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Categorie archives: Mapalé
- Sunday December 1, 2024
Luis Eduardo Bermúdez Acosta, better known as Lucho Bermúdez,
was a Colombian composer, musician and performer. he was one
of the most important orchestral leaders, composers in Colombian
music history. Back in the days when Jillem of Holland Tunnel Dive
postedthis album I promised to post some of his older
work some day. Well here it finally is, hope you like it, it contains some
background noise, but what do you expect after 61 years. The town you see
is Carmen de Bolívar where he grew up. I have another 16 of his records
on the shelf, feel free to ask any other, I’ll see if I have it.
get it & spread it ..Het is een mooi verhaal. dat van de carrière van Lucho Bermúdez.
Ik heb in de tijd toen Jillem op Holland Tunnel Dive een album van
hem plaatste (zie link in Engels bericht) beloofd later meer van zijn
oude werk te plaatsen. Vandaag is het dan eindelijk zover.
Vandaag dus twee van zijn platen, mooi spul van 61 jaar geleden.
De plaat heeft wat kraakjes, maar wat verwacht je na 61 jaar.
Stad op de foto is Carmen de Bolívar waar Lucho opgroeide.
Ik heb nog 16 van zijn platen op de plank, verzoek dus gerust ..Bodas de oro Musicales
Sabrosita Pata Cumbia 1968
Cosas de Lucho
when I promised, June 202201 – Tio rafa
02 – Mi mami y mi papi
03 – Fantasia tropical
04 – Maritza
05 – Caprichito
06 – Molongo
07 – Guacamayo
08 – El niche
09 – Carnaval
10 – Puerta de oro
11 – Añoranza
12 – PalitoPosted by Moosat 12:01 PMCategories
- Tuesday January 4, 2022
I couldn’t resist to post this wonderful album once again.
It is the third time it’s been posted, now with updated
tags and details, I also added a documentary in Spanish
in 2 parts. The previous post contained files without the
right tags. For this final re-post I have also made you the
vinyl-rip. See which one you like best, CD or LP. If you
didn’t have it yet, better grab both ..Ik kon niet weestaan deze pracht plaat nogmaals in dit
nieuwe jaar te plaatsen. Het is de derde keer dat ik hem
post, nu met ge-update tags en details. Ik heb tevens een
docu over Buitrago in het Spaans in twee delen toegevoegd.
De laatste maal voldeden de files niet aan de huidige maat-
staven. Voor deze gelegenheid heb ik ook de vinyl versie
gemaakt, kijken welke je beter vindt, CD of LP. Als je ‘m
nog niet had, pak ze allebei ..Wikipedia
Wiki EspañolLa Piǐa Madura
Regalito de Navidad01 – La vispera de año nuevo
02 – Ron de vinola
03 – Dame tu mujer josé
04 – Grito vagabundo
05 – El huerfanito
06 – Compae heliodoro
07 – El amor de claudia
08 – La carta
09 – La araña picua
10 – La piña madura
11 – La hija de mi comadre
12 – Que criterio
13 – Las mujeres a mi no me quieren
14 – Cienaguera
15 – El testamento (la despedida)
16 – El brujo de arjonaPosted by Moosat 8:37 AMCategories
- Wednesday August 21, 2019
Je kent ongetwijfeld de het gezegde, je moet het ijzer smeden
als het heet is. In het geval van de platenverzamelaar, koop de
plaat als de gelegenheid zich voordoet en je de middelen hebt.
Zo heb ik veel platen gekocht na ze snel te beluisteren en soms
belanden ze al in de kast zonder ooit echt goed gehoord te heb-
ben. Het leuke is dat je jaren later een album ontdekt in je eigen
collectie. Dit is er zo een. Ik kan over Alfonso Piña niet zoveel vin-
den op het web. Één ding weet ik wel, dit is Tropical de Colombia
van hoge kwaliteit. Bailables con Piña swingt van begin tot eind ..In Dutch we have this saying, you must forge the iron when it is
hot. It means as much as take the opportunity when it occurs.
I don’t know the proper English way to express this feeling. In
case of the record collector, buy the record when it appears.
This is how it happens that you buy an album after a quick listen
and sometimes it ends up on the shelf without really hearing it.
