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Categorie archives: Throat-singing
- Wednesday February 13, 2013
..and now for something completely different..
If I say; “throat-singing from Tuva”, does that ring any bell to you ?
If it doesn’t, it is time to get aquainted. When I saw “Gengis Blues”
again, it hit me like it did the first time and I decided to give it a go.
I could be mistaking but if I’m correct, this cd by the wonderful Shu-De
is already out of print. Don’t get confused now, Gengis Blues is a film
about the blind American bluessinger Paul Pena who’s one of the first
western artists to practise this type of singing. The movie follows him to
Tuva and gives us a marvelous inside look in it’s quite unknown culture.
The cd ‘Shu-De – Voices from the distant steppe’ on Peter Gabriels ‘Real
World’ label is from 1994 and combines wonderful with Paul Pena’s story.
To spoil you a bit more I added some funvideo’s
on the same topic, look & listen..tracks;
01 Sygyt, khoomei, kargyraa
02 Aian dudal
03 Beezhinden
04 Buura
05 Durgen chugaa
06 Throat-singing and igil
07 Yraazhy kys
08 Shyngyr-shyngyr
09 Baian-dudai
10 Khomus solo
11 Meen khemchim
12 Opei yry
13 Tyva-uriankhai
14 Chaspy-khem
15 Kadarchynyng yry
16 KhamPosted by Moosat 4:33 PMCategories
RealWorld 1994