April 24, 2018

Docteur Nico et Les Redoutables – Aux USA
Africa New Sound 1985


Docteur Nico staat altijd garant voor instrumentale hoogstandjes.
Ook op deze elpee met Les Redoutables stelt hij ons niet teleur.
Uit 1985 en opgenomen in de verenigde staten..

Docteur Nico always guarantees some solid  instrumental
highlights. On this album with Les Redoutables he does not
dissapoint us. from 1985 and recorded in the USA..

01 – Aimons les vieux
02 – Qui est serieux
03 – Liberté de choix
04 – Lome loningisa


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  1. Mouhamadou 24 April 2018 at 20:21 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. This was quite an unexpected surprise. Speaking of Les Redoutables, do you have the one that Pamelo Mounk’a made? I believed it was called Showman. Is this also the last LP that Docteur Nico did before his passing?

  2. matata 24 April 2018 at 23:22 - Reply

    good music, thanks

  3. Anonymous 25 April 2018 at 06:18 - Reply

    I am not a music writer or a historian but here some feelings from somebody who had the change to meet a lot of Congolese people. First I Love le docteur’s music. When I was in Congo in the mid eighties after Dr.Nico’s death I did not know much about Congolese rumba. So did I think that Franco was the main inventor of guitar based rumba. When I said once that I did not understand why Franco was not really known in the rest of the world because of his guitar skills , a lot of people agreed but added immediately that Nico should not be forgotten. I remember very well that one man stated that Nico was way better then Franco with a good part of the group agreeing. Franco developed a guitar play based on traditional likembe patterns while Nico managed to develop a more cuban like guitar play mixed with Congolese traditional music. Nico was somebody who understood music. His influence on modern Congolese music can not be exagerated. He had what we now call a vision about how modern music needed to sound. He managed to give the listener the real feeling that it was a very modern cultural expression of a proud , young and independant nation. Rik

  4. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 16 May 2018 at 09:33 - Reply

    This album was not recorded in the U.S.A. it was recorded in Togo after this album Doctuer Nico went to America to get medical treatment.

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