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Categorie archives: Mariachi
- Sunday March 9, 2025
Donald Trump may not like Mexicans too much, we however
are fond of some of them. Take Miguel Aceves Mejia, his songs
are just marvelous. The way he cries and shouts out in between
his powerfull singing makes you crave for a shot of tequila and
a good Western. I love it, how about you ? Give it a try I’d say.Donald Trump mag dan niet zo gek op ze zijn, wij daarentegen
zijn dol op sommige Mexicanen. neem nou bijvoorbeeld Miguel
Aceves Mejia, zijn songs zijn toch geweldig. Zoals hij uithaalt met
gejoel en gejank tussen het zingen door doet je verlangen naar
een shot tequila en een goede Western. Ik ben er groot liefhebber
van, en jij ? Geef er eens een draai aan zou ik zeggen ..Canta mi Tierra 1953
Canta Canciones de José Alfredo
Cantares de Mexico
Besos de tequila01 – Caballo prieto azabache
02 – Carabina
03 – Caballo negro
04 – Corrido de chihuahua
05 – El cantador
06 – Francisco villa
07 – El siete leguas
08 – Corrido de durango
09 – Caballo lobo gateado
10 – Corrido de caneneaPosted by Moosat 8:40 AMCategories
- Sunday July 7, 2019
From 1966 we’ve got this album with the great José Alfredo
Jiménez. No.8 according to Discogs Discography. It contains
some of his biggest hits like, ‘El Jinete’, ‘Llego Borracho el Bor-
racho’ and ‘Maria la Bandida’. Also take a look at the Mexican
posts we’ve had in the past. Aaaaiii aaaii aaaiii, ariba ..Uit 1966 stamt deze plaat met de grote José AlfredoJiménez.
Z’n achtste volgens de Discografie van Discogs. Hij bevat enkele
van zijn grootste hits zoals ‘El Jinete’, ‘Llego Borracho el Borracho’
en ‘Maria la Bandida’. Neem ook een kijkje naar de Mexicaanse
posts die we reeds eerder hadden. Aaaaiii aaaii aaaiii, ariba ..tracks ;
01 – Camino de guanajuato
02 – El hijo del pueblo
03 – Corrido de mazatlan
04 – Sonaron 4 balazos
05 – 15 de septiembre
06 – El jinete
07 – El caballo blanco
08 – Los 2 generales
09 – Llego borracho el borracho
10 – El 7 mares
11 – Maria la bandida
12 – El coyotePosted by Moosat 9:37 AMCategories
- Tuesday December 20, 2011
1 Kiskedee Trio – Congo bara
2 J.B. Lenoir – Sitting down thinking
3 Buddie Johnson – It’s the gold
4 Orquesta casino de la Playa – Bruca manigua
5 Carmen Dela Dipini – Dimelo
6 Teddy Wilson – You showed me the way
7 Slim Gaillard – Beatin’ the board
8 Count Lasher – Talking parrot
9 Bemi – Nabosani ndako
10 Cab Calloway – Reefer man
11 Robert Johnson – Terraplane blues
12 Xavier Cugat & his Orchestra – Rumba rumbero
13 Roberto Ledesma – Con mi corazon te espero
14 Mildred Bailey – I see your face before me
15 Earl Hines – Blue drag
16 Alex Konadu – Owuo mpe silka
17 Wrangler – Limbo teacher
18 Effie Smith – Gettin’ out
19 Big Joe Turner – Lucille, Lucille
20 Louis Jordan – Psycho-loco
21 Edmundo Arias – Chituchi
22 Jimmy Pedroso – El loro
23 Angel Luis Torruellas – El abusador
24 Sunny Adé and his Green Spot Band – O le ku
25 Miguel Aceves Mejia – Orgullosa y bonita
26 Humphrey Eshitool – Jirani wagangaPosted by Moosat 9:41 AMCategories
- Monday January 31, 2011
Why don’t you go out to buy a bottle of mezcal, lemon and
some seasalt. Then, invite a couple of good friends, put on this
Mexican collector and open up the booze. A lick of salt, a shot
of mezcal and a bite of lemon to maximize the thrilling effect.
Aaaaay aaaay aaaay, llego borracho el borracho..