The fun thing about it is that after years you may discover an
elpee in your own collection you don’t know. This is such a
record. I can’t seem to find much about Alfonso Piña but
one thing I do know. This is Tropical de Colombia of decent
quality. Bailables con Piña rocks from beginning to end ..tracks ;
01 – Porro viejo santa ines
02 – Macumba de uraba
03 – Mi reina ana maria
04 – Mujer libre
05 – La negrita del cafe
06 – La rama de tamarindo
07 – La cabaretera
08 – Corozal y sincelejo
09 – Ña ñe perez
10 – Dulce nombre
11 – Orgullo sin plata
12 – La rascaderaPosted by Moosat 8:49 AMCategories
- Tuesday January 24, 2017
Hallo groevers, ik kreeg gisteren een verzoekje binnen voor
een plaat van Lucho Bermudez met het nummer ‘Taganga’.
Dit is een album met 25 jaar successen welke ermee opent.
Veel luisterplezier Juan en vergeet hem niet door te geven.
p.s. de geluidskwaliteit laat wel wat te wensen helaas..Hello groovers, yesterday I received request for an album
by the great Lucho Bermudez that contains the song ‘Taganga’.
This is a disc with 25 years of successes which opens with it.
Lots of listening pleasure Juan, get it and spread it as usual.
p.s. the sound quality leaves us with wishes for better..titels ;
01 – Taganga
02 – Salsipuedes
03 – Gloria maria
04 – Arroz con coco
05 – Roberto mendez
06 – Bureche
07 – Gaiteando
08 – San andres
09 – La escoba
10 – La buchaca
11 – Colombia tierra querida
12 – Prende la velaPosted by Moosat 9:02 AMCategories
- Thursday November 20, 2014
Albums like this are hard to find over here
in the Netherlands ? We are so lucky to have the
guys in our network that bring home these rare lp’s from
Colombia. Rufo Garrido and José Pianeta Pitalua are the
guys that lead this Orquesta. It remains a mystery why
Colombians keep using these B-models at the sleeves
of wonderful albums like this one.
I found some footage to help you get an other
impression, watch & listen..tracks;
1 El colombo americano
2 Agárrate
3 Muchacho galán
4 Dos ma
5 Gózalo mi amor
6 Timba y tambó
7 Yo no quiero perra
8 Catana
9 Brincando el carro
10 Que toque rufoPosted by Moosat 10:10 AMCategories
- Sunday October 20, 2013
You know you’re all such lucky bastards, this music is
almost impossible to find. The main man here is my buddy
Sanjay. He travells to Colombia and finds these killer lp’s.
Thank you again Sanjay, the album we have here is just
breathtaking. I love the stirring rhythms and wild sound
of the porros and guarachas. Sonora Curro with Crecencio
Camacho and Romansito are here with their swell
names and grooves to make you drift off, close
y’r eyes and you’re in a different world..
Get it & Spread it !I’m sorry the lp has some hisss.. and stuff…
..on the other hand..with such a sleeve..tracks;
1 Compadrito
2 Calavera
3 Matimbá
4 Barrejobo
5 Aurorita
6 Don pascual
7 Empuje la aguja
8 La picazon
9 Jujule
10 musungo
11 La vecinita
12 La descaradaPosted by Moosat 6:13 PMCategories
- Saturday May 11, 2013
Dear music collectors, vinyl hunters and lovers of tropical
sounds, as some of you may know, I am a fanatic hunter
for all types of lp’s from the old days. As such I tend to
visit the biggest recordfairs we have around, like the one
in Utrecht twice a year. On the last few visits I have met
with the guys from Vintage Voudou. It is a tiny recordshop
in the heart of the Amsterdam redlight-district. You have
to know where to look, right between the windows where
various women offer themselves you’ll find a gate, ring a
bell and go through a small corridor to find two very small
recordshops. One of them is Vintage Voudou, the adress
is Oudekerkplein 26a, only on thursday, friday and satur-
day you’ll find them open. When I got there I met with Alex,
one of the owners, we sat down and had a huge conversation
about our favourite music. I found lots of Colombian albums
at his place, really wonderful. We listened to the music,
smoked a few pipes and spent some hours like that. Alex
then gave me the number of another friend, he told me to
check out the records of Sanjay Agarwal. Sanjay is the man,
he travells to Colombia a lot, meets with the artists and made
a documentary about Colombian music, take a look at the
trailer of his documentary called Colombian Gold.A few days ago I payed Sanjay a visit in his Amsterdam appartment
and we had a great afternoon listening to lots of Colombian music,
talking about it and some of the hottest Colombian stuff changed of
owner that day. For those who live close to Amsterdam, on saturday
may 18th Alex is going to deejay a Latin-night at Blijburg, a very hip
joint in the Zeeburg area of Amsterdam. Since his buddy Sanjay can’t
make it to join him, I offered to step in, so if you see a chance, pop by
and come have a dance and a drink. Take a look at Blijburg It will be
an evening of latin music, strictly from vinyl, it starts at 22.00 hrs. Be there !
