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Categorie archives: Apala
- Sunday April 9, 2023
Ayinla Omowura was without any education, worked as
blacksmith, driver, butcher, carpenter and park boy when
he was discovered by Adewole Alao Oniluola, who later
became his lead drummer. Ayinla worked with his superior
Haruna Ishola and Ayinde Barrister among others. Read his
Wikipedia page for further information. This is his vol. 5,
National Census 1973, get it and spread it while you can ..Eyin Ose’ Lu Wa
Nigeria Koni Baje
Ati d’Ariyo 1979
Omi Tuntun Tiru 1979
Volume 2 1971
Ire Wole De 1974
I.K. Dairo, Ayinla Omowura Remembered198001 – National census 1973
—- Owo ti baba se ti
—- Egbe ifelodun
—- Odowo ifa ejiogbe
—- Aiye nyi po
—- Jedijedi lonse won
02 – Asegbe
—- Salisu america
—- Egbe ilupeju
—-Adebayo omo ogundare
—- Alhaji obidairo
—- Olanrewaju ni tiPosted by Moosat 3:10 PMCategories
- Friday February 10, 2023
I received a request from LFRR to post an album with
Haruna Ishola and his Apala Group, it is self titled like
most of his records, on Star Records SRPS 21. Unfor-
tunalely I do not have that one. Instead I give you this
first volume of ‘In The 60’s’. This one comes from 1981
and appears on Afrodisia. I think it’s a good alternative
for as long as the requested elpee is not available.
Get it & spread it ..Ik kreeg het verzoek om een album van Haruna Ishola
te posten welke zich helaas niet in de verzameling bevindt.
Zelf getiteld zoals de meesten, SRPS 21. Daarvoor in de
plaats krijg je nu volume 1 van ‘In The 60’s’. Ik denk een
aardig alternatief zolang de andere niet beschikbaar is.
Deze is uit 1981 en komt uit op Afrodisia.
Haal binnen, luister en deel ..SRPS 16
Apala Songs 196201 – Gboti oloti le
—- Kolododo pe
—- Agbo ma biwon
—- Oska ranti ola
—- Awon ope ti ko leti orin
02 – Won so pe mo ku
—- Won se ko baje
—- Keep nigeria one
—- Owo ni fari
—- Pariboto riboto
—- Orin to mogbon waPosted by Moosat 8:35 AMCategories
- Sunday February 6, 2022
Today I want to introduce an Islamic type of Nigerian
music we haven’t heard here before. It appears to be
some kind of apala or fuji, only voices over drums. We
find Baba Eyin Oke and his Dadakuada Group. You can
read the wiki-page on ‘Dadakuada’ below. Listen ..Vandaag wil ik je een Islamitische muziekstijl uit Nigeria
laten horen die we hier nog niet eerder hadden. Het lijkt
op apala of fuji in mijn oren, slechts gezang en drums. We
vinden baba Eyin Oke and his Dadakuada Group. Je kunt
de wiki-pagina over ‘Dadakuada’ hieronder lezen, luister ..01 – Alihamudu lilahi
—- Irohin mecca
—- Alhaji mojeogbare
02 – Orelope
—- Asiko yi l’ e o mo wa ni baba orin
—- Ise oluwa kosi ninu boyaPosted by Moosat 11:31 AMCategories
- Monday November 15, 2021
This is Waida Ayinla Yusuf Gbogbolowo, better known as
Ayinla Omowura. Ayinla’s apala is hot here at the GG. His
album ‘Ire Wole De’ from 1974 is the download champion
with 3138 times. Over a thousand more than the number
two which is Arsenio Rodriguez’ album ‘Primitivo’. Ayinla
Omowura has five records here, no idea why ‘Ire Wole De’
has so much more downloads than his other records. The
second one is ‘Omi Tuntun Tiru with 1499 downloads.
One way or the other, this is great apala, deep talking
drum sound, don’t miss it ..Dit is Waida Ayinla Yusuf Gbogbolowo, beter bekend als
Ayinla Omowura. Ayinla’s apala is populair hier bij de GG.
Zijn album ‘Ire Wole De’ uit 1974 is de meest gedownloade
plaat hier met 3138 keer. Meer dan duizend maal vaker dan
de nummer twee, Arsenio Rodriguez’ ‘Primitivo’. Ayinla
Omowura heeft hier vijf, nu zes albums, geen idee waarom
‘Ire Wole De’ zo veel meer is gedownload dan de anderen.
