July 17, 2022

Olé do Partido Alto – Various Artists
Tapecar 1974

Uit 1974 komt deze plaat met diverse samba artiesten.
Dit is zo’n album dat je op je zomer avond feestjes goed
kunt inzetten. De sfeer slaat direct over en dansen is
gegarandeerd. Samba van de bovenste plank dus.
Een zwoele nacht, wat drankjes en je party
staat als een huis ..

From 1974 we’ve got this record which features various
samba artists. It is the type of album you can really use for
your summer night parties. The contageous atmosphere
will hit instantly and dancing is guaranteed. Samba from
the top shelf, a sultry summer night, a couple of
drinks and your party stands firm ..


Partido Alto posts

01 – Roque do Pla – Parece bebé
02 – Wilson Moreira – Madrugada afora
03 – Walter da Imperatriz – Minha nega foi embora
04 – Everaldo da Viola – Senhora ( tema do partido)
05 – Everaldo da Viola – Você ta inchado
06 – Roque do Pla – Mulher de bigode, comigo não
07 – Ary do Cavaco – Se o rei não quer
08 – Ary do Cavaco – Zé trocado
09 – Aluisio Machado – Sou gente, homem !
10 – Catoni – Quero ver você negar
11 – Mano Decio da Viola – Pancada de amor não doi
12 – Roque do Pla – Se você me aceitar


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