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Categorie archives: Pagode
- Sunday October 6, 2024
Followers of samba may remember we had a couple of albums
with Genaro and Bebeto di São João back in 2018. Today we
find this record of Bebeto di São João from 1986. It is on CID,
Companhia Industrial de Discos. Bebeto wrote all the songs
together with guys like; Wilsinho Saravá, Zéca Pagodinho
and ZéPaulo among lots of others. Samba/Pagode from
the top shelf. Get it & spread it ..Bezoekers die de samba posts volgen weten misschien nog
dat we in 2018 twee platen hadden met Genaro en Bebeto
di São João. Vandaag dit album met alleen Bebeto di São João.
Op het CID label, Companhia Industrial de Discos. Bebeto
schreef de songs samen met figure als; Wilsinho Saravá,
Zéca Pagodinho en ZéPaulo onder vele anderen.
Samba/Pagode van de bovenste plank ..Partido Alto Nota 10, vol. 4 1983
Partido Alto Nota 10, vol. 5 198401 – A burguesia
02 – Banjo quebrado
03 – Não quero saber de nada
04 – Cara de anjo
05 – a-Mulher do pé grande é macumbeira
_ b-Quem foi que faz meu bem chorar
06 – O paleto
07 – Quem mandou votar no moço
08 – Seu manoel tá ficando milionário
09 – O bíblia
10 – Verdadeiro reiPosted by Moosat 7:53 AM - Monday June 17, 2024
While packing my cd’s for storage as well I ripped this
fine album for you. Jovelina Pérola Negra (the black pearl,
nothing to do with Pirates of the Caribbean) was known by
her deep and powerful voice. Her samba, pagode was rewarded
several times. She died way too young at only 54. Jovelina was
quite late in her succes and couldn’t leave her kids the wealth
she wished for. What a voice, so warm and strong ..Terwijl ik m’n cd’s aan het inpakken was om ook te verhuizen
heb ik deze nog even voor je geripped. Jovelina Pérola Negra (de
zwarte parel) was geliefd om haar diepe en krachtige stemgeluid.
Haar samba, pagode viel verschillende keren in de prijzen en terecht.
Wat een warme sterke stem. Jovelina stierf aan een hartaanval op 54
jarige leeftijd, veel te jong. Door haar vrij late succes lukte het haar niet
haar kinderen in luxe achter te laten, iets wat ze graag wilde bereiken ..Roda de Samba 2006
Luz do Repente 1987
Self Titled 198601 – Amigos chegados
02 – Poeta do morro
03 – Não sei se te mereço
04 – Porta na cara
05 – Golpa de azar
06 – Peripécias da vida
07 – Orgulho negro
08 – Santo forte
09 – Basta te ver
10 – Comunhão de bens
11 – Não vou te enganar
12 – Meu viver se transformouPosted by Moosat 12:28 PMCategories
- Wednesday April 13, 2022
We just got back from a short break spent in Portugal. April 1st
there was some 8 cm of snow in the Netherlands so the timing
to leave was perfect. When coming back yesterday we found
20 degrees Celsius, quite a lot better. What have we got for you
today ? A samba album with Joel Teixeira, when posting one
almost ten years ago it was received quite well. This one is
from 1981, first released in 1979 Joel was loyal to the
seventies sound. Happy and solid listening here ..Zojuist terug van een korte vakantie in Portugal. Op 1 april lag er
zo’n 8cm sneeuw hier in het Gooi dus het was een perfecte dag
om te vertrekken. Toen we gisteren terug kwamen troffen we
20 graden aan, heel wat beter. Wat hebben we voor je vandaag ?
Een samba album met Joel Teixeira, toen ik een plaat van hem
postte bijna 10 jaar geleden werd deze goed ontvangen. Deze
is uit 1981, maar eerder uitgebracht in 1979. Blije sound ..Um Sorriso Amigo 1982
01 – Canto amigo
02 – Onde está ?
03 – Capim d’angola
04 – Se você chora, chora eu
05 – Por causa dela
06 – Morto de amor
07 – Ciúme de viola
08 – Saudação ao papa
09 – Maria morena
10 – Com amor não se brinca
11 – Não fique triste meu amor
12 – Mulher boa é a de casaPosted by Moosat 8:25 AM - Monday February 1, 2021
Gosta de pagode ? Hoje temos ese álbum com Mestre Marçal.
Nilton Delfino Marçal foi um diretor de bateria e cantor Brasileiro.
