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Categorie archives: Boogaloo
- Saturday November 16, 2024
I suppose many French people went on a sunny holyday
in one of their oversees colonies during the 60’s & 70’s.
Disques Célini and sub-label Aux Ondes released a number
of albums named Boum Vacances or Holiday surprise party.
We had a few on earlier occasions and today we’ve got
another one for you. It is a record with various artists,
happy holyday music from the 60’s & 70’s ..I veronderstel dat veel Fransen een zonnige vakantie door-
brachten in éen van hun overzeese kolonies in de jaren 70.
Disques Célini en sub-label Aux Ondes lanceerden een aantal
platen met de naam Boum Vacances ofwel fijn vakantie feestje.
We hadden er al een paar en vandaag vindt een volgende z’n
weg naar jou. Verschillende artiesten uit de
jaren 60 en 70 ..Disques Célini
Various Boum Vacances
DiscogsLes Vikings, Boum Vacances 1968
Boum Vacances, Various Artists01 – Rapaces – Zagalaka téléma
02 – Rapaces – Tumbélé waï sé ma
03 – Rapaces – Bassoué
04 – Rapaces – Pipilite sambo
05 – David Martial – Jerk vidé
06 – André Redo – Django contre zorro
07 – David Martial – Méringé
08 – Émile Volel – Tué moin
09 – David Martial – Élise
10 – Rapaces – Sally n’gaïPosted by Moosat 12:38 PMCategories
- Sunday November 22, 2020
Anibal Velasquez is a Colombian composer and musician with
a career that spans over sixty years. He was the hit of Colombia’s
50’s and 60’s. The album we’ve got for you today is from 1970, 50
years of age and still very hot. Anibal was hospitalized last year
with a severe lung infection, let’s hope he’s doing better
today. Listen and enjoy Anibal’s tremenda salsa ..El Rey del Acordeon Colombiano 1977
Anibal Velasquez y su Conjunto
el Ritmo y el Sabor 1978
Golpe Currambero
Lo Ultimo
.. y su Conjunto
with Los Curramberos de Guayabal
Tirando Exitos
Los Ases del Ritmo, Costa Brava
Anibal ‘Sensación Velasquez01 – Que paso
02 – Te vi venir
03 – Mirala
04 – Las bodas
05 – Descargate nicolas
06 – Se daño la bandera
07 – Santo amor
08 – El gato de anitaPosted by Moosat 11:13 AMCategories
- Wednesday June 13, 2018
Do you know that great Soundway Records collector named ‘Tumbélé’?
It is on there I first heard l’Ensemble Abricot with ‘Chonga’, a marvelous
guaguanco from Martinique. This week I stumbled upon this record
on which we find ‘Chonga’ and a bunch of other latin songs by this
wonderful band. From Martinique’s 1968, not to be missed..Ken je die geweldige compilatie cd op Soundway Records genaamd
‘Tumbélé’? Het was op die cd dat ik voor het eerst kennis maakte met
‘Chonga’, een heerlijke guaguanco van l’Ensemble Abricot uit Martinique.
Deze week botste ik op deze elpee waar die track vanaf komt. De plaat
bevat nog een aantal prachtige latin songs van deze fijne band.
Uit Martinique’s 1968, een album om niet te missen..01 – Chonga
02 – Pliche ti nin
03 – Sandra
04 – Cuando sali de cuba
05 – Bienvenue
06 – El boogaloo esta en algo
07 – Baila guaguanco
08 – Conver vergencia
09 – Se quedo boogaloo
10 – El rey
11 – Festaval compasPosted by Moosat 7:18 AMCategories
- Monday February 22, 2016
Michi Sarmiento’s platen zijn zeer lastig te vinden, zelfs in Colombia.
Gelukkig hebben wij onze trouwe vriend Sanjay die met zekere
regelmaat die kant opgaat om deze op te sporen. Hier hebben we
zo’n elpeetje. Het bevat diverse stijlen binnen de salsa, porro-salsa,
bomba, guaracha, mongolo, guaguancó, paseaíto en boogaloo.Michi Sarmiento’s records are hard to come by, even in Colombia.
