made from our rips
made from our rips.. and many more ../ .. en vele anderen ..
Posted by Moosat 9:43 AM - Sunday June 2, 2019
Lately we get a lot of comments concerning the four digits
of the captcha system. Sometimes our new server seems not to
accept the numbers given ! We are searching for the problem
but it looks like the new server can’t cope with peak hours.
SO, DO NOT WORRIE, JUST TRY AGAIN LATER !!!Posted by Moosat 3:02 PM - Wednesday May 15, 2019
Dear Groovers, yesterday I posted Alhaji (Chief) Kollington Ayinla
& his African Fuji ’78 Organisation but made a stupid mistake.
It never happened to me before but I recorded side two of the
album two times. Luckily, Theo, an awake visitor, warned me and
this morning I did it over. So I’m very sorry for the 85 people
who had downloaded it. Throw away yesterday’s file and download
it again. This time you’ll find the right tracks.Beste Groevers, gisteren heb ik een plaat van Alhaji (Chief)
Kollington Ayinla & his African Fuji ’78 Organisation geplaatst
maar er zat helaas een domme fout in de file. Het is me nog niet
eerder gebeurd maar ik heb per ongeluk twee maal de b-side opgenomen.
Het spijt me voor de 85 mensen die hem al hadden gedownload, jullie
zullen dit nog een keertje moeten doen. Gooi die van gisteren maar weg.
Dit keer heb ik beide kanten erop gezet, foutje, bedankt ..Posted by Moosat 8:04 AM