August 30, 2018

Genaro e Bebeto di São João – Partido Alto Nota 10, vol.4
CID 1983


Good morning folks, it is about time for some more samba. We
already had a couple of albums from this series, Partido Alto, Nota
10. Today volume 4 with Genaro and Bebeto di São João. The samba
is full of satiric lyrics and funny stories as usual in this scene.
It is irresistible stuff to some of us, you can count me in..

Goeiemorgen mensen, het is weer eens tijd voor wat samba. We
zagen reeds diverse plaatjes uit deze serie, Partido Alto, Nota 10.
Vandaag volume 4 met Genaro en Bebeto di São João. De samba
staat wederom bol van de humoristische teksten en satire zoals
te doen gebruikelijk in deze scene. Ik ben er gek op, en jij..

tracks ;

01 – Genaro e Bebeto – Mata o véio
02 – Bebeto – Mulher do falecido
03 – Genaro – Subo serra
04 – Bebeto – Olho grande
05 – Bebeto – Língua da vizinha
06 – Bebeto – Camburão na estrada
07 – Genaro – Reunião na bahia
08 – Genaro e Bebeto – Clube do samba
—–Bebeto – Balaio do gato e do rato
—–Bebeto – Agua benta
—–Genaro – Pái véio 171
—–Genaro – Fui obrigado a chorar
—–Genaro – Divinhadalho
—–Bebeto – A bocada
—–Genaro – Rato de gravata


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