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Categorie archives: Porro-Gogo
- Thursday February 18, 2021
Pedro Salcedo schreef meer dan 1000 songs in zijn tijd.
Hij was de vader van Willie Salcedo over wie wèl een
pagina op Wikipedia bestaat. Pedro’s composities
werden door veel Colombiaanse bands gespeeld.
Vreemd genoeg is over hem weinig te vinden op
het web. Het beroemde ‘La Pollera Colorá’ was
van zijn hand. Uit welk jaar deze plaat stamt
is onduidelijk. Diverse fijne Tropical
de Colombia. Down en deel.
P.S. La Pollera Colorá en
enkele andere songs
zijn als bonus
bijgevoegd ..Pedro Salcedo wrote over 1000 songs during his career.
He was the father of Willie Salcedo who does have his own
Wikipedia page. Pedro’s compositions were played
by many Colombian artists. Strangely little is to be
found about him on the web. The famous song
‘La Pollera Colorá’ was maybe his greatest
composition. It is not clear from what
year this album is, it contains various
Tropical de Colombia,
get it and spread it.
P.S. La Pollera Colorá
and a few other songs
are added as bonus ..Bailables de Oro
Musica Tropical, vol. 8 1982
Discogs, La Pollera Colora
Pedro Salcedo, Discogs01 – Noche corozalera
02 – Maria fernanda
03 – Navegando
04 – Linda mujer
05 – El gustico cheveron
06 – Omaira
07 – Mi candelaria
08 – Esa boca colora
09 – Anacleto
10 – La amanacedora
11 – Meredith
12 – Pompo de las locasbonus tracks
13 – La pollera colorá
14 – El negro canta
15 – La porra caimanera
16 – Corraleja 71 – La pollera coloráPosted by Moosat 10:24 AMCategories
Tropical LD-1527