December 24, 2019

Alhaji Ayinla Omowura Memorial Band
led by Dauda Omowura – Nigeria Koni Baje
EMI Nemi LP 0577

Een van de meest gedownloade platen hier op de Global groove is
sinds een tijdje Ire Wole De van Ayinla Omowura and his Apala Group.
Reden temeer om je deze vandaag aan te bieden, enjoy ..

One of the most downloaded albums here at the Global groove
nowadays is Iri Wole De by Ayinla Omowura and his Apala Group.
Reason the more to bring you this abum today, enjoy ..

Ati d’Ariyo 1979
Omi Tuntun Tiru 1979
.. and his Apala Group Vol. 2 1971
ire Wole De 1974

tracks ;

01 – Ape koto jeun konije ibaje
—- Alasuada aparada kia
—- Gbogbo alamu lo dobale
—- Ogun ajobo taxi drivers babalosha
02 – Okoja okere ninu oko kole kiniun jade ninu igbo
—- Nigeria koni baje
—- Adoji ti koba niwe ase koma lo
—- Egbe irawo egba ishagamu


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  1. Stéphane 24 December 2019 at 16:27 - Reply

    File not found???Plase re-up for us.

  2. Anonymous 24 December 2019 at 17:21 - Reply

    File not found

  3. Lorenzo Teran 24 December 2019 at 18:17 - Reply

    It looks like there is a problem to download the file:
    “Download page
    File not found. ”

  4. Carl Howard 24 December 2019 at 21:20 - Reply

    Download file not found?

  5. Anonymous 24 December 2019 at 23:09 - Reply

    This page displayed “File Not Found”

    • Moos 24 December 2019 at 23:39 - Reply

      ok ok, it’s been solved ..

  6. Niyi 25 December 2019 at 00:30 - Reply

    Ha! All the commenters really come out when the download doesn’t work.

    • Moos 25 December 2019 at 08:48 - Reply

      .. hihi, and now it works there’s only you Niyi,
      as long as people enjoy the music, I’m fine with it,
      cheers ..

      • The Messers Proudhon, Bakunin and Kroptkin Kollectif 26 December 2019 at 14:27 - Reply

        What’s all this Christmas mumbojumbo then, eh?

        • Moos 26 December 2019 at 15:29 - Reply

          No hard feelings over here brother ..

          • Editing out your Christmas wishes comment renders our reply somewhat redundant! We were wondering whether your not so recent close encounter of the grim-reaping kind and your proclaimed re-evaluation of life, the universe and everything had set you on a slippery slope and that we could expect GG to start offering its avid fellowship such gems as Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion and Sir Cliff Richard’s My Favourite 100 Hymns Vols I – X.
            Only kidding of course.
            Have a great 2020, if we make it that far – with some of the imbeciles at the controls right now!!!I
            P.S. By the way, nothing wrong with Bach even though he was a bit deluded on the subject of Supreme Beings, cosmology and that sort of thing. He still had some great toons.

  7. gerrit 27 December 2019 at 18:22 - Reply

    Hee die Moos, lekker plaatje weer. Dauda is toch de neef van de toen overleden Ayinla? Weet niet waar ik dat vandaan haal,maar dat echoot zo in mijn hoofd, Apala is the best! “Shake it, don’t break it!” zou Baba Latief zeggen…

    Aju paraplu!

  8. paris 19 January 2020 at 17:57 - Reply

    haven’t heard this one of his but look forward – thank you!

  9. […] Memorial Band led by Dauda Omowura, Nigeria Koni Baje Ati d’Ariyo 1979 Omi Tuntun Tiru 1979 Volume 2 1971 Ire Wole De 1974 I.K. Dairo, Ayinla Omowura Remembered 1980 All Apala Posts […]

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