May 28, 2008

Beth Carvalho – de pé no chao,RCA Victor 1978

One of Beth Carvalho’s finest recordings to my opinion,
it sounds clear and warm, an RCA Victor that deserves to be.
A real treasure for samba lovers.


1 Vou festejar
2 Visual
3 O Isaura
4 Marcando bobeira
5 Meu caminho
6 Goiabada-cascao
7 Você, eu e a orgia
8 Lenço
9 Passarinho
10 Linda borboleta
11 Que sejam bem-vindos
12 Agoniza mas nao morre


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  1. J Thyme...kind 31 May 2008 at 22:01 - Reply

    This look fantastic Moos. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous 17 June 2008 at 15:05 - Reply

    Thanks for all this so cool music!

  3. moos 17 June 2008 at 21:19 - Reply

    very welcome..

  4. J Thyme...kind 18 June 2008 at 07:03 - Reply


  5. J Thyme...kind 18 June 2008 at 19:12 - Reply

    Moos, This is everything one could expect from a great Samba session. Beth gets the DELUXE RCA treatment here. Bravo! Great post.

  6. moos 18 June 2008 at 19:19 - Reply

    Thanks Justin,
    I totally agree..

  7. Matheus Colen 23 October 2008 at 17:22 - Reply

    In this album, Beth Carvalho worked with a very traditional group of samba. She meet these guys, and get loved with they style to make samba.

    The name of group is “Fundo de Quintal”. Beth help they to start a carreer with this album.

    They have more than 35 years dedicated for music and samba!

    It’s genuine brazilian music!!

    Ps: Sorry, my english is very bad!!

  8. Anonymous 9 November 2010 at 21:00 - Reply

    Hi Moos, This link hasn’t been converted to Mediafire and it has been deleted from Rapidshare as well…..

  9. Anonymous 29 January 2011 at 01:47 - Reply

    Hey Moos! would you please put a new download link? The link seems to not be working… Please?!?!?! =D Thank you.

  10. […] de Carvalho op 72 jarige leeftijd. Tot dusver hadden we van haar; Nos Botequins da Vida uit 1977 en de Pé no Chão uit 1978, vandaag haar vierde album ‘Pandeiro e Viola uit […]

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