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Categorie archives: Various African
- Tuesday August 25, 2020
Blog friend Pete asked me to rip this album again as two
takes, side-A and side-B to avoid the nasty cuts. He is right
to wish for it, the skips were sometimes put at the wrong
place. The best listening experience is as two complete sides.
I removed the previous posting of this great record. Nowadays
I always follow this simple rule, no more nasty cuts ..Blog vriend Pete vroeg me deze plaat opnieuw te rippen als
tracks, kant-A en kant-B om de slechte cuts te vermijden. Hij
heeft groot gelijk, de nummer wisselingen zaten soms wat
scheef. Het luistert het lekkerst gewoon als twee volledige
kanten. Ik heb de eerdere post van deze plaat verwijderd.
Tegenwoordig volg ik telkens deze simpele methode,
geen foute cuts meer dus ..01 – Sakade Band – Beya moke pts 1&2
—- Western Jazz Band – Wenzangu nawauliza
—- Western Jazz Band – Rosa
—- Victoria Jazz Band – D. osiento, Dholuo
02 – Boy Masaka – Moon
—- Boy Masaka – Draai veld
—- Mori River – Harison oyier
—- Mori River – Rosalina atieno
—- Afro 70 Band Nambie kweliPosted by Moosat 7:48 AMCategories
- Monday November 7, 2011
Gilles Sala was the man who compiled this LP for the Afrique Riviera
label. Tasteful and rich in variety as the title already suggests. I am
particularly fascinated by the likembe songs like tracks 2,7 and 16,
heavenly atmosheric sounds from the Congo with Jean Essous
on saxophone, but also the music of the Mingole brothers is a
discovery. My guess would be this stuff is from about 1972..what
would you say ? Get it and listen to this rare collector.tracks;
1 Franklin Boukaka, ses Sanzas & son Orchestre Congolais – Les Brazzavilloises
2 Franklin Boukaka, ses Sanzas & son Orchestre Congolais – Yambi na bana poto
3 Tobbo Eitel – Mes trois femmes
4 Tobbo Eitel – Broda
5 Mondo Mingole – I like Africa
6 Mondo Mingole – Diboa lango na wolo
7 Franklin Boukaka, ses Sanzas & son Orchestre Congolais – Ba yemba Congo
8 Franklin Boukaka, ses Sanzas & son Orchestre Congolais – Pasi na komona
9 Gnonnas Pedro y sus Panchos de Cotonou – Faux temoin
10 Gnonnas Pedro y sus Panchos de Cotonou – Azian-vignin
11 Gnonnas Pedro y sus Panchos de Cotonou – Dadje von o von non
12 Gnonnas Pedro y sus Panchos de Cotonou – Sode lon lon yin
13 La Ferlo-Jazz de Dakar – Ninguem
14 Mondo et Claude Mingole – Londo lasu
15 Tobbo Eitel – Le pays de l’amour
16 Franklin Boukaka, ses Sanzas & son Orchestre Congolais – Kue tu kuendaPosted by Moosat 9:20 PM
Beya Moke – Various Artists
RCA Africana 1977