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Categorie archives: Biguine
- Saturday November 16, 2024
I suppose many French people went on a sunny holyday
in one of their oversees colonies during the 60’s & 70’s.
Disques Célini and sub-label Aux Ondes released a number
of albums named Boum Vacances or Holiday surprise party.
We had a few on earlier occasions and today we’ve got
another one for you. It is a record with various artists,
happy holyday music from the 60’s & 70’s ..I veronderstel dat veel Fransen een zonnige vakantie door-
brachten in éen van hun overzeese kolonies in de jaren 70.
Disques Célini en sub-label Aux Ondes lanceerden een aantal
platen met de naam Boum Vacances ofwel fijn vakantie feestje.
We hadden er al een paar en vandaag vindt een volgende z’n
weg naar jou. Verschillende artiesten uit de
jaren 60 en 70 ..Disques Célini
Various Boum Vacances
DiscogsLes Vikings, Boum Vacances 1968
Boum Vacances, Various Artists01 – Rapaces – Zagalaka téléma
02 – Rapaces – Tumbélé waï sé ma
03 – Rapaces – Bassoué
04 – Rapaces – Pipilite sambo
05 – David Martial – Jerk vidé
06 – André Redo – Django contre zorro
07 – David Martial – Méringé
08 – Émile Volel – Tué moin
09 – David Martial – Élise
10 – Rapaces – Sally n’gaïPosted by Moosat 12:38 PMCategories
- Sunday July 30, 2023
it’s a couple of years since we’ve seen Les Leopards from
Martinique. Here’s an album of which we don’t know the
year it was released. It was their 8th anniversary, that much
is clear. Like most other records it came out on Hit Parade.
Unfortunately there are some minor sound issues here.
Some of the tracks show some resonance in the vocal
parts. Either way, we have no other options than to
listen to it as it comes. Enjoy it anyway ..Het is alweer enkele jaren geleden dat we een plaat van
Les Leopards de la Martinique hadden. Van deze weten
we geen jaar van uitgifte. Hij was ter ere van hun 8ste
verjaardag, zoveel is duidelijk. Zoals de meeste van hun
albums kwam hij uit op Hit Parade. Helaas heeft hij enkele
kleine geluidskwesties. Op sommige nummers hoor je de
vokalen wat resoneren. Hoe dan ook, we hebben alleen
dit exemplaar om naar te luisteren, plezier ermee ..Martinique 1983
Une Soirée avec Les Leopards de St. Pierre 1978
Meilleur Ensemble Martiniquais 1970 1970
Leopards et Ry-Co Jazz a Paris 1973
Les Leopards, Les Leopards 1973
“Les Leopards” 197501 – Roulé moin ka roulé
02 – Moin pas sauvage
03 – Pourquoi ?
04 – Conseil d’ami
05 – Le beau temps
06 – Monique
07 – Imprevu
08 – DébardeurPosted by Moosat 8:33 AMCategories
- Wednesday September 14, 2022
On this album, featuring various artists, we find
a range of styles, pachanga, rumba, boucha, merengue,
highlife, cha cha cha, and biguine to name a few. It is
a record on Philips, from the seventies, not clear
what year exactly. Tracks are from 1966, 1967,
1968, 1970, 1972 and other. Most songs are
enjoyable, only #10 is a sad weepy.
To each his own ..Op deze plaat, waarop diverse artiesten, vinden we een
reeks nummers in verschillende stijlen, pachanga, rumba,
boucha, merengue, highlife, cha cha cha, en biguine om
er een paar te noemen. Hij komt op Philips en uit de
jaren 70, niet duidelijk welk jaar exact. Nummers
uit 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1972 e.d. De meeste
nummers zijn fijn, alleen # 10 is een treurige
smartlap. Ieder z’n ding dan maar ..01 – les Abidjanais – Mauya
02 – Amédée Pierre – Bida zougo
03 – Orchestre de Bouake – Donne moi ton sourire
04 – Amédée Pierre – Thérèse Boigny
05 – Les Soeurs Comoé – Missi milai
06 – François Lougah – Pecoussa
07 – Fax Clarck et ses Rythmes du Cosmos – Whisky and soda
08 – Mamadou Doumbia – Super bébé
09 – Justin Stanislas – Gbabouho gnoame
10 – François Lougah – Suliram
11 – Ernesto Djédjé – Anowah
12 – Les Abidjanais – Kognima kadi
13 – Les Soeurs Comoé – Mio BioPosted by Moosat 9:12 AMCategories
- Saturday June 19, 2021
Één van de meest vooraanstaande bands in Guadeloupe
van de jaren zeventig en tachtig was Typical Combo. Hun
biguine en cadence rampa swingde als dat van geen ander.
