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Categorie archives: Amsterdam
- Saturday May 7, 20163 comments on Vondelpark sessie
Morgen belooft het weer een broeierige dag te worden.
Voor wie in de buurt is, de Global Groove trekt er op uit
met m’n kliko soundsystem kun je me aantreffen bij het
monument van Vondel vanaf een uur of drie. Tropische klanken
onder de blauwe hemel is het mooiste wat er is, kom je ook ?Tomorrow we’re going to have a hot tropical day, about time to
take our mobile soundsystem and head for the Amsterdam Vondelpark.
If you’re around, pay us a visit from around 15.00 hrs near the
statue of Vondel. Warm sounds under blue skies, the best there is..Posted by Moosat 9:00 PM - Saturday May 11, 2013
Dear music collectors, vinyl hunters and lovers of tropical
sounds, as some of you may know, I am a fanatic hunter
for all types of lp’s from the old days. As such I tend to
visit the biggest recordfairs we have around, like the one
in Utrecht twice a year. On the last few visits I have met
with the guys from Vintage Voudou. It is a tiny recordshop
in the heart of the Amsterdam redlight-district. You have
to know where to look, right between the windows where
various women offer themselves you’ll find a gate, ring a
bell and go through a small corridor to find two very small
recordshops. One of them is Vintage Voudou, the adress
is Oudekerkplein 26a, only on thursday, friday and satur-
day you’ll find them open. When I got there I met with Alex,
one of the owners, we sat down and had a huge conversation
about our favourite music. I found lots of Colombian albums
at his place, really wonderful. We listened to the music,
smoked a few pipes and spent some hours like that. Alex
then gave me the number of another friend, he told me to
check out the records of Sanjay Agarwal. Sanjay is the man,
he travells to Colombia a lot, meets with the artists and made
a documentary about Colombian music, take a look at the
trailer of his documentary called Colombian Gold.A few days ago I payed Sanjay a visit in his Amsterdam appartment
and we had a great afternoon listening to lots of Colombian music,
talking about it and some of the hottest Colombian stuff changed of
owner that day. For those who live close to Amsterdam, on saturday
may 18th Alex is going to deejay a Latin-night at Blijburg, a very hip
joint in the Zeeburg area of Amsterdam. Since his buddy Sanjay can’t
make it to join him, I offered to step in, so if you see a chance, pop by
and come have a dance and a drink. Take a look at Blijburg It will be
an evening of latin music, strictly from vinyl, it starts at 22.00 hrs. Be there !
The lp I am posting is one I found at Vintage Voudou and was imported
by Sanjay. One of my favourite groups is absolutely la Sonora Cordobesa,
listen to this lp and agree, sweet porro, jalaito, paseaito and mapalé
you don’t want to miss, get it & spread it !tracks;
1 Jalaito en monteria
2 El loriquero
3 La mafafa
4 Bocachico sinuano
5 Rosita
6 Nenita linda
7 Tumba cucharo
8 Linda cordobesa
9 No me pongas sebo
10 Santa lucia
11 Cara mona
12 El pascueroPosted by Moosat 8:03 PMCategories
- Sunday September 4, 2011
Yesterday, the weather was absolutely perfect in the Netherlands.
Being the worst summer since ever, I didn’t have a choice. After
that swell session in the Amsterdam Vondelpark some two months
ago, this was the first and maybe last opportunity for me to try and
repeat the happy happening. I picked the same spot and my newmade
buddies from the last time were all there, playing football, a little BBQ
on the side, sweet easy parklife. I settled in and played till the night fell.
Look at my man Johnny Kluivert, who did this spontaneous rap. I had a
wonderfull time and will be back on the first warm weekend day, be there.
Now, here is another fine album by the great Zaïko Langa-Langa, get it
while you can and enjoy listening ! The next Amsterdam session, I’ll
try to inform you in advance, it all depends of the weather forecast.tracks;
1 Sandra Lina
2 Foshi
3 Massela
4 Nyongo ekeseniPosted by Moosat 1:11 PM - Saturday March 28, 2009
Last oktober I posted an album by a dear artist from Amsterdam,
the city of my ancestors. Johnny Jordaan is still a hero of the
old days and has sentimental value to me. He used to sing with
this fine lady. Tante Leen and Johnny Jordaan are unforgettable
and there’s even a Johnny Jordaan Plein ( square ). Funny enough
I bought this LP today in Utrecht instead of Amsterdam. The music
is typical for the ‘Jordaan’, an area in old Amsterdam. Music quite
different from what you’re used to find here. Tante Leen had her own
little café where she used to sing for the public, the only day she
didn’t sing was when Ajax played at home. Every fortnight on sunday she
was in the Ajax football stadium cheering for her club.tracks;
1 Mijn ouwe Amstelstad
2 Oh Johnny
3 Wanneer
4 Ik ben zo verliefd
5 Hand in hand
6 Ik kan vergeten
7 Aan de Amsterdamse grachten
8 Waarom wil je niets meer van me weten
9 De oude straatmuzikant
10 Mijn jongen
11 Kijk mij eens aan
12 Op die ouwe NieuwendijkPosted by Moosat 5:55 PMCategories
- Thursday October 16, 2008
I use to post ‘music for the people’ of many country’s.
This time I want to introduce a Dutch singer to you, one I
really enjoy listening to. This is typical music from the
Amsterdam neighbourhood, ‘de Jordaan’. The album is from ’85
but the recordings are made between 1954 ( track # 1 ) and
early 60’s. Johnny Jordaan had huge succes late 50’s, his music,
though sung with enormous Amsterdam slang, was played throughout
the Netherlands. I always loved it, something quite different
for once. Hope you appreciate.tracks;
1 Bij ons in de Jordaan
2 Geef mij maar Amsterdam
3 De afgekeurde woning
4 De parel van de Jordaan
5 Johnny’s potpourri 1
6 Johnny’s potpourri 2
7 Daar mag je alleen naar kijken
8 Een pikketanussie
9 Janussie
10 Pruimenpap
11 De begrafenis van Manke Nelis
12 VriendschapPosted by Moosat 11:40 PM