August 9, 2017

Les Vikings – Boum Vacances
Disques celini 1968


An oldie from Guadeloupe 1968 today. Les Vikings play several styles
on this album, Cadence Rampa, Tumbélé and Compas among others.
Mostly instrumental but with some vocal parts here and there.
Sweet summer atmosphere that makes us very happy..

Vandaag een oudje uit 1968 Guadeloupe. Les Vikings spelen hier
diverse stijlen, Cadence Rampa, Tumbélé en Compas oneder andere.
Grotendeels instrumentaal maar ook wel wat vokale flarden zo hier en
daar. lekker zomers spul waar we blij van worden..

tracks ;

01 – Mazora
02 – Guaguanco in jazz
03 – Bon gens vent
04 – One, two, three, four
05 – Vincent
06 – Emparo
07 – You made me so very happy
08 – Assez palé
09 – Cha cha


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  1. grapo 10 August 2017 at 13:20 - Reply

    loving it, thank You so much!!! :-)

  2. Roddy 11 August 2017 at 20:39 - Reply

    Merci !!!!!!!!!! Merveilleux souvenirs d’enfance…
    Very good job for The Global site ???

  3. […] Boum Vacances from Guadeloupe 1968 Les Vikings d’Haïti from 1973 Discogs Vikings de Guadeloupe Discogs Vikings d’Haïti Discogs Vikings de la Martinique […]

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