May 11, 2019

Haruna Ishola and his Group – Apala Songs
Decca 1962

We hadden al wat apala platen met Ayinla Omowura en onlangs
tijdens de Nigerian Week met Akanni Animashaun. Haruna Ishola
is een andere grote in het veld. Van hem hadden we nog niets
tot dusver. Meestal vind je zijn platen met op elke kant een lange
track. Op deze 10″ staan tien losse songs, mooi spul ..

We had a couple of apala records so far with Ayinla Omowura and
recently during the Nigerian Week with Akanni Animashaun. Haruna
Ishola is another great artists in the field. We didn’t have any of his
albums yet. Mostly we find his records with one long track per side,
today’s 10″ has ten separate songs, decent stuff ..

tracks ;

01 – Buraimo ayinde
02 – Orin a.n.g.r.d.
03 – Peganpegan
04 – Lamidi adedubu
05 – L.o.b. olarewaju
06 – Oriade wellington
07 – Won so pe moku
08 – Ominira wole
09 – Otanda olajubu
10 – Ika ko wunwon


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  1. reservatory 13 May 2019 at 04:55 - Reply

    Many thanks for this, the earliest of the early Isholas.

  2. […] SRPS 23 Apala Songs 1962 All Apala Wiki […]

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