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Categorie archives: Netherlands

  • Thursday December 1, 2022

    It must have been around 1978 when I first saw Han Bennink perform.
    It was in ‘de Tagrijn’, a youth center and pop podium in Hilversum. I was
    blown away by the way he played, using all kinds of objects and went
    around the hall beating on radiators, tables, chairs and about everything
    he could beat on to create an original sound. Years later when I had my
    own coffee shop, Han came along as a frequent customer, living quite
    nearby. We became like friends and Han performed many times in the
    shop. I also owned a bar in those days where Han used to come drumming
    on the 31st of December. We called it ‘Old Years Fireworks with Han Bennink’.
    Just Han and his drum kit. I have added some pictures from those days, On
    one occasion we had us a little smoke which produced that funny pic with
    Han and a little cloud in front of him. He gave me this record from 1982
    one day. An outstanding example of his wonderful work ..

    Het moet ergens in 1978 zijn geweest dat ik Han Bennink voor het eerst
    zag optreden. Het was in ‘de Tagrijn’, een jeugd centrum en pop podium
    in Hilversum. Het was een ongelooflijke ervaring, Han sloeg op van alles,
    radiators, tafels, stoelen en wat hij maar kon verzinnen en ging erbij de
    zaal rond om vervolgens weer achter zijn drumstel te belanden. Jaren
    later toen ik mijn eigen coffee shop had, kwam Han regelmatig langs en
    werd een vaste bezoeker, hij woonde dichtbij. We werden als vrienden
    en Han heeft in die tijd vaak bij ons in de shop opgetreden. Ik had ook
    een café waar Han elk jaar op 31 december het Oude Jaars Vuurwerk
    met zijn drums verzorgde. Ik heb wat foto’s uit die tijd bijgevoegd. Op
    een dag rookte we wat, het bracht een leuk plaatje voort. Han Bennink
    gaf me deze plaat op een mooie dag, een pracht album ..


    01 – Walk
    02 – Brushes/Airdrumming
    03 – Stick trick
    04 – Ivory horses
    05 – Traps 1
    06 – Rims
    07 – Stones
    08 – Traps 2
    09 – Donnerwetter
    10 – Body claps & hums
    11 – Salut to fode youla
    12 – De krieps
    13 – Traps 3
    14 – Dropsticks
    15 – Tempo comodo
    16 – Stroef


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:03 AM
  • Saturday June 7, 2014

    22 tracks about footbal

    Speaking of football, or soccer, whatever you prefer, I decided
    to make a collector about it. It begins with a track from a cd
    full of 78’s collected by John Peel’s wife. Nice old song, in the
    middle we have two African songs, one Colombian and another
    oldie with the Marx Brothers. On no.13 we have a track sung by
    no one less than Pelé, with Sergio Mendes and on 20 a quite bad
    Dutch caranaval song by our own Johan Cruyff, you wont believe
    your ears. Most songs are Brazillian and about the famous Rio-club
    Flamengo or Pelé, get it & spread it…


    1 Albert Whelan – Pass! shoot!! goal!!!
    2 João Nogueira e Outros – Hino de flamengo
    3 Gasolina – E o juíz apitou
    4 João Nogueira – Samba rubro-negra
    5 Bezerra da Silva – Flamengo e mangueira
    6 Hélio Nascimento – Continuo a ser flamengo
    7 Varias crianças – Falando sobre futbol
    8 Luiz Wanderley – Rei pelé
    9 Pepé Kallé – Roger mila
    10 Johnny Bokelo – A.s. biliman
    11 Los Teenagers – Pachanga del futbol
    12 The Marx Brothers – Professor wagstaff presents the football game ( Groucho )
    13 Sergio Mendes e Pelé – Meu mundo é uma bola
    14 Wilson Simonal – Obrigado pelé
    15 Jackson do Pandeiro – O rei pelé
    16 Grupo Fundo de Quintal – Sou flamengo, cacique e mangueira
    17 Tim Maia – Flamengo
    18 Gilberto Gil e Germano Mathias – Samba rubro-negro
    19 Lonnie Donegan – World cup willie
    20 Johan Cruyff – Oei oei oei ( dat was me weer een loei )
    21 Gringo da Parada – Mengoooo
    22 Torcedores de flamengo – Mengoo


