May 19, 2019

Apala, Fuji & Waka Theme Week, day 7
Haruna Ishola and his Apala Group

We openden de Apala, Fuji & Waka thema week met apala,
via fuji, waka, en weer fuji eindigen we vandaag weer met
apala. Haruna Ishola was met Ayinla Omowura de belangrijk-
ste apala ster. Hij maakte wel zo’n honderd platen waarvan
deze SRPS 23 op STAR. Lees meer over Alhaji Haruna Ishola
op de Wikipedia Haruna Ishola pagina.
Check ook zijn discografie

We opened our Apala, Fuji & Waka theme week with apala,
via fuji, waka, and more fuji we end it today with more apala.
Haruna Ishola was with Ayinla Omowura the most important
apala star. He made some hundred records of which today
this SRPS 23 on STAR records. Read more about Alhaji
Haruna Ishola on the Wikipedia Haruna Ishola page.
Also check his discography

tracks ;

01 – Mba b’ejire mba yo
—–Ishola olugbuyi kuseju
—–Bi ‘taku oba ja
—–Saliu mayabikan
02 – Bi mo duro bi mo bere lo orin nso simi lokan
—–Olorire legbe wa
—–Ishola de elenpe od’osupa ti nmole kari aiye
—–Won nse kobaje didan lo ndan


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  1. Anonymous 19 May 2019 at 15:16 - Reply

    Thank you! My favorite Apala artist!

  2. juanito 14 November 2021 at 20:15 - Reply

    What a trip!!!.. thru Holland Tunnel Drive via MusicRepublic I stumbled upon Yusufu Olatunji [The Great Sakara Singer] and this whole world collapsed.. no sound or rhythm will ever be the same..

    And now to find hours of this great APALA here @ Global Groove.. Haruna Ishola is the sjizzle fo sho’.

    I think i’m okay for a while… thanks!!!!


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