September 5, 2008

Rail Band du Mali – Mélodias, Sonodisc 1976

If I look back on approximately 35 years of collecting records,
there was a certain period for every style. During the 80’s for
instance I had a few years, I searched for West-African music,
more than other styles. In those years I bought a lot of nice
gems, such like this one.

I can’t seem to find much information about this LP.
The backcover doesn’t tell a lot, neither does the Web.
Soundiata is probably sung by Mory Kanté, if you can tell
us more, please do !
Another crazy thing, the LP has 5 songs but cover and label
just know 4 songs !? What’s going on here ?


1 Soundiata
2 Mali tebaga mogoma
3 Maki
4 Armée Malienne
5 Mystery track


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  1. Anonymous 6 September 2008 at 10:55 - Reply

    Wow, wow, wow. Where else could I afford to listen to this rare disc. Thank you


  2. moos 6 September 2008 at 12:39 - Reply

    ever so welcome,
    stay tuned..

  3. moos 6 September 2008 at 12:39 - Reply

    ever so welcome,
    stay tuned..

  4. NGONI 6 September 2008 at 20:29 - Reply

    Rail Band discography is always difficult to understand, this fantastic album with this amazing drow,is a compilation of the first period.

    Curiously, the topic that I can not identify,is not the forgotten in the back of the folder.

    1.Soundiata (Salif Keita) 1970original source – Orchestre Rail-Band de Bamako. Bärenreiter-Musicaphon. BM 30 L 2606.

    2.Mali Tebaga Mogoma 5:54 (1972)(Salif Keita)
    original source – Melodias Rail Band du Mali. Kouma. KLP 1043. 33.3 rpm disc.

    3.Maki,Talksof the Maki Taara,Umar Tall´s son,probably edited before with other name,like Tara or similar,I thing I listen this tune before.

    4. Armee Mali (Alternative version, Tatine Dembele, Orchestre Municipal de San) 1973

    5.Armee Malienne – Kouma 1043 (Fanta Damba on vocals)

    You can check it, listening on the sternsmusic web in :

  5. NGONI 6 September 2008 at 20:29 - Reply

    Rail Band discography is always difficult to understand, this fantastic album with this amazing drow,is a compilation of the first period.

    Curiously, the topic that I can not identify,is not the forgotten in the back of the folder.

    1.Soundiata (Salif Keita) 1970original source – Orchestre Rail-Band de Bamako. Bärenreiter-Musicaphon. BM 30 L 2606.

    2.Mali Tebaga Mogoma 5:54 (1972)(Salif Keita)
    original source – Melodias Rail Band du Mali. Kouma. KLP 1043. 33.3 rpm disc.

    3.Maki,Talksof the Maki Taara,Umar Tall´s son,probably edited before with other name,like Tara or similar,I thing I listen this tune before.

    4. Armee Mali (Alternative version, Tatine Dembele, Orchestre Municipal de San) 1973

    5.Armee Malienne – Kouma 1043 (Fanta Damba on vocals)

    You can check it, listening on the sternsmusic web in :

  6. moos 6 September 2008 at 22:48 - Reply

    That answers my questions Ngoni,
    thanks for commenting on this one !

  7. moos 6 September 2008 at 22:48 - Reply

    That answers my questions Ngoni,
    thanks for commenting on this one !

  8. pasi 12 September 2008 at 17:37 - Reply

    Big thanks! Very nice music and hard to find.

  9. pasi 12 September 2008 at 17:37 - Reply

    Big thanks! Very nice music and hard to find.

  10. Anonymous 12 December 2008 at 12:08 - Reply


    the best site for all Mali and Guinea discographies is:

    A wealth of info.

  11. Anonymous 12 December 2008 at 12:08 - Reply


    the best site for all Mali and Guinea discographies is:

    A wealth of info.

  12. Anonymous 13 July 2012 at 02:27 - Reply

    I seem to have missed this album! It looks awesome – is there any chance for a re-up?

  13. Anonymous 13 July 2012 at 02:27 - Reply

    I seem to have missed this album! It looks awesome – is there any chance for a re-up?

  14. Anonymous 13 July 2012 at 02:38 - Reply

    Oops, sorry, I just saw your link about re-up requests. My apologies, and thanks again for your amazing contributions!

  15. Anonymous 13 July 2012 at 02:38 - Reply

    Oops, sorry, I just saw your link about re-up requests. My apologies, and thanks again for your amazing contributions!

  16. Anonymous 20 April 2013 at 15:38 - Reply

    Thanks for keeping doing this Moss, looking forward for the new site, can't wait to listen to this album!

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