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Categorie archives: Rumba
- Wednesday September 14, 2022
On this album, featuring various artists, we find
a range of styles, pachanga, rumba, boucha, merengue,
highlife, cha cha cha, and biguine to name a few. It is
a record on Philips, from the seventies, not clear
what year exactly. Tracks are from 1966, 1967,
1968, 1970, 1972 and other. Most songs are
enjoyable, only #10 is a sad weepy.
To each his own ..Op deze plaat, waarop diverse artiesten, vinden we een
reeks nummers in verschillende stijlen, pachanga, rumba,
boucha, merengue, highlife, cha cha cha, en biguine om
er een paar te noemen. Hij komt op Philips en uit de
jaren 70, niet duidelijk welk jaar exact. Nummers
uit 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1972 e.d. De meeste
nummers zijn fijn, alleen # 10 is een treurige
smartlap. Ieder z’n ding dan maar ..01 – les Abidjanais – Mauya
02 – Amédée Pierre – Bida zougo
03 – Orchestre de Bouake – Donne moi ton sourire
04 – Amédée Pierre – Thérèse Boigny
05 – Les Soeurs Comoé – Missi milai
06 – François Lougah – Pecoussa
07 – Fax Clarck et ses Rythmes du Cosmos – Whisky and soda
08 – Mamadou Doumbia – Super bébé
09 – Justin Stanislas – Gbabouho gnoame
10 – François Lougah – Suliram
11 – Ernesto Djédjé – Anowah
12 – Les Abidjanais – Kognima kadi
13 – Les Soeurs Comoé – Mio BioPosted by Moosat 9:12 AMCategories
- Monday March 21, 2022
Rafael Cortijo is here once again with his great lead singer
Ismael Rivera. On this ‘Lo Ultimo y Lo Mejor’ they come out
with Merengue, Son Montuno, Rumba, Guaracha, Bolero,
Pachanga and Guaguancó. Puerto Rican latin from 1963.
Strictly killers and no fillers ..Caballo de Hierro 1977
Baile con Cortijo y su Combo 1958
Champions 1975
Fiesta Boricua 1960
Ismael Rivera, Soy Feliz 197501 – Oriza
02 – Tuntuneco
03 – Yayabo
04 – Quitate de la via perico
05 – El retorno de la cucaracha
06 – Si te contara
07 – Moliendo cafe
08 – Perfume de rosa
09 – El chivo
10 – Druma cuyi
11 – Di donde estas
12 – SeveraPosted by Moosat 9:28 AMCategories
- Sunday February 20, 2022
What do you think about some Cuban son for this sunday ?
We had three records and one cd so far. Most of the albums
I found with them contain doubles, songs that also appear
on others. On this Colombian release on Discos Orbe only
a few. Here in the Netherlands we have grey and wet
weather today, an album like this may cheer up
your mood. Get, spread and enjoy listening ..Wat denk je van wat Cubaanse son voor deze grijze zondag ?
We hadden tot dusver drie elpees en één cd met hen. De
meeste platen die ik heb gevonden bevatten veel dubbels,
nummers die ook al op andere staan. Deze op het Colom-
biaanse Discos Orbe label slechts enkele. Op zo’n natte
koude dag kan deze sound ons wellicht wat opvrolijken.Glorias de Cuba 1976
Clásicos del Son vol. 1 1987
Clásicos del Son vol. 2 1987
Tumbao Cuban Classics 199201 – La edad y la mariposa
02 – Maria antonieta llego
03 – Es mejor que te calles
04 – Don lengua
05 – Bururu barara
06 – Como lo soño marti
07 – Y en eso llego fidel
08 – Echale salsita
09 – Quien me lo iba a decir camara
10 – Suavecito
11 – El son y sus instrumentos
12 – El final no llegaraPosted by Moosat 9:33 AMCategories
Bolero, Bolero Son, Cuba, Guajira Son, Rumba, Rumba Son, Salsa, Son, Son Cubano - Saturday August 21, 2021
We had them on several occasions, Orchestre Mando Negro
Kwala Kwa. In the ‘Grands Succès Africains’ series we also had
several albums. I placed the links below as usual. On the great
Pathé Marconi label and from 1974 ..Orchestre Mando Negro, Discogs
Les Grands Succès Africains, DiscogsSeven 7″ from Congo vol. 3
Seven 7″ from Congo vol. 5
Hit Parade Africain vol. 3 1973
Stars of Zaïre Verse Two 1977
l’Afrique Danse 1973
Holiday in AfrikaLes Bantous, Les Grands Succès Africains vol. 3 1975
Passy Mermans, Les Grands Succès Africains vol. 6 1976
African Kings au Gabon, Les Grands Succès Africains vol. 8 197701 – Voiture ya occasion
02 – Matumoli
03 – Melanie
04 – Anantso
05 – Massamba m.j.
