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Categorie archives: Afro-Beat
- Thursday September 23, 2021
When I was making yesterday’s post I wanted to place a
link to Fela Kuti’s album ‘Black president’ of which I am
very sure it was posted way back in the beginning of the
Global Groove. Another record that has vanished in the
time I was still using Blogger. One way or the other, I am
no lover of Afrobeat, this album however is more or less
the only one that made it for me. It was one of the first
African records that reached me early eighties. Fela’s
way of playing the saxophone, the easy groove, the
hypnotic way it is built, I am no Fela fan, but
to me one of his best works ..Toen ik gisteren een link wilde plaatsen naar Fela Kuti’s
‘Black President’ ontdekte ik tot m’n verbazing dat hij niet
meer aanwezig was. Alweer een album dat is verdwenen
in de tijd dat we Blogger nog gebruikten. Hoe dan ook, de
Afrobeat sound heeft me nooit heel erg aangesproken.
mij allemaal veel te funky, deze plaat van Fela daarentegen
was één van de eerste Afrikaanse elpees die me bereikte
in de vroege jaren tachtig en zo’n beetje de enige in het
genre die het voor me doet. Fela’s manier van saxofoon
spelen, de mellow groove, de bijna hypnotische opbouw,
ik ben geen kenner, maar voor mij is dit z’n beste ..Wikipedia, English
Wikipedia, Nederlands
Discogs01 – Sorrow tears and blood
02 – Colonial mentality
03 – I.T.T. (International thief thief)Posted by Moosat 7:31 AM - Saturday March 13, 2010
Are you into politics ? I am trying not to be but at the
moment there’s quite some turbulence in the Dutch
political situation. Leaders of party’s come and go and
major changes take place. There will be elections in june
and the papers are full of speculations and predictions.
Personally I am very happy with a fresh new wind blowing
in The Hague in the future, the old one brought us nothing
but shame. I welcome the former mayor of Amsterdam,
Job Cohen, to the political stage, the best of luck to him.How was the political situation in Nigeria in the 70’s ?
I found us Adawa King, Admiral Dele Abiodun, on a 1977
Nigerian juju album. He can tell us some stories,
listen well. His style’s called adawa, a mixture of juju
and Afro-beat with highlife elements. Both sides of the LP
start quite noisy but during the number it gets a lot better.tracks;
1 Ile ola
– Adupe lodo baba wa
– Bobo Doherty ( mama Koko )
– Oke ibadan prestige circle
2 Tewe tagba
– Ma se wa bi ko se wun wa
– Ore mi ko mi lofo kan
– Ma ta omi si mi lara
– Abiodun okunugaPosted by Moosat 8:48 PMCategories
- Thursday September 24, 2009
If we speak of Juju, we think of King Sunny Adé or Chief Ebenezer Obey.
Admiral Dele Abiodun is quite famous too but have you heard of Femi
Akinyemi’s Juju Lucky Stars ? I never had untill I found this here album.
I can’t find any information on the web about Femi. He’s from the urban
Yoruba scene in Lagos and it rocks like crazy. The year of release is also
an unknown factor, late 70’s probably, can you tell us ? Listen to this
sweet melt of Afro-Beat, Highlife and Juju.tracks;
1 Egungun Riot 1976
2 Ki araiye soraPosted by Moosat 8:13 PMCategories
Arista 1981