Era da GRES Portela, fez trabalho como cantor mas também não
deixou carnaval de lado. Nasci em Rio de Janeiro em 1930,
morreu 9 abril de 1994. só 64 anos de idade ..
‘Sem meu tamborim não vou’ vem da canção de
Alberto Mota que chama ‘Tamborim’. 1961 (Bonus)If you are lover of pagode, today we’ve got this record with
Mestre Marçal. Nilton Delfino Marçal was a Brazillian percus-
sionist and singer. He worked with samba school Portela for
years. Beside being singer he kept performing with carnaval.
Born in 1930 and died in 1994 in Rio de Janeiro ..
‘Sem meu tamborim não vou’ comes from the
song ‘Tamborim’ by Alberto Mota 1961 (Bonus)Ben jij een liefhebber van pagode ? Vandaag een plaat met
Mestre Marçal. Nilton Delfino Marçal was zijn volledige naam.
Hij was slagwerker en zanger en werkte met de samba school
van Portela. Naast zijn zang carrière bleef hij altijd optreden
tijdens carnaval. Geboren in 1930 en gestorven in 1994 in
Rio de Janeiro, hij werd slechts 64 ..
‘Sem meu tamborim não vou’ komt van het
nummer ‘Tamborim’ van Alberto Mota 1961 (Bonus)Wikipedia
Alberto Mota e seu Conjunto, Voa Meu Samba01 – Canto forte
02 – Sem meu tamborim não vou
03 – Ouço uma voz
04 – Inconsequência
05 – Só você
06 – Olha amor
07 – Os malês
08 – Me mata de amor
09 – Arte de perdoar
10 – Vaidade pra quê
11 – PalcoBonus track;
12 – Alberto Mota e seu Conjunto – Tamborim
Posted by Moosat 10:23 AMCategories
- Sunday June 28, 2020
Helemaal in het begin van de Global Groove heb ik al eens
twee lp’s met haar geplaatst. De Zwarte Parel, Jovelina
Pérola Negra noemden ze haar. Een vrouw met een stem
als weinig anderen, zo krachtig. De pagode/samba die zij
maakte is dat ook. Liefhebbers kunnen hier niet de mist
in gaan. Deze cd bevat verzamelde werken, enkele van
de nummers stonden al op een van de twee platen die
eerder gepost zijn, anderen hoor je voor het eerst.Totally at the beginning of the Global Groove, back in
may 2008 I have already posted two albums with her.
The Black Pearl they called her, Jovelina Pérola Negra.
A woman with a voice like almost no one, so powerful.
The pagode/samba she made was nothing less. Lovers
of the genre can’t go wrong here. This cd concerns a
compilation, some of the songs were already on the
two ealier posted records, others are here first time.Jovelina Pérola Negra 1986
Luz do Repente 1987
Discogs01 – Luz do repente
02 – Menina, você bebeu
03 – Sorriso aberto
04 – Feirinha de pavuna
05 – Bagaço de laranja
06 – No mesmo manto
07 – Pagode no serrado
08 – Sorriso de banjo
09 – Sonho juvenil
10 – Peruca de touro
11 – Confusão na horta
12 – Razões da calma
13 – Feira de são cristóvão
14 – Banho de felicidade
15 – Poeta do morro
16 – Passrinheiro fanfarrãoPosted by Moosat 8:49 AM - Thursday April 19, 2018
Here we have another record of pagode, a faster and more modern
samba variety. This is Denny de Lima from São Paulo, he is one I re-
cently discovered, in Brazil they must know him longer, this is a 1987
album. If you love dancing, Denny is of great help, let yourself go..Hier is nog zo’n plaatje met pagode, een snelle moderne samba variant.
Dit is Denny de Lima uit São Paulo, hij is een recente ontdekking voor mij,
in Brazilië kennen ze hem vast al langer, deze stamt tenslotte uit 1987.
Als je van een dansje houdt ben je bij Denny aan het goede adres..tracks ;
01 – Céu da boca
02 – Falta de hábito
03 – Paixão eloqüente
04 – Mulata beleza
05 – Esganado
06 – No tempo da vovó
07 – Exemplo
08 – Saudades
09 – Concórdia
10 – Pagode do limãoPosted by Moosat 7:55 AM - Sunday March 27, 2016
Vraag je mij wat het verschil is tussen Samba en Pagode
dan kan ik je dat niet uitleggen. Zo rond 1980 begint de samba
enigszins anders te klinken. De Braziliaan kan je precies vertellen
hoe het zit, de samba was veel sneller. Persoonlijk dacht ik juist
andersom. Als jij het weet mag je het ons uitleggen. De plaat van
Criolo Doido zou ik meer als Pagode klassificeren hoewel die in het
begin weer meer Samba is dan later. Pffff.. het duizelt me.
