December 19, 2008

Riachao, Batatinha e Panela – Samba da Bahia, Fontana 1978

Ever since I heard this album, I’m a fan of Riachao, he’s got
such a pleasant voice. And his sambas are just delightful.
He can easily be seen next to Nelson Cavaquinho or Cartola.
One of Brasil’s greatest ‘Sambistas’.
Batatinha and Panela deserve to be on this album too
but my attention goes out to the A-side.


1 Riachao – Vou chegando
2 Riachao – Fúfú
3 Riachao – Terra hospitaleira
4 Riachao – Cada macaco no seu galho
5 Riachao – Pitada de tabaco
6 Riachao – Ousado e mosquito
7 Riachao – Até amanha
8 Batatinha – Diplomacia
9 Batatinha – Ministro do samba
10 Batatinha – Inventor do trabalho
11 Batatinha – Direito de sambar
12 Panela – Nao suje meu caixao
13 Panela – O patrao é meu pandeiro


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  1. J Thyme...kind 21 December 2008 at 07:41 - Reply

    Thank You Moos.

  2. J Thyme...kind 21 December 2008 at 07:41 - Reply

    Thank You Moos.

  3. Prof. S.B 16 December 2009 at 00:14 - Reply

    awesome… thanks a lot!

  4. Prof. S.B 16 December 2009 at 00:14 - Reply

    awesome… thanks a lot!

  5. Lucas Lolli 9 April 2011 at 00:25 - Reply

    muitas vezes obrigado!

  6. Lucas Lolli 9 April 2011 at 00:25 - Reply

    muitas vezes obrigado!

  7. Gilmar 13 February 2017 at 18:53 - Reply

    Great job, thanks :) I was listen ‘O ouro e a madeiira” sung by Ederaldo Gentil and try get something of “Samba da Bahia”. I’m lucky and remember times of “Sombarato” :)

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