    Posted by Moos
    at 4:37 PM
  • Saturday March 28, 2009

    Last oktober I posted an album by a dear artist from Amsterdam,
    the city of my ancestors. Johnny Jordaan is still a hero of the
    old days and has sentimental value to me. He used to sing with
    this fine lady. Tante Leen and Johnny Jordaan are unforgettable
    and there’s even a Johnny Jordaan Plein ( square ). Funny enough
    I bought this LP today in Utrecht instead of Amsterdam. The music
    is typical for the ‘Jordaan’, an area in old Amsterdam. Music quite
    different from what you’re used to find here. Tante Leen had her own
    little café where she used to sing for the public, the only day she
    didn’t sing was when Ajax played at home. Every fortnight on sunday she
    was in the Ajax football stadium cheering for her club.


    1 Mijn ouwe Amstelstad
    2 Oh Johnny
    3 Wanneer
    4 Ik ben zo verliefd
    5 Hand in hand
    6 Ik kan vergeten
    7 Aan de Amsterdamse grachten
    8 Waarom wil je niets meer van me weten
    9 De oude straatmuzikant
    10 Mijn jongen
    11 Kijk mij eens aan
    12 Op die ouwe Nieuwendijk


    Posted by Moos
    at 5:55 PM
  • Thursday October 16, 2008

    I use to post ‘music for the people’ of many country’s.
    This time I want to introduce a Dutch singer to you, one I
    really enjoy listening to. This is typical music from the
    Amsterdam neighbourhood, ‘de Jordaan’. The album is from ’85
    but the recordings are made between 1954 ( track # 1 ) and
    early 60’s. Johnny Jordaan had huge succes late 50’s, his music,
    though sung with enormous Amsterdam slang, was played throughout
    the Netherlands. I always loved it, something quite different
    for once. Hope you appreciate.


    1 Bij ons in de Jordaan
    2 Geef mij maar Amsterdam
    3 De afgekeurde woning
    4 De parel van de Jordaan
    5 Johnny’s potpourri 1
    6 Johnny’s potpourri 2
    7 Daar mag je alleen naar kijken
    8 Een pikketanussie
    9 Janussie
    10 Pruimenpap
    11 De begrafenis van Manke Nelis
    12 Vriendschap


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:40 PM
  • Saturday June 7, 2008

    Today I have a funpost ! In an hour or so, the European ‘Futbol’
    (soccer) Championship in Austria and Switzerland is about to start.
    For the occasion I thought it would be fun to post some music by
    the two greatest soccerplayers of the previous century. ‘Pelé’ and
    ‘Cruyff’. I’d say Cruyff was a good second if we speak about soccer,
    but if we speak about music, I am affraid he is far from that position.
    Brazilians have a nature, they’re born with music in their vains. Pelé
    comes in with a great Bossa composition, backed by ‘Sergio Mendes’,
    what could go wrong ? World, please have mercy on Johan Cruyff
    and us Dutch people, we don’t have that sunny way. What we do
    have however, is a good sense of humour, Johan Cruyff surprises
    us with this 1969 Dutch Carnaval number, once again there
    is no comparison.


    1 O coraçao do rei
    2 Meu mundo é uma bola
    3 Memorias
    4 Nascimento
    5 Voltando a Baurú
    6 Cidade grande
    7 Cidade grande
    8 Alma Latina, ” My world is a ball”
    9 A tristeza do Adeus
    10 A tristeza do Adeus
    11 Na Bahia
    12 Amor e agressao
    13 Meu mundo é uma bola


    1 Johan Cruyff – Oei oei oei
    2 Johan Cruyff – Alle stoppen ineens naar de knoppen


    Posted by Moos
    at 2:40 PM