De tweede is ‘Omi Tuntun Tiru’ met 1499 downloads. Hoe
dan ook, dit is heerlijke apala, diep zoemende
talking drum sound, niet te missen ..Memorial Band led by Dauda Omowura, Nigeria Koni Baje
Ati d’Ariyo 1979
Omi Tuntun Tiru 1979
Volume 2 1971
Ire Wole De 1974
I.K. Dairo, Ayinla Omowura Remembered 1980
All Apala Posts01 – Eyin ose’lu wa
—- Egbe omo bori-owo itoko
—- Oni songo lomo wo oseun
—- Alhaji ayinla ko’mo lade
02 – Obirin koyi kuro nie oko
—- Egbe ifelodun inisha
—- Orin nyi bi owo ago
—- Nwon se orisa kara o rowon
—- Ko si alaru ti o ru olumoPosted by Moosat 11:00 PMCategories
- Thursday September 24, 2020
It has little disturbance at the beginning of the record,
later it gets a lot better. Haruna Ishola comes in with
this 1975 album on Star Records. Stunning rhythms
on top of Haruna’s vocals, apala like it’s meant to be ..Star SRPS 23
Apala Songs 1962
All Apala
Discogs01 – Egbe fesojaiye (odogbolu)
—- Madoju tiwa baba loke
—- Eni nfere kowi oba oluwa ngbo
—- Ti a ba ri won ti ao baki won
—- Bowoluni kole pani
—- Ori sunmbare
02 – Late badejo okusanya
—- Aki pagun aki jegun
—- Eniti ko lowo to nso pe on yio joye
—- Adanitan ti danitan ki awon abanije tode
—- Adani magbagbe oba tiki seka
—- Ema tuwo ise oluwa niPosted by Moosat 8:02 AM - Tuesday December 24, 2019
Een van de meest gedownloade platen hier op de Global groove is
sinds een tijdje Ire Wole De van Ayinla Omowura and his Apala Group.
Reden temeer om je deze vandaag aan te bieden, enjoy ..One of the most downloaded albums here at the Global groove
nowadays is Iri Wole De by Ayinla Omowura and his Apala Group.
Reason the more to bring you this abum today, enjoy ..Ati d’Ariyo 1979
Omi Tuntun Tiru 1979
.. and his Apala Group Vol. 2 1971
ire Wole De 1974
Discogstracks ;
01 – Ape koto jeun konije ibaje
—- Alasuada aparada kia
—- Gbogbo alamu lo dobale
—- Ogun ajobo taxi drivers babalosha
02 – Okoja okere ninu oko kole kiniun jade ninu igbo
—- Nigeria koni baje
—- Adoji ti koba niwe ase koma lo
—- Egbe irawo egba ishagamuPosted by Moosat 3:49 PMCategories
- Sunday May 19, 2019
We openden de Apala, Fuji & Waka thema week met apala,
via fuji, waka, en weer fuji eindigen we vandaag weer met
apala. Haruna Ishola was met Ayinla Omowura de belangrijk-
ste apala ster. Hij maakte wel zo’n honderd platen waarvan
deze SRPS 23 op STAR. Lees meer over Alhaji Haruna Ishola
op de Wikipedia Haruna Ishola pagina.
Check ook zijn discografieWe opened our Apala, Fuji & Waka theme week with apala,
via fuji, waka, and more fuji we end it today with more apala.
Haruna Ishola was with Ayinla Omowura the most important
apala star. He made some hundred records of which today
this SRPS 23 on STAR records. Read more about Alhaji
Haruna Ishola on the Wikipedia Haruna Ishola page.
Also check his discographytracks ;
01 – Mba b’ejire mba yo
—–Ishola olugbuyi kuseju
—–Bi ‘taku oba ja
—–Saliu mayabikan
02 – Bi mo duro bi mo bere lo orin nso simi lokan
—–Olorire legbe wa
—–Ishola de elenpe od’osupa ti nmole kari aiye
—–Won nse kobaje didan lo ndanPosted by Moosat 12:41 PMCategories
- Monday May 13, 2019
Apala, Fuji & Waka Theme Week, day 1
Alhaji Ayinla Omowura & his Apala Group
“Ati d’Ariyo”, EMI 1979De laatste tijd zit ik volop in de Nigeriaanse muziek. Eerder
hadden we hier op de Global groove al een Nigerian Week.
Hierin kwamen juju, apala, fuji en highlife al aan de orde.
