March 27, 2016

Criolo Doido – Lar Doce Lar
Copacabana 1985

Criolo Doido, voorkant

Vraag je mij wat het verschil is tussen Samba en Pagode
dan kan ik je dat niet uitleggen. Zo rond 1980 begint de samba
enigszins anders te klinken. De Braziliaan kan je precies vertellen
hoe het zit, de samba was veel sneller. Persoonlijk dacht ik juist
andersom. Als jij het weet mag je het ons uitleggen. De plaat van
Criolo Doido zou ik meer als Pagode klassificeren hoewel die in het
begin weer meer Samba is dan later. Pffff.. het duizelt me.
Luister zelf en trek je conclusie..

If you ask me what’s the difference between Samba and Pagode,
I really can’t explain. Around 1980 the samba starts to sound a little
different then before. A Brazillian can explain you exactly, Samba was
much faster. Personnaly I thought just the other way around. If you
know it, please enlighten us. This album by Criolo Doido I would
classify more as Pagode although the beginning is more Samba-like.
Pfff.. it makes me dizzy, listen and make up your own mind..


01 – Lar doce lar
02 – Quem é quem
03 – Santa mulher
04 – 171
05 – Sujou
06 – Nega brexó
07 – Gente fina
08 – Malandro distinto
09 – Quem vê cara não vê coração
10 – Mulher maravilha
11 – Retrato falado
12 – Festa do camarão


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  1. Guarachon63 17 August 2017 at 13:32 - Reply

    Great site you have thanks for the effort. For me the difference between old samba (samba de terreiro) and pagode is, beyond the tempo like you said, the playing got tighter and more mechanical, less loose and funky. Pagode also took advantage of newer recording techniques so the coros sound more perfectly in tune. Lyrically they tended to become a bit more insipid and a lot more romantic, there are a lot of old sambas about mortality and getting old, you never hear that among pagodeiros. But most importantly , there was a change in the melodic sensibility to incorporate more pop music influence, and less of the simpler structures and tinge of “lamentation” common to sambas composed by the founders of the genre.

    • Moos 18 August 2017 at 11:43 - Reply

      Thank you so much for explaining Guarachon..

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