Some of the songs used in this compilation were downloaded
from the great blogs of our collegues, Holy Warbles and
Musica Popular Mexicana, some are my own. Hope U like’mtracks;
1 Miguel Aceves Mejía – Ella
2 Trio Tariacuri – Gorrioncilo pecho amarillo
3 José Alfredo Jimenez – El rey
4 Luis Perez Meza – El barzon
5 Rosina Navarro – Que se me acabe la vida
6 Lalo Gonzalez Piporro – Agustin Jaime
7 Irma Villa – Como México no hay dos
8 Miguel Aceves Mejía – El capiro
9 José Alfredo Jimenez – Llego borracho el borracho
10 Trio Tariacuri – Pelea de gallos
11 Mariachi Jalisco – La madrugada
12 Miguel Aceves Mejía – El jinete
13 Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán – La negra
14 La Consentida – Rancho alegre
15 José Alfredo Jimenez – Besos de tequila
16 Las Texanitas – La manteca
17 Antonio Aguilar – El mosquito cariñoso
18 Miguel Aceves Mejía – Que me toquen las golondrinas
19 Los Donneños – Benjamin Argumedo
20 Trio Tariacuri – Rosita Alvirez
21 Dueto Oro y Plata – Pobre de mi corazonPosted by Moosat 5:16 PMCategories
- Tuesday June 15, 2010
Some Mexican music for a change. I’m always looking out for
the ranchera stuff with lots of ayayayay. This LP by Los Rivereños
starts quite good although it doesn’t reach the level of Miguel Aceves
Mejia or José Alfredo Jimenez. Still, on a quiet summer evening with
some moonlight and your loved ones…ay ay ay ay…tracks;
1 Cu-cu-rru-cu-cu paloma
2 Una paloma herida
3 La noche y tu
4 El sauce y la palma
5 Parodia “Y”
6 La que se fue
7 Eternamente
8 Ojitos verdes
9 Dios te bendiga, madre
10 Sueños y esperanzas
11 La ultima lagrima
12 Capricho de amorPosted by Moosat 9:27 PMCategories
- Monday November 16, 2009
Classic Mariachi sound with José Alfredo Jiménez, one of Mexico’s
greatest singers together with one of the greatest orchestra’s,
El Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan. Probably from 1968.tracks;
1 Muchacha bonita
2 Maria ‘la bandida’
3 Canta, canta, canta
4 Viviendo a lo grande
5 El peor de los caminos
6 Tu enamorado
7 Que se me acabe la vida
8 Cuando el destino
9 Palabra de hombre
10 Nuestra noche
11 Los dos generales
12 El camino de la nochePosted by Moosat 8:31 PMCategories
- Sunday October 4, 2009
About a year ago I found a bunch of Mecican 10″es on the Utrecht
bi-annual recordfair. The next one is in november and I’m already
waiting for it. Trio Tariacuri is a group I didn’t know before,
they play mariachi like we used to hear it in them old Mexican movies.
I particularly like this little album for it’s atmosphere, ooooy ooooy.tracks;
1 Gorrioncillo pecho amarillo
2 Peregrina
3 Pelea de gallos
4 La llorona
5 La malagueña
6 El jinete
7 Plegaria Guadelupana
8 Costeña hermosaPosted by Moosat 12:36 PM - Wednesday January 7, 2009
This cover is so beautiful, I could impossibly resist posting
one more Miguel Aceves Mejia. This one has two of the tracks
the previous one has aswell. ‘Serenata Huasteca’, which was damaged
is here oncemore in a complete version, and ‘El Jinete’.
Plenty of cracks and pops but still sweet.tracks;
1 Ruega por nosotros
2 Siete leguas
3 El jinete
4 Que me toquen las golondrinas
5 Gorrioncito pecho amarillo
6 Vaya con dios
7 Escaleras de la carcel
8 Serenata huastecaPosted by Moosat 8:26 PMCategories
- Wednesday January 7, 2009
Good evening, it’s been a couple of days, I don’t remember
exactly how many. The largest hiatus untill today, anyway.
Duty called upon me and priority’s had to be taken.Today, I felt like doing another Mexican 10″, one of the
9 EP’s I found on that recordfair in Utrecht, last November.
I am thrilled by Miguel’s sound, how he cries them ‘Ayayay’s’,
is just smashing. I’m a new fan. Unfortunately, the quality
of this old disc is not so well and I had to fade-intro track 5
because it got stuck. Although there’s a short piece missing in
the beginning now, it’s still worth spinning.
Cry out loud with ‘Miguel Aceves Mejia’, Ay Ay Ay !tracks;
1 El jinete
2 Ella
3 Virgencita de Zapopan
4 Guitarras de media noche
5 Serenata Huasteca
6 Cuatro caminos
7 Tu recuerdo y yo
8 Camino de GuanajuatoPosted by Moosat 6:55 PMCategories
- Thursday December 25, 2008
On this Christmas night I’ve got something special.
I recently found a few 10″ EP’s on RCA Victor from several Mexican
artists. Among them was this fine oldie, I think it must be from
the 50’s. On the web I found just little about Miguel. What I did
find was that Youtube has two films of tracks on this EP.
The first track, “Ella” is here
And track 3 is here.
I wish the world a fine night with this sweet piece of Mariachi.
One thing, it’s got some snaps, crackles and pops.
Look and listen to Miguel Aceves Mejía.tracks;
1 Ella
2 Cuando el destino
3 Entre copa y copa
4 Por un amor
5 Orgullosa y bonita
6 Tu, solo tu
7 La que sea
8 El rebeldePosted by Moosat 12:30 AMCategories
Corridos y Caballos Famosos
RCA Camden 1972