June 24, 2009

Théo Blaise Kounkou – Ça c’est la vie, TBK

Theo Blaise Kounkou, front

Last year I already posted a couple of Théo Blaise albums, he is
the Congolese singer with the sweetest voice. This one waited on the
postingplile way too long but today it has finally found
it’s way to you, enjoy it.


1 Ça c’est la vie
2 Rose na ngaï
3 M’bana
4 Nyelenga


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One Comment

  1. […] Ça c’est la Vie Nadia Soleil 1984 Célia Zenaba 1981 Bella Amicha 1981 Zenaba (different cover) with André Kinzonzi 1983 with Jean Raph Loumbet with Bopol & Syran 1987 with Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1975 with David Diambouana, Féfé with Bopol Mansiamina 1982 with African All Stars, les Champions with David Diambouana, Mama Cathie […]

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