March 31, 2013

Los Corraleros de Majagual – ¡ Nos Fuimos !
Discos Fuentes 1975

Corraleros, front

Hello and good morning on this Easterday. I think it’s for the first
time we are having us a white Easter. Even with Chrsitmas we
had better weather, it’s cold and snowing on this 31st of march.
Spring just doesn’t realise we’re already entering april tomorrow.

Winter or spring, we play tropical music all year round so that
makes no difference. Today I’ll spoil you with some ‘Tropical de
Colombia’. From 1975 on Discos Fuentes de Medellin Colombia
we’ve got this wonderful album by Los Corraleros de Majagual.
This supergroup had relations with the most fantastic artists.
On this album alone we find Lisandro Meza, Eliseo Herrera,
Julio Erazo and Calixto Ochoa to name just a few. But they
also hosted Alfredo Gutierrez, Lucho Argain and Nacho
Paredes among many others. Great vocalists, hot
rhythmsection and horns, better don’t miss..


1   El vivo y el bobo
2   El pobre pollo
3   El bailador
4   Mosaico
–    Mata de caña
–    Trigueñita
–    La tombola
5   Mosaico
–    Spanish flea
–    La chichera
6   La burrita
7   Palma de coco
8   Mosaico
–    Cartagenera
–    La cola del diablo
–    El machorrito
–    Yo conozco a claudia
9   Pompo del 66
10  Charanga internacional



  1. abudaiyo 31 March 2013 at 23:22 - Reply

    This'll chase those wintery spring blues away! Thanks, Moos!

  2. vorbis 1 April 2013 at 10:41 - Reply

    so much quality passes through this web address and i just want to say thank you for that.

  3. BearNecessities 4 April 2013 at 12:10 - Reply

    this is excellent music thank you my freind!

  4. Anonymous 4 April 2013 at 19:19 - Reply

    Thank you!

  5. eric 13 April 2013 at 08:10 - Reply

    Great music!! Thanks!

  6. moos 17 April 2013 at 12:02 - Reply

    good, happy…

  7. […] and even Fruko. They had a string of hits and released quite a bunch of swell records. We had this one, and they appear on almost all my Colombian compilations. Just check the search option on the left. […]

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