Later hadden we een week met in het bijzonder de Etsakor
en Afenmai highlife sound. De komende week staat vervol-
gens volledig in het teken van Apala, Fuji en Waka. Deze
stromingen staan bol van drums en percussie gecombineerd
met vokale hoogstandjes. Eerst was er apala, met artiesten
als Haruna Ishola en Ayinla Omowura. Daaruit kwam de fuji
voort, Ishola en Omowura waren van de eerste lichting en
werden opgevolgd door jongens als Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister
en Kollington Ayinla. Wasiu Ayinde Marshall was hot in
weer later stadium en in zijn slipstream Adewale Ayuba. Tij-
dens de jaren 80 kwam een mengeling van juju, fuji en tradi-
tionele Yoruba muziek in zwang die waka wordt genoemd.
Dames als Salawa Abeni en Alhaja Adijat Kubura Alaragbo,
Salawa Abeni werd de ‘Queen of Waka Music’ gedoopt.
Kortom, het belooft een week vol drumspektakel met een
vleugje Islam maar ook keihard dansgeweld, enjoy ..For quite a few months now I am caught up in Nigerian music.
On an earlier occasion we had a sole Nigerian Week here at the
Global Groove with juju, fuji, apala and highlife. Then later we
had a week with Etsakor and Afenmai highlife. The coming week
will be entirely dominated by apala, fuji and waka. These waves
are full of drums and percussion combined with vocal tours de
force. First there was apala, with artists like Harune Ishola and
Ayinla Omowura. Apala was followed by fuji, Ishola and Omowara
were the first, then came guys like Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister
and Kollington Ayinla. Wasiu Ayinde Mashall was hot in the late
eighties followed by for instance Adewale Ayuba. During the same
eighties waka music became popular, a mixture of juju, fuji and
traditional Yoruba music. Ladies like Salawa Abeni and Alhaja
Adijat Kubura Alaragbo, Salawa Abeni was crowned ‘Queen
of Waka Music’. In short, it will be a week full of drums with
a spark of Islam but also powerful dance vibes ..tracks ;
01 – Enirobisimi ibiaba
—–Borin nbo lenu kamadupe
—–Late joseph sowunmi
—–Elekotode orin owe
—–Aja meresa ayo ahon denu
—–Nibologba taori lode
02 – oro kan jemi logun ti mo fe so
—–Meso social circle mushin
—–Songo apa bata apa worowo
—–Atidariyo kari aiye
—–Konitan nigba osunPosted by Moosat 11:01 AMCategories
- Saturday May 11, 2019
We hadden al wat apala platen met Ayinla Omowura en onlangs
tijdens de Nigerian Week met Akanni Animashaun. Haruna Ishola
is een andere grote in het veld. Van hem hadden we nog niets
tot dusver. Meestal vind je zijn platen met op elke kant een lange
track. Op deze 10″ staan tien losse songs, mooi spul ..We had a couple of apala records so far with Ayinla Omowura and
recently during the Nigerian Week with Akanni Animashaun. Haruna
Ishola is another great artists in the field. We didn’t have any of his
albums yet. Mostly we find his records with one long track per side,
today’s 10″ has ten separate songs, decent stuff ..tracks ;
01 – Buraimo ayinde
02 – Orin a.n.g.r.d.
03 – Peganpegan
04 – Lamidi adedubu
05 – L.o.b. olarewaju
06 – Oriade wellington
07 – Won so pe moku
08 – Ominira wole
09 – Otanda olajubu
10 – Ika ko wunwonPosted by Moosat 8:56 AM - Tuesday March 12, 2019
In 1984 had ik nog geen idee van het bestaan van deze muziek.
Shanachie Records daarentegen was wel wakker. Zij lanceerden
deze sprankelende registratie van Akanni Animashaun en zijn
Apala Groep. De plaat is in top conditie en klinkt fris alsof hij
gisteren is opgenomen. Dit is er één om ingelijst te worden.
Gerrit, Henk, deze is voor jullie ..In 1984 I didn’t have the slightest knowledge of the existence
of this music. Shanachie Records however was wide awake and
launched this sparkling registration by Akanni Animashaun and
his Apala Group. The album is in mint condition and sounds fresh
like it was recorded yesterday. One to put in a golden frame ..tracks ;
01 – Ekun lo pe’ran ninu oko
—–Awon obinrin se mitinni kan
—–Ilu ki wa lai lolo’ri
—–Ohun wo le tun ma gbe jade ?
02 – Okete oni yin’bon solo’de
—–Ise goju ainde
—–Akanni de alawiye orin
—–Osteriti yi lePosted by Moosat 6:48 PMCategories
Vol. 5, National Census 1973
EMI 1973