October 5, 2022

Jamelão – O Autentico Jamelão (O Bom)
MusiColor 1970

Every once in a while we’ve got us some old and moody
Brazillian music. Today we find José Bispo Clementino
dos Santos, better known as Jamelão. He used to be the
official singer of the famous Mangueira Samba School
from 1949 to 2006. This album contains various samba
styles such as Samba Partido Alto, Samba Canção,
Samba-Médio and Samba de Duda ..

Eens in de zoveel tijd hebben we wat oude en stemmige
Braziliaanse muziek. Vandaag valt de beurt aan José Bispo
Clementino dos Santos, beter bekend als Jamelão. Hij was
de officiele zanger van de beroemde Mangueira Samba
School van 1949 tot 2006. Deze plaat bevat verschillende
samba stijlen zoals Samba Partido Alto, Samba Canção,
Samba-Médio and Samba de Duda ..


01 – Quem samba fica
02 – Matriz ou filial
03 – Na hora da raiva
04 – O teu fracasso
05 – Dúvida
06 – Estou p’ra dizer adeus
06 – Clareia ahi
08 – Sorriso de maldade
09 – Premeditação
10 – Que gelada
11 – Tenho chorado tanto
12 – Alô quem será


One Comment

  1. Sam 7 October 2022 at 22:44 - Reply

    Thanks for this. Can’t wait to listen. Jamelao is one of the greats. There is a terrific 3-disc retrospective, Jamelao: A Voz do Samba, available on Warner which offers the full range of this wonderful singer’s reportoire. He was a great puxador (carnival parade singer) and, at the same time, one of the great interpreters of Lupicinio Rodrigues, probably the best composer of samba cancao (romantic, bolero-style samba). Keep the good music coming!



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