06 – Akam-amifirme
07 – Milangi
08 – ReginePosted by Moosat 9:10 AMCategories
- Sunday June 13, 2021
Tanzanian brothers Wilson and George Kinyonga formed
Orchestra Simba Wanyika in 1971. Earlier they worked under
the name Arusha Jazz with third brother William. The group
had several offshoots like Les Wanyika, Super Wanyika Stars
and others. They used the name Simba Wanyika Original to
ensure this was the first and original Simba Wanyika. Their
guitar driven sound was inspired by Dr. Nico and they combined
highly melodic rumba with Swahili lyrics. Simba Wa Nyika
means ‘Lions of the Savannah’. Infectious East African
candy you don’t want to miss, get it and spread it ..De Tanzaniaanse broers Wilson en George Kinyonga vormden
Orchestra Simba Wanyika in 1971. Daarvoor werkten ze onder
de naam Arusha Jazz met derde broer William. De band had
diverse ‘offshoots’ zoals onder andere Les Wanyika en Super
Wanyika Stars. Ze gebruikten de naam Simba Wanyika Original
om duidelijk te maken dat dit de eerste en originele Simba
Wanyika betrof. Hun gitaar gedreven geluid was geïnspireerd
door Dr. Nico en ze combineerden zeer melodische rumba met
Swahili lyrics. Simba Wa Nyika betekent ‘Leeuwen van de
Savannah’. Aanstekelijk Oost Afrikaans snoepgoed dat je
zeker niet wilt missen. Haal binnen en deel ..Muziekweb
Arusha Jazz at Holland Tunnel Dive
Muziki Wa Dansi01 – Baba asiya
02 – Marceline #2
03 – Tushirikiane
04 – Hasira hasaraPosted by Moosat 9:14 AMCategories
- Saturday May 8, 2021
We had a couple of records with Ignacio Piñeiro and his
Septeto Nacional, today volume two of ‘Clasicos del Son’.
Son, bolero, guaracha and rumba from Cuba.
Don’t you just love his sound, voice
and music ? I certanly do ..Wikipedia on Septeto Nacional
Wikipedia on Ignacio Piñeiro
Tumbao Cubal Classics 1992
Glorias de Cuba 1976
Clasicos del Son vol. 1 1987
Carlos Embales & Septeto Nacional 199001 – Ruñidera
02 – La cumbancha
03 – Mujer tropical
04 – Llego el dulcerito
05 – Sol de verdad
06 – La plenaria de son
07 – Don ramon
08 – Suave murmullo
09 – Es de oriente el son compay
10 – No puedo conformarme
11 – Muñequita consentida
12 – Rumba a los embalesPosted by Moosat 9:47 AMCategories
Bolero Son, Cuba, Guaracha, Pregón Son, Rumba, Son - Sunday January 3, 2021
We ended 2020 with Cuban music and
now we open 2021 with Cuban music.
Just for the fun of it ..
Wishing everybody a swell, happy
and healthy new year !
Let the music take you there ..
Cheers, MoosAnother album with Miguel Matamoros, today he appears
with Conjunto Matamoros instead of Trio Matamoros.
Guest singer is the great Beny
Moré with his golden voice ..Beny Moré, Sonero Mayor vol. 4 1982
Beny Moré y sus Amigos
Trio Matamoros 1996
Los Matamoros, Vuelven
Roberto Torres Recuerda al Trio Matamoros 1981
Trio Matamoros, El Cubanisimo vol. 1 1982
Beny Moré, Wikipedia
Beny Moré, Discogs
Trio Matamoros, Wikipedia
Conjunto Matamoros, Discogs01 – Buenos Hermanos
02 – La cazuelita
03 – Se va a morir
04 – Ofrenda criolla
05 – Sere dichoso
06 – Que sera eso ?
07 – Penicilina
08 – Me la llevo
09 – Las penas de mi alma
10 – Oyeme
11 – Camina y van pa’ la loma
12 – Cosas de ayer
13 – Mi unica boca
14 – Que estan mirando
15 – Baila mi pregon
16 – Mailare mi son
17 – Soy maraqueroPosted by Moosat 1:15 PMCategories
- Wednesday December 9, 2020
Found this record between my Cuban releases. At first I thought
it was an album with Miguel Matamoros. When checking Discogs
it became more confusing than it already was. The sleeve gives no
information and Discogs has a copy on the Colombian Fabuloso label.
My copy is on Metrópoli on which I can’t seem to find anything. The
music sounds very much from Cuba and personally I think the cover
also looks Cuban. We have no year of release and no info, what do
you think we have here ?