We are lucky to have our loyal blog-friend Sanjay who travels there
frequently to hunt down these treasures. The album we have here
today contains a variety of salsa styles, porro-salsa, bomba, guaracha,
mongolo, guaguancó, paseaíto and boogaloo, enjoy listening..titels ;
01 – Caleñita
02 – Mi querida bomba
03 – El negro simón
04 – El pueblo soplaviento
05 – Mosaico – amparo arrebato
– la batea
– che che cole
06 – El pescador felizPosted by Moosat 10:49 AMCategories
- Friday October 31, 2014
What can I say ? You know I’m a lover of this type of
music. I could keep annoying you with superlatives
concerning this album but I really think it’s best if you
listen first and make up your own mind about it. Can
you tell us who you see on the frontsleeve ? I am sure
about two or three myself, how many do you know ?
By the way, this is an original old yellow Fuentes
label on a very thick and heavy slice of vinyl, wow..tracks;
1 Casi nada, Eliseo Herrera
2 Busca tu hueco, Tony Zúñiga
3 Charanga costeña, Calixto Ochoa
4 Baila mi boogaloo, Lisandro Meza
5 La que a ti te gusta, Julio Erazo
6 Compae tomas, instrumental
7 Ritmo de colombia, Manuel Cervantes
8 Pompo manteca, Tony Zúñiga
9 La pintosa, Lisandro Meza
10 Duermete niño, Chico Cervantes
11 Gorrero pechugon, Julio Erazo
12 El espejo del chinito, Calixto OchoaPosted by Moosat 10:22 AMCategories
- Wednesday January 8, 2014
Ryco-Jazz was founded by Henri Bowane in 1958. The name was
composed from Rythme Congolais, Ry-Co in short. From 1960 to
1964 they toured west Africa and later moved to Martinique where
they were very popular. Their styles varied from tumbele, biguine,
bolero and rumba. Back in Paris in 1971 the group splits up and
spreads. Jean Serge Essous for instance went back to join Les
Bantous de la Capitale..enjoy..tracks;
1 Mimi
2 Bana biafra
3 Nabenga yo nani
4 An drole di chance
5 Blue sugar
6 Basi na angola
7 Desarmement
8 N’doto kitoko
9 M’puli mua munie
10 IveciaPosted by Moosat 3:17 PMCategories
- Thursday February 4, 2010
I received an e-mail of the people of Fania, they have something
special coming out. A special release with old Joe Cuba recordings.
They asked me if I want to use their videoclip, which is really super.
As you can see I didn’t want to let them down, au contraire, I am honoured
to be asked to do so. To accompany it I was looking for a Joe Cuba LP but
I haven’t got one. Instead I found this LP by Tito Puente, they have a few
things in common. Both were born in New York and played conga’s. They both
made some records with Fania, this one was originally released by Fania in
1969. So enjoy this album of boogaloo by Tito Puente after listening to
Joe Cuba, have fun.
Thank you Fania and lots of sales to Joe Cuba, great stuff.tracks;
1 Vete pa’la luna
2 Fat mama
3 Ay cariño
4 Ran kan kan
5 Fancy feet
6 Timbalito
7 Babrabatiri
8 Cuando caliente el sol
9 T.P.’s Shing-a-ling
10 Caramelos
11 A Noro Morales
12 AzukikiPosted by Moosat 8:41 PM - Saturday December 20, 2008
Colombian acordeonist Anibal Velásquez is back at GG with a rare
album on a Venezolan label; Pop DCM. I found this one in Paris
on my last visit. It contains 12 great songs that will make
you dance across the room. One of my biggest Colombian idols.tracks;
1 Ojos verdes
2 La maestranza
3 Linda Catirita
4 Coqueto de agua
5 Noche Sabanera
6 A Maracaibo
7 El resucitado
8 La tranca
9 Mejor que te vayas
10 Fiesta de la Chinita
11 El pachanguero
12 El ron con conPosted by Moosat 12:03 PMCategories
Various Artists
Disques Célini 107