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Categorie archives: Jive
- Monday October 27, 2014
Good morning groovers, once again I find out through a comment
that our former host, blogger, has thrown away one of our precious
old albums. It concerns a very nice lp by the great African Brothers.
The Best of Kwame Ampadu used to be on my blog long time ago.
It is another surprise to find it gone but no worries, every time you
come up with a disappeared album, I’ll re-post it and this time it is
going to stay here. So enjoy this rarity and pass it on..p.s. I’m checking my other African Brother posts as well,
maybe more have disappeared, I’ll get back on that soon..tracks;
1 Yaa amanua 1
2 Yaa amanua 2
3 I will pray
4 Eye a na me mu
5 Menyame misu fre wo
6 Enye wo yem
7 Nea moye yi mahu
8 Yaw berko
9 None but you
10 Someone tell me
11 Afia dufiePosted by Moosat 10:28 AMCategories
- Sunday October 25, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, when I was on a record trip, I found this
album. Jonah Moyo brings Chimurenga with a strong guitar drive and
chorus. He writes all his own music and is highly appreciated
throughout Zimbabwe and across it’s borders.tracks;
1 Too cheap
2 Fundisa umlomo wakho
3 Debbie
4 Madiro
5 Uchazvibvuma
6 Taxidriver
7 Ratidza chimiro chako
8 Wangu P.
9 Nyakuzvida
10 Ndinzwei vari pasiPosted by Moosat 11:03 AMCategories
Afribros KDF 2002, 1971