P.S. Studying the label, Metrópoli
also seems to be Colombian ..Deze plaat stond tussen m’n Cubaanse uitgaven. Eerst dacht ik dat
we er een met Miguel Matamoros hadden. Toen ik Discogs raad-
pleegde werd de verwarring eerder groter dan kleiner. De hoes
geeft geen enkele info en Discogs heeft een een versie op het
Colombiaanse Fabuloso label. De mijne is op Metrópoli waarover
online niets te vinden is. De muziek klinkt mij Cubaans en ook de
hoes lijkt mij Cubaans. We vinden geen jaar van uitgifte en geen
informatie, wat denk jij dat we hier hebben ?
P.S. Het label bestuderend blijkt
Metrópoli ook Colombiaans te zijn.01 – Conciencia
02 – Mata y baby
03 – Puro amor
04 – Sangre de conga
05 – Tu veras
06 – Las ruinas de mi bohio
07 – El puerquito de la yuca
08 – Beso discreto
09 – La china de la rumba
10 – Bolichan
11 – Pobre bohemia
12 – El trio y el ciclonPosted by Moosat 9:17 AM - Thursday October 29, 2020
On Harlequin we find this lovely cd with the music of Filiberto
Rico and his group Rico’s Creole Band. He was a Cuban clarinet
player and one of the first to bring Cuban music to Europe.
Read more in this Bio.Blessed in Havana, Cuba, in 1910, Filiberto Rico was one of
the primary wave of music artists to popularize Latin American
music throughout north European countries. An alto saxophonist
who doubled on flute, youthful Rico gigged and documented with
several rings in Paris and Copenhagen through the past due ’20s,
especially Moises Simon’s Orquesta Tipica Cubana. Rico’s Creole
Music group was produced in 1930 and interested the Parisian
open public using the conga, the beguine, as well as the bolero
until a proliferation of Nazis (equipped with a racist Weltan-
schauung that criminalized the cultural variety embodied in
the word “Creole”) managed to get essential for this Afro-Cuban
musician to absent himself from the spot through the years
1941-1946. Rico’s postwar reputation in Paris and along the
France Riviera is renowned, and continues to be related to the
mixing of Western european and Latin American designs. His early
recordings had been reissued in two amounts on compact disk with
the Harlequin label in 1993-1994, and his postwar profession is
documented on the retrospective two-fer released in 2003 by
Fremeaux & Associes. ( MusicianBio)01 – Viva la conga
02 – A una rosa
03 – Biguine d’amour
04 – Canto caribe
05 – Lagrimas negras
06 – Ce que j’aime
07 – Rumba seductora
08 – Quiero
09 – La complainte de l’esclave
10 – Chaparrita
11 – Alma de mujer
12 – Como una rosa
13 – Mammy bong
14 – Blanca rosa
15 – La conga
16 – Chiquita de cuba
17 – la sitiera
18 – Rumba galopante
19 – Paris soir
20 – 1-2-3 yepPosted by Moosat 8:41 AMCategories
- Friday October 4, 2019
When the weather is changing and fall drops in on us, I always tend
to start playing more popmusic. Atmospheric stuff with lots of variety.
Something quite else is this cd on the prestigious Luaka Bop label of
David Byrne. His selections are outstanding and surprising. This album
is from 1991, already 28 years of age but feels like yesterday. Mr. Byrne
treats us with music from the UK, Brazil, the US and Cuba. A nice bunch
of songs in different styles and moods, listen ..P.S. I discovered one strange mistake, track #9 is not Agepê as written
on the cd’s cover. It is Martinho da Vila with Claustrofobia.Als het weer omslaat en de herfst zijn onstuimige intrede maakt, neig ik
steeds vaker naar popmuziek. Atmosferische mengeling van stijlen en
stemmingen. Iets tamelijk anders dan wat je hier gewend bent is dit. Op
het prestgieuze Luaka Bop label van David Byrne komt deze bonte ver-
zameling tracks die stammen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Brazilië, de USA
en Cuba. Het gaat van links naar rechts en andersom, luister ..P.S. Ik ontdekte een vreemde fout, track #9 is niet Agepê zoals de
cd omslag vermeldt. Het is Martinho da Vila met Claustrofobia.tracks ;
01 – A.R. Kane – A love from outer space
02 – Jorge Ben – Ponte de lança africano (umbabarauma)
03 – David Byrne – Dirty old town
04 – Tom Zé – Augusta, Angélica e consolação
05 – Conjunto Rumbavana – No me llores
06 – Luiz Conzaga – O fole roncou
07 – Silvio Rodriguez – Nuestro tema
08 – Jack Dangers – Ava
09 – Martinho da Vila – Claustrofobia
10 – A.R. Kane – Miles apart
11 – Caetano Veloso – Um canto de afoxé para o bloco do ilê
12 – Trio Nordestino – Rejeição
13 – Celeste Mendoza – Mi rumba echando candela
14 – David Byrne – Make believe mambo (club mix)Posted by Moosat 12:45 PMCategories
Philips 6332 334