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Categorie archives: Lesotho

  • Monday February 8, 2021

    ‘Acordeons that shook the world’ are, as from many other countries,
    very much present in the music of Lesotho. Lesotho is a country
    completely surrounded by South Africa and this shows in its happy
    sounding music. We had an album by Puseletso Seema in april,
    2010. Another one was ‘Sheswe, The Sound of the Mines’.Today
    we find this record with Tau ae Matsekha which should
    mean ‘The Lion of Matsekha’, if I’m not mistaking. Exactly
    what we need on a snowy day like this ..

    Accordeons komen voor in de muziek uit vele landen en zijn ook
    aanwezig in de heerlijke sound van Lesotho, een land dat volledig
    wordt omsloten door Zuid Afrika. We horen de invloeden daarvan
    duidelijk terug. We hadden in april van 2010 al eens een plaat uit
    Lesotho met Puseletso Seema. Een andere was ‘Sheswe, The
    Sound of the Mines’. Vandaag vinden we deze met Tau ea
    Matsekha wat zoveel zou moeten betekenen als ‘De Leeuw
    van Matsekha’, als ik me niet vergis. Precies wat we
    nodig hebben op zo’n besneeuwde dag ..

    Sheswe, The Sound of the Mines 1988
    Puseletso Seema & Tau ea Linare 1985

    01 – Khutsana ea lesotho
    02 – B.a. maseru
    03 – Siphuma ethekwini
    04 – Ke ngalla ruri
    05 – Hakhasana
    06 – Sekoti mpate
    07 – Haramayi
    08 – Hambani kahle maxhosa
    09 – Likhomo limatshoba
    10 – Otla rata na


    Just some nice Lesotho dancing footage ..

    Posted by Moos
    at 11:44 AM
  • Tuesday December 31, 2019

    The four bands we find on this collection of miners songs
    have a quite similar sound. Maybe because they all share
    the same bassplayer, Thomas Maseko. The musicians were
    based in the Orange Free State of South Africa but all come
    from the majestic mountain land Lesotho. Love the groove ..

    tracks ;

    01 – Manonyane A Moama – Malimo a manonyane
    02 – Manka Le Phallang – Letsa la maluke
    03 – Majakathatha – Bana baleha
    04 – Sebata Sebata – Kwedi
    05 – Manka Le Phallang – Batauoe
    06 – Manka Le Phallang – Tsheng la terai
    07 – Sebata Sebata – Setumo
    08 – Manonyane A Moama – Ngoanaka
    09 – Majakathatha – Khomo e khunoena
    10 – Sebata Sebata – Selomo ke motjhonoke
    11 – Manka Le Phallang – Manka re liahlehile
    12 – Manonyane A Moama – Batla ho liela


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:58 AM
  • Monday April 5, 2010

    Puseletso Seema & Tau ea Linare, front, cd size

    2010, the year of another World Championship of football, or
    soccer if you prefer. This time the greatest tournament will take
    place in South Africa. The whole continent and in particular South
    Africa of course, shall benefit of all the extra attention an event
    like this harvests. A good opportunity also to promote African
    music worldwide, all eyes and ears shall be wide opened. Today’s
    post concerns a group from Lesotho, a country completely surrounded
    by South Africa that gained independence in 1966. In Globe Style’s series
    ‘Accordeons that shook the world’, this LP by Puseletso Seema & Tau ea
    Linare. The singer Puseletso Seema and the group Tau ea Linare normally
    work separate but made this LP for the occasion, a collaboration worthwhile
    I’d say. Originally released in 1981, this is the 1985 re-release on Globe Style.
    Sweet ‘South’ African music, enjoy He O Oe Oe ! ( say; hay o way way ! )


    1 He o oe oe !
    2 Leshano
    3 Vatse halenone
    4 Ha motsoane
    5 Mathabo
    6 Tsetala Linare
    7 Thaba tsepe
    8 Katla ka sotleha
    9 Bajoetse saki
    10 Kesetse mahlomolenu


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:01 PM