The lp I am posting is one I found at Vintage Voudou and was imported
by Sanjay. One of my favourite groups is absolutely la Sonora Cordobesa,
listen to this lp and agree, sweet porro, jalaito, paseaito and mapalé
you don’t want to miss, get it & spread it !tracks;
1 Jalaito en monteria
2 El loriquero
3 La mafafa
4 Bocachico sinuano
5 Rosita
6 Nenita linda
7 Tumba cucharo
8 Linda cordobesa
9 No me pongas sebo
10 Santa lucia
11 Cara mona
12 El pascueroPosted by Moosat 8:03 PMCategories
- Sunday November 25, 2012
Good evening, the groove of today is going to be a Colombian
one. On Discos Curro we have us an album with songs by three
groups. Orquesta Melodia, La Sonora Curro and Super Combo
de Curramba. It is not exactly clear what band plays which song.
The cover does not give that information nor does the label of the
record. How ever they organised it, I don’t really care. The music is
so hot, it makes one forget such futilities. So get it and spread it,
it is one of the hottest Colombian sounds I ever heard, enjoy..tracks;
1 Palenquerita
2 Arroz con coco
3 Jalaito moreno
4 Avivata
5 El tigre pampanilla
6 Pon tu mano en mi corazón
7 Que toque rufo
8 Ah… como no sabia
9 Taki taki
10 La carestía
11 Moncho emiliani
12 No fumoPosted by Moosat 5:37 PMCategories
- Thursday January 28, 2010
I just got back from a two day recordsearch and came home
with a pile of music from Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Haiti, Jamaica,
Mali, Guinée, Cabo Verde, Tchad, Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Cuba,
Brazil and Colombia. Wow, now I look at it myself, not a bad score.
The journey back took me almost seven hours today while in fact
it’s a 5 hour trip. Some big accident along the way. Tomorrow I’ll
tell you more, for now start listening to this happy music.
Discos Fuentes brings this collector with all kind of cumbia-like
tropical dance music, fantastic stuff you don’t want to miss.
An oldie but goodie so to say, do you know where I went ?
Demain Franck, demain plus.tracks;
1 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – Agua de panela ( mapalé )
2 Carlos Martelo y su Orquesta – Vacilando ( paseaíto )
3 La Sonora Cordobesa – El tapaboca ( paseaíto )
4 Monteria Swing – Juanché ( porro )
5 La Sonora Cienaguera – La jicara ( paseaíto )
6 Juan Piña y su Orquesta – La puyanga ( Puyanga )
7 La Sonora Cordobesa – La sobadera ( Gaita )
8 Carlos Martelo y su Orquesta – El totumo ( porro )
9 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros – Soy Pelayero ( porro )
10 Monteria Swing – El patoco ( Pupalé )
11 Juan Piña y su Orquesta – Suelta el gallo ( fandango )
12 La Sonora Cienaguera – Martinez Banda ( porro )Posted by Moosat 8:02 PMCategories
- Monday May 4, 2009
Part from some tracks on compilations, I do not use to post any
material from CD. This one by Guillermo Buitrago is an absolute
exeption. If I would not use it, it was impossible to post any
Buitrago. His LP’s, as far as they exist at all, are not to find.
I repost this album for several reasons. It contains songs for
december and new year, well our new year at the Global Groove
starts tomorrow. Part from that, this music is so delightful, I
truely don’t understand it didn’t get any response. I am crazy
about these songs. When I discovered this compilation, I wept
tears of happiness. Maybe it’s just me being foolish, but give
this one another chance and I’m sure you will not regret.tracks;
1 La vispera de año novo
2 Ron de Vinola
3 Dame tu mujer José
4 Grito vagabundo
5 El huerfanito
6 Compae Heliodoro
7 El amor de Claudia
8 La carta
9 La araña picua
10 La piña madura
11 La hija de mi comadre
12 Que criterio
13 Las mujeres no me quieren
14 Cienaguera
15 El testamento
16 El brujo de ArjonaPosted by Moosat 10:35 PMCategories
Tio Rafa
Philips 1963