June 25, 2021

Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux
Celluloid 1982

Okay, one more. When I put this elpee on the turntable
it was impossible to resist, I just had to post it. The opening
tunes are irresistible. This album is with Salif Keïta, Sambou
Diakité and Ousmane Kouyate and the rest of Les
Ambassadeurs. Get, spread and listen ..
(hope you like a little key-solo)

Vooruit, nog eentje dan. Toen ik deze op de draaitafel legde
kon ik niet weerstaan hem te posten. De openings noten
zijn daar gewoon te mooi voor. Op deze plaat wordt Salif Keïta
vergezeld door Sambou Diakité en Ousmane Kouyate en
de rest van Les Ambassadeurs. Luister zelf ..
(een kleine key-solo neem je op de
koop toe ..)

01 – Djougouya
02 – Wassolon-fôli
03 – Bara wililé
04 – Mandjougoulon


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  1. Mouhamadou F Ndiaye 25 June 2021 at 10:24 - Reply

    Thanks for these 2 LPs. This one was released after Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux with the late Kanté Manfila split

    This was the Salif Keita version of Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux. This is a great record with all styles (Reggae, Rock, Pop).

    The first track is just beautiful and my favorite remains Bara Willé

  2. Issa 25 June 2021 at 16:15 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for all these great posts on “Ambassadeurs Internationaux” in particular, and Mandingo Music in general.
    All the best

  3. ngoni 27 June 2021 at 16:28 - Reply

    Truly you have understood the spirit of the message, you needed to post the album, Bara willilé is a hymn to the activity “do not cry for poverty, get up and work”.
    I had this album, but nothing to do with this wonderful rip, it’s like being with the musicians, what a pleasure!
    How much good you do us Moos !!

    If anyone knows the lineup, on this album, please share.
    Also on the vinyl note and cover (SEEL- MINS – DOUGA), (Mins Soel Douga), Sambou Diakité (father of the recently disappeared Alpha Diakité) the composer of the album, was known as Mins.

  4. ngoni 27 June 2021 at 22:33 - Reply

    After a pleasant and satisfactory listening to this beautiful album, I can assure you that I only found Salif Keitá in the cover photo ……….. (:

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