Uit hun vroege jaren met zanger Daniel Dimba vinden we
deze 1976 uitgave op Disques DebS. Lekker hoor ..One of the most prominent groups in Guadeloupe of the
seventies and eighties was Typical Combo. Their biguine
and cadence rampa rocked like no other’s. From their early
years and with singer Daniel Dimba we find this 1976 album
on Disques DebS. Enjoy listening ..Discogs
Discogs, Daniel Dimba
Tube 1984
Ban Moin On Ti Femm 1977
Ryco accompagné par Combo Supérieur 1976
Daniel Dimba 197801 – Boulouloum balala
02 – Jack a maria
03 – Dolor cuvalde
04 – La vie chère
05 – Le malheureux
06 – La fleur du pays
07 – Ti ghislainePosted by Moosat 7:31 AMCategories
- Wednesday May 12, 2021
From Martinique today this oldie with Groupe Folklorique
Martinais, under the lead of Loulou Boislaville. Celini Disques
brings a record on which some folklore like Biguine, Valse
and Mazurka. No year of release is known ..Discogs, Groupe Folklorique Martiniquais
Discogs, Loulou Boislaville01 – Grand mais grand
02 – Bête à fé
03 – Martinique trop belle
04 – La calanda
05 – Ti valse nou a
06 – Missié michel
07 – Trois valses
08 – Mazurka classique
09 – Serpent maigre
10 – Trois promenadesPosted by Moosat 7:45 AMCategories
- Thursday October 29, 2020
On Harlequin we find this lovely cd with the music of Filiberto
Rico and his group Rico’s Creole Band. He was a Cuban clarinet
player and one of the first to bring Cuban music to Europe.
Read more in this Bio.Blessed in Havana, Cuba, in 1910, Filiberto Rico was one of
the primary wave of music artists to popularize Latin American
music throughout north European countries. An alto saxophonist
who doubled on flute, youthful Rico gigged and documented with
several rings in Paris and Copenhagen through the past due ’20s,
especially Moises Simon’s Orquesta Tipica Cubana. Rico’s Creole
Music group was produced in 1930 and interested the Parisian
open public using the conga, the beguine, as well as the bolero
until a proliferation of Nazis (equipped with a racist Weltan-
schauung that criminalized the cultural variety embodied in
the word “Creole”) managed to get essential for this Afro-Cuban
musician to absent himself from the spot through the years
1941-1946. Rico’s postwar reputation in Paris and along the
France Riviera is renowned, and continues to be related to the
mixing of Western european and Latin American designs. His early
recordings had been reissued in two amounts on compact disk with
the Harlequin label in 1993-1994, and his postwar profession is
documented on the retrospective two-fer released in 2003 by
Fremeaux & Associes. ( MusicianBio)01 – Viva la conga
02 – A una rosa
03 – Biguine d’amour
04 – Canto caribe
05 – Lagrimas negras
06 – Ce que j’aime
07 – Rumba seductora
08 – Quiero
09 – La complainte de l’esclave
10 – Chaparrita
11 – Alma de mujer
12 – Como una rosa
13 – Mammy bong
14 – Blanca rosa
15 – La conga
16 – Chiquita de cuba
17 – la sitiera
18 – Rumba galopante
19 – Paris soir
20 – 1-2-3 yepPosted by Moosat 8:41 AMCategories
- Saturday June 6, 2020
tracks ;
01 – Compere lapin
02 – Ma tuture
03 – Massibol moin
04 – Dansons la mazurka
05 – Biguine pour vous
06 – Gros titine
07 – Maître malin
08 – Se an secret
09 – l’Echelle poule
10 – Femme qui dou
11 – Grand tomobil
12 – La peau fromagePosted by Moosat 10:41 PMCategories
- Saturday October 12, 2019
Ze konden altijd rekenen op enthousiaste luisteraars tot nu
toe. Les Leopards de Martinique zijn vandaag terug met dit
album uit 1983. Je hoort met hoeveel plezier deze jongens
te werk gingen, Alex Martine en zijn companen. Lekkere
gitaren, vokalen, ritmes, prima, vind nog enkele van
hun platen via onderstaande links ..So far they could always count on enthusiast listeners. Les
Leopards de Martinique are back here today with this album
from 1983. One can easily hear with how much pleasure these
guys were working, Alex martine and his companions. Nice
guitars, vocals, rhythms, I like’m. Find some other records
using these links ..Une Soirée avec Les Leopards from 1978
Meilleur Ensemble Martiniquais from 1970
Les Leopards from 19??
