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Categorie archives: Swahili Pop

  • Thursday April 16, 2015

    Le Kenya Danse, front

    On Soul Posters we’ve got this collector of hot benga
    and Swahili pop. It contains songs by nine bands we
    have not heard before here at the GG. It is in perfect
    condition and sounds as new. Another wonderful
    find from the fair. We are so very lucky these
    gems still pop up every once in
    a while, enjoy it..


    01 – Makueni Brothers Band – Paulina
    02 – N.P.D. Jazz Band – Osuta awes
    03 – The Kenya Prisons Band – Janifer
    04 – Nyeri Boys – Bururi muraya
    05 – Nyeri Youngstars – Uthiu wa wendo
    06 – Makueni Brothers Band – Mwitu mutethia
    07 – Orchestre K.O. Jazz – Heren atieno
    08 – King Orchestre Mutumbu – Wacha waseme
    09 – Rawa Jazz Band – Nikupe nini
    10 – Kanjunge Boys – Kanini gachumu


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:59 AM