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Categorie archives: Spain

  • Monday July 25, 2011

    Flamenco Puro

    I received a comment on that José Reyes LP by Daniel
    Flamenco Oz, he said “this is not flamenco at all”. I must
    admit it is not such a great album. Some time ago I made a
    compilation which might be better. It contains a few maybe
    not so very pure songs but the major part is. I hope you like
    this one Daniel, give it a try and let’s hear, okay ? Olé !


    1 Beni de Cadiz – Bulería de Cazaora
    2 Juan Talega – Que tenia que farta
    3 La Perla de Cadiz – Bulerías de Mauela
    4 Tia Anica la Piriñaca – Un mo de mirar
    5 Antonio Mairena – Gitano rico
    6 Camaron de la Isla – Al verte las flores lloran
    7 Los Chichos – Quiero ser libre
    8 Maria Heredia – Me duele, me duele
    9 Gritos de Guerra – Arrinconamela
    10 Gritos de Guerra – Bulería
    11 Tomasa la Macanita – Bulería de la Mocita
    12 Tia Anica la Piriñaca – Que fatiguita tengo
    13 José Soto – Del calvario
    14 Manuel Soto el Sordera – En esta esquina
    15 Tio Gregorio el Borrico – Mi virgen de la Merced
    16 Beni de Cadiz – Alegrías de Cadiz
    17 Manuel Soto el Sordera – Ventana de la muralla
    18 Beni de Cadiz – Que lastima de gitana


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:24 AM
  • Saturday May 24, 2008

    The principal occupation of Global Groove is to post old and forgotten LP’s.
    Every now and then however, we post our own compilations such as this one.
    Made for my brother Johan, who lives in Copenhagen, but you Groovers around
    the Globe, you can take it too if you like. Gypsie music bursts of flaming
    emotion, instrumentalists pur sang I’d say.


    1 Aleksandar Sisic – Chelipe
    2 Ion Petre Stoican – Hora
    3 Vasile Vasilescu – Cantec de Masa
    4 Ion Petre Stoican – Hora de la constanta
    5 Esma Redzepova – Abre ramce terneja
    6 Esma Redzepova – O Ketano
    7 La Macanita – Me voy solita a mi cuarto
    8 Dzansever – Ki zandana me kamarav
    9 Dzansever – So simela ksmeti
    10 Gabi Lunca – Omul bun n-are noroc
    11 Esma Redzepova – Kerta Mange


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:17 AM