“Les Leopards” from 1975
Leopards et Ry-Co Jazz from 1973
Discogs Discographytracks ;
01 – Souvenir, souvenir
02 – I.V.G.
03 – Les mots douxPosted by Moosat 7:38 AM - Friday September 27, 2019
Hi groovers, so we had us two albums with singer Ryco from Guadeloupe.
Today we have a record with M’Bilia Casino who used to take part in Ry-Co
Jazz, something totally different. Ry-Co or Ryco Jazz a was founded in Congo
in 1858/59 by Henri Bowane. They spent four years in Martinique where their
music was very popular. After returning in Africa in 1971 the group split up.
Members like saxophone player Jean Serge Essous and others each went their
own way. M’Bilia Casino made this album in 1976. It contains styles like rumba
biguine, bolero and merengue. Enjoy listening ..Hee groevers, we hadden dus twee platen met zanger Ryco uit Guadeloupe
gisteren en eergisteren. Vandaag een plaat met M’Bilia Casino die deel uit-
maakte van Ry-Co Jazz, iets heel anders. Ry-Co of Ryco Jazz werd opgericht
door Henri Bowane in 1958/59. Ze verbleven vier jaar in Martinique en na
terugkeer in Africa in 1971 ging de groep uit elkaar. Leden als saxofonist
Jean Serge Essous en anderen gingen ieder hun eigen weg. M’Bilia Casino
maakte dit album in 1976. Hij bevat nummers in stijlen als rumba, biguine,
bolero en merengue. Veel luister plezier weer ..M’Bilia Casino discography
Ryco Jazz discography
Ryco Jazz Wikipediatracks ;
01 – Demaustration
02 – Olele
03 – Boyoka lolaka
04 – Djonga nori
05 – Makanisi mosika
06 – Mbwa na e kange
07 – Mondule afriqua
08 – Afro-succes
09 – Salingo alinga mosala
10 – Souvenir antigwa
11 – Mabina ya sika
12 – Mo sese mondolePosted by Moosat 11:28 AMCategories
- Thursday September 26, 2019
A colossal succes this album was called in the liner notes of yesterday’s
post. This is Super Combo from Guadeloupe. Trumpeteer Elie Bianay
is the man who wrote all the songs on this album. We also find an Abidos
with Super Combo. Is it the same person as Hiver Abidos from Typical Combo?
If you know please tell us. Singer Ryco is also present on this
record. Another pearl from the West Indies ..Een colossaal succes werd deze plaat genoemd in de liner notes
van de gisteren geplaatste elpee. Dit is Super Combo uit Guadeloupe.
Trompettist Elie Bianay is de man die alle nummers schreef. We vinden
ook een Abidos bij Super Combo. Zou dit dezelfde zijn als Hiver Abidos
van Typical Combo? Wie het weet mag het zeggen. Zanger Ryco is hier
ook van de partij. Een pareltje uit de West Indies ..tracks ;
01 – Moin dômi dérhô
02 – Descarga super combo
03 – Ti choute
04 – Prend sang froid a ou
05 – Courage
06 – Oho wa ya aie
07 – SouvenirsPosted by Moosat 7:51 AMCategories
Various Artists
Disques Célini 107