October 19, 2014

Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel –
Bateria Nota 10, vol. 3, Top Tape 1972

Mocidade Independente, front

Good morning groovers, this sunday we’ll make another trip
to Brazil. As some of you know, lp’s on Top Tape are not easy
to find. This one was still waiting for it’s turn to get posted.
Some time ago we had this one and now here’s volume
three. Batucada is very hot, rhythms, rhythms and some strings
and cuícas, just the thing to shake up your sunday afternoon.
Listen once more to Padre Miguel and his Mocidade Independente.

Presta atenção galera, temos mais um disco de batucada gostosa.
É uma raridade quente que você não quer que falta na sua coleção.
Pega, escouta e disfruta ese pedaço de música que vão gostar demais.


1 Miscelânea de ritmo
2 Choro de cavaquinho
3 Embalando a moçada
4 Curtição de tamborim
5 Requebrando na avenida
6 Esquentando a galera


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  1. Moos 19 October 2014 at 10:52 - Reply

    This is volume three from 1972 and the other ‘Bateria Nota 10’ without volume number is from 1975, a bit confusing don’t you think ? One way or the other, enjoy..

  2. ELHADJI MAMADOU NDIAYE 20 October 2014 at 23:22 - Reply

    i am an old member .je suis un ancien utilisateur de global groove et je suis tres heureux de vous retrouver.Tout mon materiel (ordinateur disques vinyls cds …)m’a ete volé apres une longue absence. J’aimerai redevenir membre.merci et a bientot

    • ELHADJI MAMADOU NDIAYE 20 October 2014 at 23:26 - Reply

      Je suis ancien utilisateur de GLOBAL et je suis de retour apres une longue absence.Je voudrais reprendret m’inscrire a nouveau

  3. ELHADJI MAMADOU NDIAYE 20 October 2014 at 23:28 - Reply

    thank you a’am very happy to reenjoy you

  4. […] Mocidade Independenrte de Padre Miguel, Bateria Nota 10, vol. 3 1972 Mocidade Independenrte de Padre Miguel, Bateria Nota 10 1975 Paulinho e sua Bateria 1966 mereiles y sua Orquesta, Brazillian Beat, vol. 2 1967 […]

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