May 27, 2021

Afric Music et les Editions I.S.A. présentent:
Tabu Ley Seigneur Rochereau
Rythme: Soum Geye
Afric’Music 1980

Lately we’ve seen various records with Tabu Ley Rochereau.
Some live, some studio, one way or the other, Rochereau’s
music and sublime singing always find a happy listening
ear. The double album we have for you today is a splendid
one. The greatest singers and instrumentalists were brought
together for this 1980 recording. It sounds like it’s
been made yesterday. Enjoy listening ..

We hadden de laatste weken verschillende platen met Tabu
Ley Rochereau. Sommige live, sommige uit de studio. Hoe
dan ook, Rochereau’s muziek en mooie stemgeluid vinden
altijd blije luisteraars. Het dubbel album dat we vandaag
voor je hebben is een zeer goede. De beste zangers en
instrumentalisten zijn bijeen gebracht voor deze
1980 opnamen. Het klinkt alsof ze gisteren
zijn opgenomen ..

LP 1
01 – Tant que je l’aime (Tabu Ley)
02 – Maindo moussa (Tabu Ley)
03 – Ndaya la sitoula (Kwami Munsi)
04 – Inutile balobaka (Dino Vangu)
05 – Kakola bolingo (Kiesse Diambu)
Lp 2
06 – Bawela bomengo (tour du zaïre)(Tabu Ley)
07 – Coup de marteau (Tabu Ley)
08 – Linda soleil (Kwamy Munsi)
09 – Balingaka ndenge nini (Mekanisi-Modero)


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  1. Dennis 27 May 2021 at 13:28 - Reply

    Hi Moos – thanks for recent Tabu Ley crackers. You think you’ve got everything then something new comes along. I read somewhere he is the most recorded artist, don’t know if that’s true. Wanted to let you know I’ve been having lots of OCD fun with your old 7×7″ downloads – splitting them into singles & digging out artwork – wiles away the hours happily – thanks for all the material, and all your work over the years. You’re always my 1st port of call on a trawl.

    • Moos 27 May 2021 at 13:51 - Reply

      Nice to hear you’re enjoying yourself
      Dennis, exactly what it’s meant to
      cause. Trawl on and stay tuned.
      I’ll make some other 7×7″ soon.
      Don’t forget to share again ..

      • Dennis 28 May 2021 at 10:11 - Reply

        Have the record fairs started again yet over your way?

        Looking forward to future 7×7″

        • Moos 29 May 2021 at 00:19 - Reply

          ‘fraid not, I guess the first
          fair will be in november
          this year. Patience is
          a virtue ..

  2. Ian Franey 27 May 2021 at 16:31 - Reply

    I think Franco released slightly more but who’s counting. What a dynamic duo indeed. What an oeuvre. What a find! Bedank

  3. paul 1 June 2021 at 05:06 - Reply

    Fantastic album selection, some very lovely tunes/songs here, thanks moos

  4. David Noyes 7 June 2021 at 20:28 - Reply

    Great album. I’ve been playing mine for many years.

  5. Mazz 29 August 2021 at 00:15 - Reply

    Moos we have a problem. Everytime I click on the download link, it goes to another page without downloading. Please fix when you have the chance. Would love to listen. Cheers!

    • Moos 29 August 2021 at 14:46 - Reply

      Better read the instructions on top of my page ..

  6. […] Rythme: Soum Geye 1980 Rochereau à l’Olympia vol. 2 1971 Seigneur Ley on Tour 1978 Tabu Ley lance Faya Tess 1987 Mbilia Bel et Rochereau, Contre Ma Volonté 1987 Mazé Le Seigneur Rochereau 1970 Belle Epoque vol. 2 1984 with Dechaud & Mizele, Merveilles du Passé 1963 1987 Rochereau à Abidjan vol. III 1980 Rochereau à Abidjan vol. II 1980 Rochereau à Abidjan vol. I 1980 with Depuissant, Dechaud, izedi & Mujos, Merveilles du Passé 1962 1963 1986 En Amour y a Pas de Calcul 1982 with African Fiesta National le Peuple Rochereau vol. 5 1982 Kwamy Nico Rochereau, Merveilles du Passé 1965 1984 with Afrisa International, african 360.127, Tabu Ley 1979 Rochereau à l’Olympia 1971 Nico, Rochereau & Izedi, Merveilles du Passé 1962 1963 1986 le Seigneur Rochereau, Sonafric 50 004 Tango Ya Ba Vieux Kalle no. 2 1969 african 360.040 1972 Rochereau vol. 6 1982 l’Afrique Danse no. 4 1969 dans la Musique Congolaise de Variétés 1970 with Pamelo Mounk’a & Mbilia Bel, 20 Ans de Carrière 1983 with Mbilia Bel, Eswi Yo Wapi 1983 with Sam Mangwana, Belle Epoque vol. IV 1985 with Sam Mangwana, Belle Epoque vol. III 1985 with Kalé & Ndombe Pépé Merveilles du Passé no. 4 1969 Rochereau vol. 4 1980 with l’Orchestre Afrisa 1973 Belle Epoque vol. 1 Rochereay Tabu ley, featuring Mbilia Bel 1984 with Franco, l’Evenement à Paris Tabu Ley in America 1984 African Fiesta, Music from Zaïre African Fiesta, Authenticité vol. 2 African Party vol. 1 1968 Michelino & Franco with Rochereau 1984 Succes d’Hier 1969 Tabu ley canta Nyboma 1986 Tabu ley & Orchestre Afrisa 1974 Mbilia Bel, Faux Pas 1983 Orchestre Afrisa International 1975 with Sam Mangwana, Mose-Konzo Mbilia Bel, Keyna/Cadence Mudanda 1984 Tabu Ley & Mbilia Bel, La Beauté d’une Femme 1985 Mbilia Bel, Beyanga 1987 Boybanda Michel with Tabu ley Mbilia Bel, Ba Gerants Ya Mabala 1984 Mbilia Bel, Boya Ye 1985 […]

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