Luister zelf en trek je conclusie..If you ask me what’s the difference between Samba and Pagode,
I really can’t explain. Around 1980 the samba starts to sound a little
different then before. A Brazillian can explain you exactly, Samba was
much faster. Personnaly I thought just the other way around. If you
know it, please enlighten us. This album by Criolo Doido I would
classify more as Pagode although the beginning is more Samba-like.
Pfff.. it makes me dizzy, listen and make up your own mind..titels
01 – Lar doce lar
02 – Quem é quem
03 – Santa mulher
04 – 171
05 – Sujou
06 – Nega brexó
07 – Gente fina
08 – Malandro distinto
09 – Quem vê cara não vê coração
10 – Mulher maravilha
11 – Retrato falado
12 – Festa do camarãoPosted by Moosat 3:27 PM - Sunday February 20, 2011
I received a couple of messages telling the link of this LP
was dead. I re-uploaded it and decided to re-post. One of
my first encounters with samba was by that great collector
that David Byrne launched on his Luaka Bop release for
Virgin Records. It’s from 1989 and called ‘O Samba’.
The cd contains the great ‘S.P.C.’, which came from Zeca
Pagodinho’s debut LP, the very one we have right here.
In the mean time Zeca grew out to be possibly the most
popular Samba and Pagode interpreter of today. Get this,
it’s still one of his best works.tracks;
1 S.P.C.
2 Coraçao em desalinho
3 Jogo de caipira
4 Se eu for falar de tristeza
5 Quando eu contar
6 Cheiro de saudade
7 Pout-Pourri de Partido Alto
8 Casal sem vergonha
9 Quintal do céu
10 Cidade do pé junto
11 Judia de mim
12 Brincadeira tem horaPosted by Moosat 9:05 AM - Sunday July 26, 2009
One of my all time heroes in samba is Bezerra da Silva.
Through the use of a popular samba rhythm called ‘pagode’, Bezerra
da Silva’s ‘Violência gera violência’ ( violence generates violence )
expresses demand for political and social justice. In the voice of public
figures such as a police inspector, a government bureaucrat and a garbage
collector, Bezerra captures and translates the popular mood on a variety
of themes: elections, religion and drugdealers are a few of these.
The song ‘Raiva de tudo’ ( rage of everything ): I see human justice/
selling our conscience/ absolving the rich and blaming the poor’ is a good
example of Bezerra da Silva’s peculiar combination of humor and political
protest. ‘Filho da mãe solteira’ ( son of a single mother ) and ‘Candidato
Caó Caó are other interesting songs on this LP which displays Bezerra’s
always great taste in samba. One of his older albums you’ll find here .
In our samba section, below left, we’ve got plenty related material.tracks;
1 Candidato caó caó
2 Feitiço da tião
3 Vida de operário
4 O juramento jurou
5 Pobre compositor
6 Transação de malandro
7 Violência gera violência
8 Raiva de tudo
9 Samba manifesto
10 Povo da Colina
11 Bom Jesus de Nazareno
12 Filho de mãe solteiraPosted by Moosat 8:10 AMCategories
- Friday March 6, 2009
This morning I got a strange surprise. The Blogger Team sent me a mail
I violated other people’s copyright by posting a reggae compilation
on my paralel page. When I went there to remove it ( which I always do )
I found out it was already removed. I didn’t know and still don’t if
this is a usual thing to happen. Have any of you collegue bloggers
ever experienced this before ? Tell me about it.Neguinho da Beija-Flor comes in with this 1985 samba album.
Assuming it is here to stay, I can tell you it is a nice
and kind of traditional album. With the participation of
a group of experienced musicians like Wilson das Neves’ rhythm
section and many others. Powerfull and smooth samba with
the strong voice of Neguinho da Beija-Flor.tracks;
1 Ofício de puxador
2 Dinheiro do pis
3 Bem melhor que você
4 Sem batismo e sem Adeus
5 Se liga doutor
6 A Deusa da passarela
7 Bom dia, melhores dias virão
8 Fim de nós
9 O homem do colarinho branco
10 Angela
11 Problema socialPosted by Moosat 8:02 PMCategories
Pagode da Malandragem
CID 1986