February 15, 2019

l’African Record Center présente
le Prince Youlou Mabiala et le Kamikaze Loningisa
Leo??? Utataaaya!!! , Tchika 1985


If Franco was king, his son in law was prince. ..and that’s how it
was meant to be one fine day in the past. Here’s another great
Congolese album by le Prince Youlou Mabiala with his Kamikaze
Loningisa, on Tchika Records from 1985. We had about 13 of his
records so far, never enough of his wonderful music though,
enjoy Leo?? Utataaaya!!!

Als Franco de koning was, was zijn schoonzoon de prins. ..en dat
is hoe ze het bedoelde op een mooie dag lang geleden. Hier is nog
zo’n heerlijke plaat door le Prince Youlou Mabiala en zijn Kamikaze
Loningisa, op Tchika Records en uit 1985. We hadden reeds zo’n 13
elpees van zijn hand, genoeg krijgen we echter nooit van
zijn muziek, enjoy Leo?? Utataaaya!!!

tracks ;

01 – Beyouna
02 – Clara
03 – Mayi ya nkamba
04 – Mousawa


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 25 February 2019 at 14:03 - Reply

    Hey Moos how are you I wanted to ask do you have this album?

    • Moos 25 February 2019 at 16:32 - Reply


      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 25 February 2019 at 16:46 - Reply

        Thanks Moos

        • Moos 25 February 2019 at 17:57 - Reply

          I am fine btw, thanks Harris ..

  2. […] Leo?? Utataaaya!!! 1985 M’Bata Judoka 1983 Karibu 1983 with Judith Maïsso 1987 Etabe Mofude 1983 Couper-Soucis 1984 1×2=Mabé 1984 Les Trois Frères La B.C.C. 100% de Pourcentage Carte Postale 1983 Loufoulakari 1985 Mon Avocat a Voyagé et l’orchestre Kamikaze Franco Présente .. 1981 […]

  3. […] Leo?? Utataaaya!!! 1985 M’Bata Judoka 1983 Karibu 1983 with Judith Maïsso 1987 Etabe Mofude 1983 Couper-Soucis 1984 1×2=Mabé 1984 Les Trois Frères La B.C.C. 100% de Pourcentage Carte Postale 1983 Loufoulakari 1985 Mon Avocat a Voyagé et l’orchestre Kamikaze Franco Présente .. 1981 […]

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