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Categorie archives: Cameroun
- Thursday March 11, 2010
From Cameroon we have this LP by Les Veterans. It’s a big band that
plays both Bikutsi, a typical Cameroonian style with naughty lyrics
and the use of ballaphones and more Rumba like styles like Soukous.
On this 1983 album they bring us both. Soukous on track 1 & 4,
Bikutsi on 2 & 3. Have fun with Les Veterans.tracks;
1 Si
2 Kulu
3 Jeannine
4 Ze mangaPosted by Moosat 7:21 PM - Wednesday December 2, 2009
I made a mistake suggesting this is the Congolese Papa Noël.
It’s a clear thing by now that this is not the same one.
I must have been blind to suggest he was, nevertheless, eventhough
another papa, this is a very nice album, check yourself.tracks;
1 Tamba Zazou
2 No sens
3 Ayi kpwen
4 Mariage échouéPosted by Moosat 9:55 PMCategories
- Saturday March 21, 2009
I never heard of Pompon Kuleta untill I found this LP.
Neither could I find anything usefull on te world wide web.
What I do know, this is a fine album, very nice voice and
great back up band. With Sammy Massamba, Kabassele and other
artists that do not sound familiar to me.
Check it out and get back to me if you can enlighten us
on the subject.tracks;
1 Faites attention
2 Ba souvenir
3 Bolingo lady
4 Mbula esiliPosted by Moosat 9:11 AMCategories
- Sunday December 21, 2008
This is a Nigerian record, made by a band that exists mainly
out of Camerounian musicians. Many came to Nigeria when oil
was found and economy grew. By the middle of the 80’s, many left
again. Music styles started to fuse and this LP is a good example,
it contains Highlife, Soukous, Makossa, all stirred, not shaken.
Seriously, this is great music.tracks;
1 Canon kpa kum
2 Cordelia my choice
3 African system no 1
4 Baby AgnesPosted by Moosat 12:15 PMCategories
- Tuesday October 28, 2008
I had this LP waiting and promised some time now, Pt. 1 was posted
some weeks ago. It contains music from different countrys, in
different styles and was a hot item, back in the 80’s.
As far as I’m concerned, it still is.
Sorry it took so long Mona, cheers !tracks;
1 Lea Lignanzi – Dede Priscilla ( Central African Republic )
2 Mensy – Ane ya ( Cameroun )
3 Vongo Aye – Bolingo Mobesu ( Zaire )
4 Moussa Doumbia – Menebo Nden ( Mali )
5 Pablo Lubadika Porthos – Madeleina ( Zaire )
6 Jeff Louna – Paulina mineur ( Congo )
7 Asi Kapela – Yoyoyo ( Zaire )Posted by Moosat 9:14 PMCategories
- Sunday October 5, 2008
It was such a day today, I blew two rippings in a row and thought;
‘Okay, let’s wait a couple of hours and start all over’.Just one post today so I made it with a special album.
This is one of the LP’s that made me fall in love with
African music. It was 1981 when Island Records threw it
in the middle of us. We danced around it like crazy, and
I still do. It is in one word ‘Superb’.
Put it on, volume up, stand in the middle of your room,
now let go…
Sound d’Afrique 2 will follow.tracks;
1 Mekongo – Me bowa ya ( Cameroun )
2 Eba Aka Jerome – Massoua mo ( Ivory Coast )
3 Kambou Clement – Dounougnan ( Upper Volta )
4 Pablo – Bo mbanda ( Zaire )
5 Etoile de Dakar – Jalo ( Senegal )
6 Menga Mokombi – Moboma ( Congo )Posted by Moosat 9:12 PMCategories
Ebobolo 1983